This is the third post in a series which will not be easy to follow unless the previous two posts are read first.
TLDR: An RAnon provided information including medical records indicating ritual abuse had taken place. RA anon's information was linked to Harbin Hot Springs in California, where others had made similar accusations specifically that the CIA had done MKULTRA type experiments. Harbin and HAI Global along with Ecstatic living (also at Harbin) lead to other campuses, all of which are involved in the Centers Holistic Gathering. The Centers Gathering is a part of the Global Eco Village Network (GEN). Centers Gathering also associated with the United Nations.
Findhorn is part of the Centers Gathering.
Second Post linking Harbin and other groups to the Centers Gathering
Alduous Huxley wrote to George Orwell: "Within the next generation I believe that the world's leaders will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience."
I believe they are using campuses like Findhorn and Esalen to perform MKULTRA on their "elites" (eg Concious Conception) - meanwhile they are actively practicing Eugenics on everyone else (Teens and Toddlers) Theses are the places and the cover programs by which they create and maintain multiple personality disorder in our ruling class.
The founders included Eileen Caddy, Peter Caddy and Dorothy Maclean. Sheena Govan was an early influence, as was David Spangler, Bernard Wosien and others.
On Eileen Caddy's wiki page it says of her background: "She was born Eileen Marion Jessop in Alexandria, Egypt, the second of four children of Albert Jessop, an Irishman, and the director of Barclays Bank DCO.
An obituary for Caddy published by The Guardian reads in part: "her marriage in 1939 to an RAF officer, Andrew Combe, introduced her to the shadowy world of Moral Rearmament, of which Combe was a member. He insisted that his wife should attend meetings and join in "quiet times" during which the group would listen for divine guidance. Through Combe, she met his fellow RAF officer, Peter Caddy, who was fascinated with the occult and was married to another spiritual teacher, Sheena Govan. "
So here we have the founding members of Findhorn meeting through members of military in occult groups years before Findhorn had been founded. The Guardian reports that in the early years "the group was dubbed The Nameless Ones."
Dorothy Maclean; one of the Founding Members of Findhorn, is linked to the OSS, precursor to the CIA. From her Wiki page:"From 1941 onwards she worked for the British Security Coordination in New York City.."
According to its wikipedia page: "British Security Co-ordination (BSC) was a covert organisation set up in New York City by the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) in May 1940 upon the authorisation of Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Its purpose was to investigate enemy activities, prevent sabotage against British interests in the Americas, and mobilise pro-British opinion in the Americas. As a 'huge secret agency of nationwide news manipulation and black propaganda',"
"BSC benefitted from support given by the chief of the US Office of Strategic Services,OSS"
The founders of Findhorn were meeting in occult groups and working for British intelligence operations which focused on psyops.
Dorothy Maclean was working for the BSC reportedly "worked with" Sheena Govan, another central Findhorn figure while they were "both secretaries in New York" and "again later in London." One would speculate that they were working for BSC at the same time. (Another source on this)
Dorothy Maclean is also: " known for her work with devas, the intelligences overseeing the natural world... Dorothy Maclean left Findhorn in 1973 and subsequently founded an educational organization in North America with David Spangler." She helped found the Lorian Foundation. Page at Findhorn Adding to the connections between Findhorn and Spangler's Lorian is this page on Findhorn at the Lorian Association.
Maclean at the Sirius Community:
Peter Caddy's wikipedia entry is surprisingly brief compared to that of the other two founders. It notes: "Caddy was a member of the Rosicrucian Order Crotona Fellowship. On the outbreak of the Second World War he was commissioned as an officer with the Catering Branch of the Royal Air Force, where he served from 1940 until 1955."
On the [Rosicrucian Order Crotona Fellowship] [Peter Caddy was a member of, wikipedia relates:
"The Rosicrucian Order Crotona Fellowship was a Rosicrucian group founded by George Alexander Sullivan in about 1924. It may have existed under the name Order of Twelve from 1911–1914 and again from 1920. Its members studied esoteric subjects from lectures, plays and correspondence material prepared by George Alexander Sullivan."
