Roger Stone Tweets That General Michael Flynn Has List Of Top Level Pedophiles

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

Stone also asserts in his tweet that the list will decimate the deepstate- guess why? Because the deepstate just so happen to be Luciferian Pedos on BOTH sides of the aisle.


Never make an announcement like that unless you or the person in question is going to follow through on it. So often the M.O. is to throw out a suggestion and then never back it up with the proof. I am getting tired of that. If you bring it up, then bring it out.

Thanks for writting out the same I was thinking. I am also tired of hearing someone will do this and that but at the end still the situation is the same or worst!

Exactly! I hope they will take some action this time.

Everybody gets a 1 cent upvote from me , just for commenting on this story, because itys very important! thank you @thelightreports

I dont think it will happen,but i hope im wrong

These revelations are so overdue. keep praying everybody!

Great Story, as usual.

Why don't they just release the list, if they really have it?
Why would anyone take the risk of having a list that can possibly destroy lifes of very powerful people and not publish it, before he gets shot down? Well, maybe they don't have this list after all.


Leverage is just another word for blackmail.

Politics, in other words, as usual.

We will never see this list, if it even exists.


If he has them then they should be releas3d asap. Im tired of all these "we're going to bust the ring wide open" talk. Just do it already.

I'll believe it when I see it. If Flynn had such a list, would he be under investigation? Or in jail on trumped up charges? And, Roger Stone would disappear. He's an Info Wars guy, and Alex Jones has been promising this great awakening for years.

I wonder what history will show 15-20years from now... is Trump the catalyst that kicks off a mass awakening. At this point, I believe that his role in this is greater than anyone can comprehend yet.

From : "Roger Jason Stone Jr. (born August 27, 1952) is an American political consultant,[2] lobbyist, and strategist, noted for his use of opposition research usually for candidates of the Republican Party"
Seems to me like a description / tl;dr of a professional POS.

I don't care who the messenger is as long as the information is legit.

But what if the history of the messenger gives a thick clue about the information being a lie?

Wikipedia is compromised. Its a con-man who tells the truth on the 99% of stuff which doesn't count, and tells lies on the 1% of stuff which is critically important. I didn't want to reach that conclusion, but the consistent evidence is too obvious.

So what are Roger Stone's "real" C.V? What did he "really" do so far in his life that brought media attention to his tweets?

Also upvoted and resteemed

lol i assumed the green in ur avatar was a pepe of some sort

Up voted and rEsteemed! Let's hope the list get's posted on SteemIt.

YES because styeemit is the new wikileaks! if big companies want to flagg a post on steemit theyll have to buy steempower and even if they do that we will counteract their upvotes with our upvotes my the numbers, and also we can just collectively fuck over anyone whop wants to busy pizzagate news, by flagging any post they make forever!

Also the witneses can go in and manually steal the steem from an acount of some person trying to come in buy steempower to censor pizzagate lists, heh that would make steemit look back but i just want to have traps ready and set, hah im going ovrbaord that wontw ork

BUT YEAH man it would be so cool to have information on steemit so people CANNOT EVER delete it! then everyone will wanna be on steemit

we need to advertise steemit as CENSORSHIP FRE platform FIRST and PAID to blog Second...because people just give these nasty childish immature responses to me teling them about steem , with "Well that sounds liek a scam to me, getting paid to upvote? Sounds dumb" and its like NO man, the pay is BONUS u hould just see it as a BPOCKCHAIN SOCIAL MEDIA FIRST and foremost but peopel will always hone in on the money aspect even when they trash talking it lol

About time we get some traction on this pedophile shit. Stone just laid it all out so I wonder if the release is coming soon?

Gosh I hope he doesn't release it. I don't know what i would do if i didn't work in government.

that is the most horrid thing ever.. So selfish. You care about your job more than catching pedos? Wow.

dude he was joking! it was sarcasm! i notice a lot of christians seem to be naiive and falof internet trolling al the time (not that @maxout7 was beinga troll at all) and we need to fucking harden our hearts and read things twice! of we make ourselves look folish when we attack someone for teling ajoke, and it gos ovr our heads,

hardly a joking subject, and obviously executed poorly.

