in #pic10007 months ago

In a room adorned with memories,
An aged woman sits, lost in reverie.
Upon the table, a scene so serene,
Lamp and candles cast a gentle sheen.

With hands cradling her chin so wise,
She gazes beyond, where the moonlight lies.
Bouquets of flowers, a fragrant grace,
Adorning the table, a tender embrace.

Petals scattered, a silent ballet,
On the floor, they quietly lay.
An alarm clock rests, time's silent song,
Its hands move not, where memories throng.

Beside her, a faithful companion in fur,
A loyal dog, in the stillness, demure.
With eyes that mirror tales untold,
As time ticks by, both young and old.

In the quiet darkness, a waiting tune,
As the full moon whispers tales of the moon.
She sits in solitude, a patient stare,
A love once promised, suspended in the air.

Through the window, the moon's soft glow,
A sentinel to the tales of long ago.
Each flickering candle tells a story,
Of moments shared in the realm of glory.

Yet shadows dance, and time unwinds,
A love lost in the echoes of her mind.
The flowers weep, the moon keeps track,
Of a heart that longs, but won't look back.


Wow. This is such a beautiful and well thought out poem. I'm almost tempted to ask how you managed to get your words out so perfectly. Either way, Kudos to you!

I write poems, beside all you have to do is list all what you see in the picture and pick it one at a time, just dance words.

Love lost, it's always so sad for one to find love and then loose it for one reason or the other. Very unfortunate.

Yeah it seems like the woman have been waiting for long and time is not on her side.

A very beautiful poetry on love and then loss. Love is a beautiful thing and loosing it is like loosing an integral part of ourselves.

Yeah we might loss our sanity in the process of finding it back.

The Moon's soft glow has a way of bringing to light, very harsh realities of life. I'm sure this old woman reminisces on this night, her story of love and the tragedy of her loss.

Yeah, regret has seems to be her companion through the night, and the soft glow of the moon has made the situation more emotional.

I like what you wrote but used about 6 AI checkers. Since I do think it's in the line with your writing style, I don't see any poems, I will ignore the results of 3 AI text checkers after all AI copies from real writers.

Thanks for joining pic1000 👍

Please, keep in mind this is an engagement contest.