Gerald Gardener, founder of Wicca ,was involved in the Crotona Rosicrucian Fellowship, along with Peter Caddy.
"Sabina Magliocco,[2] in her examination of the influences of the study of folklore on the development of Wicca, considers it possible that by the late 1930s some members of the Crotona Fellowship were performing Wicca-like rituals based on Co-Masonry, and that this was the group referred to by Gerald Gardner as the 'New Forest Coven'."
"The numbers attending Rosicrucian Order Crotona Fellowship events always were small, and the group is best known today for its association with Gerald Gardner and Peter Caddy. A significant minority among students of Alice Bailey's Arcane School were members of the Crotona Fellowship[3]"
The connection to Alice Bailey here is significant. She was the founder of the Lucifer Publishing Company which became Lucis Trust, which is deeply involved with the United Nations.
Findhorn is also located less than a quarter mile from what has up until very recently was an air base, RAF Kinloss. It shut down in 2012, replaced by the Army.
As seen in this satellite image, Findhorn is extremely close to the airstrip at Kinloss. The close ties between these campuses and the military are literally visible. The combination here between the military, occult groups and Findhorn makes it a likely location for experimentation along the lines of ritualistic abuse, MKULTRA and its antecedent programs. Locations like this are conveniently presented as NGO's while also serving as a place which is not affiliated with the government, so can be used for 'off-the-books' activities while acting in plain site as an 'eco-village'.
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Prince Charles, friend of Jimmy Saville was also a keynote speaker at Findhorn: "the Findhorn Community Conference in Scotland on Oct. 7-13 (1995). The conference, an annual event held by Findhorn College, the mecca of the New Age and pagan earth-worshippers, will lay the groundwork for the "planetary transformation," required for a "sustainable" world.
The Findhorn Foundation is directly tied to the United Nations.
Findhorn is also the regular host of United Nations Institute for Training and Research, or UNITAR,
via CIFAL. CIFAL is Global Network of campuses used for "training and research."
CIFAL is an acronym for the French translation of "International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders."
"Training center for Authorities and Leaders" taking place at Findhorn proves my point. As does the fact that CIFAL's connection with Findhorn has been almost scrubbed from the internet.
More on CIFAL:
"The CIFAL Global Network is part of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). The Network comprises 15 International Training Centres (CIFALs). "
Meanwhile UNITAR is also a"Training and Research" branch of the United Nations. That UNITAR through CIFAL is hosted by Findhorn shows again that the campus is being used for what this writer would speculate is the purpose of creating and maintaining multiple personality disorder in the elites which then govern society. Campuses like Findhorn operate in plain site for this purpose. A totally off-the-books black site would be more difficult to hide. Most likely, many people visit Findhorn without ever understanding its purpose, increasing the legitimacy of its appearance.
From CIFAL Scotland's page - this is CIFAL Findhorn's old page which has now been deleted, I am guessing because CIFAL/UNITAR doesn't like being so closely tied to Findhorn.
As if this all wasn't enough globalist insanity; UNITAR operates with CERN through its mapping program UNOSAT.
"Hosted at CERN, UNITAR’s UNOSAT programme examines global satellite imagery for humanitarian use. "
CERN has become infamous for its ritualistic Gothard tunnel opening ceremony:
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The entire bizarre ceremony can be viewed on youtube here - part 1 and here.. part 2
Another zoominfo page of a Director of Findhorn who also worked for CIFAL as well as GAIA education here - with the point being that it shows "CIFAL Findhorn" exists despite Findhorn and CIFAL's attempts to hide it.
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CIFAL has attempted to scrub pages associating it with Findhorn, however it still has references on its website to the fact that Findhorn is one of its European centers here. This wayback page shows that the CIFAL Scotland page was based at Findhorn. Another page from CIFAL Scotland. The only other page I could find here.
