The beauty of rose. Hope you will like it.
I took these roses from the flower garden of my Auntie's residence.
- White rose
- Red rose
^_^ Selfie ^_^
Nice photos!
Thank you <3
I'm no professional photographer but when I shoot flowers on my mobile phone, I prefer to have the whole flower in the frame mostly. For example, if one flower, then the one flower is in the frame and if three flowers, then the full three is in the frame. Sometimes, when I'm focus on specific one of part of one, then I break this own rule. It's quite difficult when there's bit of wind and sometimes ended with 10 shots just to select the one good one but at least modern digital photography allow that to happen. :-)
Good tips for taking pics of flowers.
Thank you for appreciating my photos <3
You can also use wire and clips to hold them in place (doesn't work if there is a strong breeze though). There is a particular device designed just for photography that you can buy that does this - I can't remember it's name but I have one somewhere.
Thanks for this comment. I'm digging out the McGyver clip I was given from recent show promotion.
I'm cheap. :-)