Great find on the Crotona connection. From my own research into this subject area, I have found a number of "occult colonies" set up by the Secret Society and linked to theosophy or anthrosophy. Esalen and Findhorn both fit the pattern.
One of the earlier ones was Monte Verita in Ascona, Switzerland - tied at least peripherally to the development of LSD. An even more significant one was called Krotona. It began in Beechwood Canyon, and gave birth to Hollywood. Aldous Huxley, Gerard Heard, and Christopher Isherwood all lived in this area for many years. Later the Krotona colony relocated to Ojai, where it was involved in the first music festivals (prototypes for the Summer of Love, Monterey Pop, Woodstock, and Grateful Dead scene - Phil Lesh was involved)
I look forward to checking out more of your research. Stuff about Findhorn has been on the Web for decades but there is not much about Crotona
Allen Ginsberg was talking about the Maitreya at the Human Be-In . He spent most of his career surrounded by MKULTRA people and other spooks - many of the "usual suspects" who are named in this article.