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UNITAR Executive Director "Ms. Sally Fegan-Wyles of Ireland was appointed by the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as Director ad interim of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research. more on here and here
History of UNITAR - as a Training and Research Institute "The idea of a UN training and research institute was mentioned for the first time in a 1962 resolution of the UN General Assembly Over the past decades UNITAR has acquired a unique expertise, accumulating experience, knowledge and capacities to design and implement a variety of training activities...The small size of the Institute and its independence within the United Nations system enable it to respond with a high degree of flexibility to new challenges in the area of training and research."
This shows that UNITAR, which is directly interacting with Findhorn, is interesting in "training and research."
Peacekeeping Training Program at UNITAR. Given the recent news regarding peacekeepers and their longstanding history of allegations of serious abuses, including bestiality, rape, and child sex rings in Haiti to name only a very few, it sounds like UNITAR isn't doing a very good job. More on that here
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UNITAR Statute Pdf here version here Bloomberg page on CIFAL FIndhorn
Looking at UNITAR's special events, one finds:
Seventh Lecture (11 June 2012): "'How are new technologies impacting business and changing the world?" by Carlos Slim More here Carlos Slim has been ranked as one of the wealthiest individuals in the world. A nice picture of him, I think.
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UNITAR board of Trustees includes the usual Ford Foundation and etc types.
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May East serves as Director of CIFAL Scotland as well as "Chief International Officer of Gaia Education", a group which is part of GEN (Global EcoVillage Network, Gaia Trust, Centers Gathering), covered in my last post on this ring. She is also a former member of the Findhorn board of the Trustees. linkedin page More documentation on that here
That Findhorn has occult roots, military intelligence ties and UN affiliations as well as May East's fundamental role at large global "educational" NGO's and groups like the GEN and Gaia Trust further shows that this is a network for the instruction of elites. My argument is that the "education" going on here involves MKULTRA type programs all of which are intended to create and maintain multiple personality disorder. May East appears to be a central figure in this group,
May East & CIFAL FINDHORN on UNITAR's page
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May East at Findhorn speaking about "The UN's strategic vision of the world in 2030"
May East connects CIFAL/UNITAR yet again to Findhorn here.
Findhorn connects directly to the Clinton Foundation through ARK Academy. ARK in this instance stands for "Absolute Return for Kids." ARK is part of the Clinton Global Initiative which is a subcategory of the Clinton Foundation.
This means that - though very distantly - RA Anon's testimony recounted in part one of this series and months ago in "The Beginning" is linked to the Clinton Foundation, which is what the original FBIanon posts urged us to look into further. In addition to the Clinton Foundation, Findhorn is connected to Tavistock and the occult Lucis Trust through one of its former Board of Trustees members, Lady Diana Whitmore. (As was discussed in the very first post regarding RA anon, see pastebin on ARK).
ARK is the acronym for "Absolute Return for Kids." ARK is part of the Clinton Global Initiative, which is part of the Clinton Foundation. Ark Academy Homepgae
Findhorn is also linked to ARK Academy in this document published by Wikileaks
Life in the Mix is listed on the wiki document and is a great resource on this topic to use for cross referencing.
On Arpad Busson, founder of ARK Academy: article
"Even as he maneuvers through the financial crisis, Busson continues to spin in London’s social whirl. The tabloid press portrays him as a wealthy playboy jetting between his townhouse in southwest London and his villa in the Bahamas. Busson counts Madonna, Hugh Grant and former U.S. President Bill Clinton as friends. He knows Clinton through their joint charity work."
ARK/ Absolute Return for Kids in the Clinton Global Initiative
"Academy Charter School
Commitment by Company Centre Forum, Jennifer Moses
In 2005, Jenifer Moses committed to support the work developed by Absolute Return for Kids as they aim to transform the lives of children who are victims of abuse, disability, illness, and poverty. ARK Education works with local authorities to establish new schools and replace existing ones, thus creating new opportunities for the children who attend them."
