lol yeah were getting reiduclous, and yeah its still funny, not poorly executed, its just people take stuff too seriously, if u cant joke about everything then ur being to serious, we live ion postmodern times, we comand el;ectrons and we have to laugh about this shit and were gonan amke jokes about it because were not like in teh same room with dead kids, were online talking about stuff, whatever man
As a matter of being formally 'polite' & helping the 'uninitiated', maxout7 should use * /sarc * to dispel any doubts.
lol yeah were getting reiduclous, and yeah its still funny, not poorly executed, its just people take stuff too seriously, if u cant joke about everything then ur being to serious, we live ion postmodern times, we comand el;ectrons and we have to laugh about this shit and were gonan amke jokes about it because were not like in teh same room with dead kids, were online talking about stuff, whatever man