As a matter of being formally 'polite' & helping the 'uninitiated', maxout7 should use * /sarc * to dispel any doubts.

lol yeah were getting reiduclous, and yeah its still funny, not poorly executed, its just people take stuff too seriously, if u cant joke about everything then ur being to serious, we live ion postmodern times, we comand el;ectrons and we have to laugh about this shit and were gonan amke jokes about it because were not like in teh same room with dead kids, were online talking about stuff, whatever man

^^^^Please See Above. Thank You.^^^^

Please, please, please show us the list.

mabey, just mabey this accounts for the numerous children that were said to be missing in Washington D.C. recently.

1.8 million globally each year. DC is a drop in the bucket.

I was thinking the only way to defeat deepstate would be to start WWIII and have Putin nuke DC with every ICBM in his arsenal (after we got the good folks out first, of course). But, it looks like this list will do the job even better - Hallelujah!

NICE This is awesome!

My mom is surf friends with Flynns Sister and I got to meet her when she came to my house and tell her I supported trump and Flynn and this was all before trump even got elected and she told me about nice their upbringing and hometown was and how were going to go back to Americana and the book he wrote etc etc it was cool, what are the chances, well, after meeting her its obvious that Flynn is also a good person, they crucified him in the Media which is not fair to him as many people still believe the Mainstream media

Anyway this will be Flynn's revenge hahahahaha even tho he is more mature than to want revenge, im sure he is a little angry at how they dragged his good name through the mud after all of his service to this country, and so now its personal, and there will be a war against pedophiles soon, and sure many other sexual deviants will get caught in the cross fire, but we cannot allow sexual degenerates to be in any sort of position of power period. Imagine if you allowed some BDSM person as Mayor of even a small town, they would keep women in their sex dungeon and get off on their power SEXUALLY and theres no way around it! Fifty Shades of Rape

hey i wanted to show u guys this CRAZY ad i just found, theyre seriously telling kids now "Scientists proive doing drugs makes u more popular"

just more degradation of society lol

Honestly- I had a feeling he'd be back : )

Thanks For Share.

It's hard NOT to agree with Lola! And at the same time, timing is everything, I have full faith there is an elaborate and important plan in action to eradicate this pedo insanity. It must be done well and carefully to ensure success. Thank God for everyone persisting and battling this! Let the healing begin. This has been a trauma on the human psyche for far too long..

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Yeah I know- I'm wondering what's going on these days - my posts as of late aren't receiving SQUAT in value- have no idea why. And this post for instance, at this point, has been seen by 121 and upvoted by only 42. Really? Only 1/3 of the views? Often times a post can get more upvtes than views- certainly not the case here.

Why the #Netherlands tag, any thoughts on who he's hinting at?

Well the Netherlands is infested with pedos- including their royals- but other than that not sure why that hashtag was included- oh but it may be because this is where the pedoelites go for human hunting parties and other sadistic rituals.

Big talk from Stone and Infowars for almost a year now. Results either covered up or nothing happening yet.

There is OVERWHELMING circumstantial evidence that warrants a full investigation- the problem is law enforcement is controlled by the criminals that are raping the kids.

The way this sounds this will go a long way towards draining the swamp...the sooner this comes out the better.

Thank you for posting

I suspect that politics are going to preclude the publication of any such list that may exist.

I reckon that the list would have been utilized to purge pedos, did it exist, already, except that the potential rewards of blackmailing those on the list far outweighed the benefits to Flynn and associates of said purge.

Politics makes strange bedfellows, they say.

Never more appropriately than in regards to pedos apparently.

I think nothing important will happen. Deep state doesn't arrest deep state.

I can't believe so many people are pure evil. I'm not religious, but evil is real, the only other thought is there are sick(mentally) people. Who could delight in such filth? It has to be mental deficiency, even if you agree that it is evil.