ARK & CGI - AIDS Program in South Africa
Anti Retrovirul Treatment for AIDS
Arpad Busson
Bio and corporate information on Arpad Busson
Arpad Busson is the foundar of ARK Academy and the EIM group. He was questioned by the FBI on financial ties to the Bin Laden family, as reported by lifeinthemix and confirmed in this article by The Guardian
From the guardian
"His step-grandfather was the ultra-wealthy Hungarian financier Arpad Plesch. Once Italy's richest man, the late head of Fiat, Gianni Agnelli, was a mentor.".... "Certainly Ark, which stands for Absolute Return for Kids, does not appear short of business acumen. Its board reads like a Who's Who of the City. Along with Busson there is Stanley Fink and Ian Wace, two of the most powerful - and richest - men in the world of high finance."... "'Charities must treat donors as if they were shareholders,' Busson says simply. It is an approach that has seen Ark partner the Western Cape government in South Africa to help victims of HIV and open a string of homes for orphans in Romania staffed by professional social workers."
On ARK:"He is a founding trustee of the children's charity ARK (Absolute Return for Kids) and serves as chairman of its board of directors.[16] Busson held the post of Chairman since the charity's inception. He stepped down from that position in 2009 but remains a member of the Board as founding chairman, and as chairman of ARK US. ARK finances and manages projects aimed at transforming the lives of children in Eastern Europe, South Africa and the UK through education and healthcare.[17]
The annual Ark Dinner hosted by Busson sees a range of high-profile individuals attend the event to raise money for the charity. Previous years have seen the likes of Bill Clinton (2006),[18] Queen Rania of Jordan (2010)[19] and in 2011 the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge took the limelight as Prince William announced a joint venture by the Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry and the Ark charity."
According to his wiki page, Busson's "His aunt, Joanna Harcourt-Smith, was a companion of Timothy Leary," (who was heavily involved with the early use of LSD, which was also a focus of the CIA at the time](
On Busson's education:"Busson was raised and educated mostly in Switzerland, attending Le Rosey, a boarding school located between Lausanne and Geneva. Known as the “school of kings,” Le Rosey counts among its alumni the late Shah of Iran, the late Prince Rainier III of Monaco and the Aga Khan IV, millionaire head of the Ismaili branch of Islam."
Busson's step-grandfather was - Árpád Plesch was a financier, lawyer and banker, noted for having a collection of "esoteric pornography." Plesch was also a "mentor[2] to the owner of the largest fortune in Italy, Giovanni Agnelli (1866-1945), the president of Fiat."
His second wife was the daughter of his first wife. His third wife was Etti Plesch an " Austro-Hungarian countess."
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"Plesch earned his fortune from businesses around the world, including a large stake in the Haitian-American Corp., which owned sugar plantations."
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Plesch was also accused of being part of the Rote Drei Soviet Spy ring, and assisting the Nazi War effort according to the National Archives: "Arpad PLESCH, aliases PLESCH-ARFORD, PLESCH Y SELIGMAN: Hungarian, Haitian, Spanish. An international businessman involved in the Haiti sugar trade, PLESCH was suspected of assisting in the financing of the Rote Drei Soviet spy ring in Switzerland during World War II and of assistance to the German war effort. Neither suspicion was confirmed"
"The Plesches knew everybody,” says Hugo Vickers, who edited “Horses and Husbands: The Memoirs of Etti Plesch” (Dovecote Press, 2007), the chronicles of Plesch’s third wife. “Arpad Plesch was part of a world of people who are so rich we don’t even hear about them.”"
From an article on one of his wives
"The sixth husband, married before Etti was yet forty, was Arpad Plesch – he of many fortunes, not least in Haiti, a man hung about with many a sinister rumour."
Plesch hows up here
And here
Listed in this Federal Reserve document as a "blocked national"
Haiti vs Plesch "REPUBLIC OF HAITI, Appellant, v. ARPAD PLESCH et al., Respondents, and Banque Nationale de la Republique d'Haiti et al., Impleaded Defendants."
ARK and the background of its founder is deserving of much greater scrutiny that I have the space for here.
To explain how Findhorn is connected to ARK and therefore the Clinton Foundation must focus on Lady Diana Whitmore.
Lady Diana Whitmore is a member of the Board of Trustees at Findhorn. She founded Teens and Toddlers with Laura Huxley, and is a Co-Chair of Psychosynthesis Trust
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"Diana is the founding Director of Teens and Toddlers UK, a charity founded in 2001 to address the social exclusion of young people and, in doing so, reduce the number of young people not in employment, education or training (NEET), as well as reducing teen pregnancies.
Teens and Toddlers, pairs disadvantaged teenagers with vulnerable three to five year olds in a nursery environment, where both teens and “toddlers” benefit from the interaction; the teens acting as mentors to the toddlers and the toddlers, in turn, providing the teens with a sense of responsibility. Outside of the nursery group coaching sessions help the teens to explore such topics as behaviour management, sexual health and risky behaviour.
This program is a part of Huxley style eugenics applied to "undesirables."
From Sourcewatch:""Lady Diana Whitmore, author, and founder and CEO of Children our Ultimate Investment UK (COUI); on reaching vulnerable socially excluded young people with a human potential orientated approach, i.e. Teens and Toddlers programme." [1] Her ex-husband is John Whitmore." The page also lists Whitmore as a patron of Wyse International, yet another international "educational" NGO.
Diana Whimore's husand, Sir John Whitmore "is Executive Chairman of Performance Consultants International, the leading coaching, leadership and performance improvement firm in the workplace globally. He is a pre-eminent thinker in leadership and organizational change and works globally with leading multinational corporations to establish coaching management cultures and leadership programmes." His Institute of Human Excellence here. More on John Whitmore
Diana is on the Board of Trustees of the Psychosynthesis Trust, whose founder Robert Assignoli was a devoted pupil of Alice Bailey. Bailey founded Lucis Trust, originally titled Lucifer Publishing co. Lucis Trust is deeply involved with the founding of the United Nations, and continues its bizarre, Luciferian tradition to this day.
Huffington Post Bio Page on Whitmore "Diana is the Chief Executive and a founding Director of Teens and Toddlers UK, a charity founded in 2001 to address the social exclusion of young people and, in doing so, reduce the number of young people not in employment, education or training (NEET), as well as reducing teen pregnancies. The original vision for the programmes was conceived in the US in the late 1970s by Diana’s friend and mentor Laura Huxley, widow of Aldous Huxley."
Roberto Assagioli, founder of the Psychosynthesis Trust was a devoted disciple of Alice Bailey, the founder of Lucis Trust (formerly Lucifer publishing company).
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Alice Bailey
"Alice and Foster Bailey founded, "Lucifer Publishing Company". ("'Lucifer' and 'Lucis' come from the same word root, lucis being the Latin genitive case meaning of light." After the first two or three years, the name was changed to "Lucis Publishing Co."(The Theosophical Society also used the name "Lucifer" for its early magazine.) In 1923, with the help of Foster Bailey, Alice Bailey founded the Arcane School, which is part of Lucis Trust. This school provides educational correspondence, meditation instruction, and guided study based on her writings."
Alice Bailey had a "vision of a unified society included a global "spirit of religion" different from traditional religious forms and including the concept of the Age of Aquarius."
Alica Bailey is connected to Helena Blavatsky's Theosophical Society: "Bailey discovered the Theosophical Society and the work of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. The Theosophical Society states that Bailey became involved in 1917.[11] Theosophist Joy Mills states that in 1918 she became a member of the Esoteric Section of the society.[12] Theosophist Bruce F. Campbell notes, "She quickly rose to a position of influence in the American Section of the Adyar society, moving to its headquarters at Krotona in Hollywood" Krotona Institute in Ojai CaliforniaMore on Krotona
""Monica Sjöö, wrote that Bailey, [held] the belief in a secret elite of "Masters" who control world events and human minds through occult means and attempt to bring about the evolution of an Aryan super race""
Her wiki page also described Bailey's influence on UFO groups, an interesting link which was followed up in depth in this extremely well researched reddit post by God_Emperor_of_Dune
Lucis Trust's page on the "Esoteric Meaning of Lucifer" mentions admiration for the "sacrifice of Lucifer."
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More about Lucifer from Lucis Trust here in their article "Descent and Sacrifice"
"The mystery of the descent or "fall" to Earth of the rebellious angels—the solar angels or agnishvattas—is said to be the mystery hinted at in the Scriptures, and "the secret of the ages" (Esoteric Psychology II, p. 93). Thus it is not surprising that there is so much confusion and misunderstanding concerning the "fallen angels" of which Lucifer is the best known representative."
Lucis Trust Wiki Page states:"The Lucis Trust's publishing company was founded in the early 1920s as the Lucifer Publishing Company.[1] The Lucis Trust says that the name was probably chosen to honor Lucifer.[1] The name was changed in 1925 to the Lucis Publishing Company. In Latin lucem ferre means "to bear light" and lucis means of light. The company has headquarters in New York City, London, and Geneva."
Lucis Trust currently runs "World Goodwill at the UN
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Which seems to describe a literal appearance of a Lucifer figure along with the specific mention of a "new world order" along with "International Unity" (globalism)
World Goodwill at the UN Great Invocation to speed the coming of the "World Teacher" The Lucis Trust is a Luciferian group invoking the next "World Teacher" is disturbing and seems by their own words to indicate their belief in the coming of an Antichrist type figure.
The Huxleys, Eugenics and Tavistock.
Laura Huxley was the widow of Alduous Huxley. Her Bio [here]
Alduous Huxley was associated with Tavistock: "Ultimate Revolution" speech:
"There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution."
Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961
There are a number of different groups with the name Tavistock. More information for context on why Tavistock is so centrally significant to this investigation:
Tavistock the Mother of Planned Madness
Controllers at the Tavistock and Frankfurt School
Tavistock, Imperial Brainwashing
Tavistock Mass Murderers Brainwashing Children
Tavistock Roots of the Aquarian Conspiracy
Tavistock's languageproject: the originof 'Newspeak'
Tavistock the best Kept Secret in America,
Tavistock at the Pizzagate Wiki
The Tavistock Clinic, which became the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust is the group associated most with mind control type experiments. Freud was involved with this group. It was co-founded by John Rawlings-Rees, who worked for the British military. Rees became Tavistock's Medical Director in 1934. Tavistock's studies on trauma based mind control (beginning with shell shocked soldiers from World War One) aimed to use trauma and dissociative states in order to control individuals and groups. They are the origin point for MKULTRA type studies, later developed by the CIA and studied at places like the Stanford Research Institute and Allen Memorial Institute at McGill.
Alduous Huxley was associated with Tavistock, and authored the novel Brave New World. Huxley was also was associated with the use of LSD, and the founding of the Esalen Institute A wiki page on The Huxley Family is here.
Alduous' brother Julian Huxley was "a British evolutionary biologist, eugenicist, and internationalist. He was a proponent of natural selection, and a leading figure in the mid-twentieth century modern evolutionary synthesis. He the first Director of UNESCO, a founding member of the World Wildlife Fund and the first President of the British Humanist Association... "Huxley was a prominent member of the British Eugenics Society"
"Huxley was a prominent member of the British Eugenics Society,[72] and was Vice-President (1937–1944) and President (1959–1962). He thought eugenics was important for removing undesirable variants from the human gene pool;"
We see this mentality being applied by Findhorn's Diana Whitmore in her Teens and Toddlers project.
The British Eugenics Society is now renamed the Galton Institute in 1989 and is still currently operational. Prominent members in addition to Julian Huxley included the son of Charles Darwin and Margaret Sanger.
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Teens and Toddlers and [here](Also here
Wyse International's source watch page lists a familiar list of patrons, including Eileen Caddy, Laura Huxley, Baroness Edmee Di Pauli, Revd. M. Azariah, Keith Critchlow, Ram Dass, Mervyn Fernando, Mathew Fox, Christina Grof, Stanislav Grof, Willis W. Harman, Satish Kumar, Joanna R. Macy, Ian Marks, Robert Muller, Jonathan Porritt, Richard Rosenthal, Diana Schumacher, Luh Ketut Suryani, Henry Thiagaraj, Sir George Trevelyan, Pierre Weil, Lady Diana Whitmore.
Wyse International "WYSE is an international charity providing education and training to emerging leaders, supporting them to make the world a better place. " (cough) "WYSE has worked with thousands of young people from over 110 countries."
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Wyse Archived page 1.
2 Quotes Kofi Annan.
3 Advanced Leadership Program
5 Advisory Board has strong crossover with Psychosynthesis.
6 Governance page for WYSE includes Janice Dolley, whose zoominfo page shows that she is also a Trustee of the Findhorn Foundation and a Board Member of Findhorn College in addition to serving as Executive Director of the Wrekin Trust.
Another entry on their Governance page includes Hugh Lee Askar, a former Director of Psychosynthesis and Boeing employee.
7 Directors.
8 Faculty.
9 International Leadership Program.
10 This page links directly to Psychosynthesis.
11 Affiliation with the United Nations
Wrekin Trust "The Wrekin Trust is an educational charity which was started in 1971 by Sir George Trevelyan Bt for spiritual education of a non-sectarian kind. "
Wrekin Trustees
Oddly, Wrekin Trust's Zoominfo page links directly through to the page of a now-defunct U.S. based intelligence and counter terrorism company. Special Readiness Service " Special Readiness Services International Corporation (SRSI) is a Washington D.C.-based special activities support company that has been providing high-level anti- and counter- terrorism intelligence analysis and education to the U.S. Department of Defense, state and federal homeland security agencies & law enforcement since 1997 and moved operations to Washington DC in 1999."
I am unsure if Wrekin Trust is connected to Special Readiness Service, or if zoominfo glitched. If the connection is not a glitch, it may strengthen my theory that these campuses are cover for military intelligence operations, as I stated from the beginning in my first post on this subject. Harbin was also accused of being a CIA front, and is a member of the Centers Gathering with Findhorn. As previously noted, Findhorn's founders had military intelligence ties. Even if this is only a glitch of misdirecting to the wrong page, I stand by my opinion of this ring in general as a front for military groups and operations.
The founder of Wrekin Trust: Sir George Trevelyan, 4th Baronet. According to his wiki page he was also associated with Findhorn.
An article mentioning MKULTRA, Wrekin Trust, Findhorn, Lucis Trust, and more together
![Wrekin Trust](
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This program emphasizes Findhorn's interest in what it calls "conscious conception." While the program may appear to be typical hippy type garble, it also correlates very closely with accounts of ritual abuse in terms of efforts to "call in beings" to fetuses, as well as a general amphasis seen in ritual abuse on birth, pregnancy and reproduction. While eugenics type programs related to Findhorn such as Teens and Toddlers would be aimed at reducing the reproduction rate of "undesirables" in Findhorn's view. In contrast "Concious Conception" focuses not only on encouraging reproduction by desirable Findhorn members & members of the elite, but on a psuedo-spiritual elitism.
Findhorn Style Eugenics
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The australian version of the website who runs the program advertised by Findhorn:
Has this logo:
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And this photo on it's concious conception page.
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It says about itself: "Our children are our future, and through the act of conscious conception, pregnancy and birth we can change the world we live in, as we prepare the way for high frequency beings.
Conscious Conception is a multi-dimensional field. Through the act of consciously and aware conceiving our children by connecting with their souls pre-conception, and by clearing our body mind and spirit of toxicity, old patterning and emotions we can provide a child with their full potential, and bring through high frequency beings, and old souls." The video for this program is available here
"Concious conception is a deep form of Alchemy that sits within.. ancient traditions.." She states "When we conceive a child today, that child is.. our future... it is the leader of humanity." (no pressure, kids)
So - exactly as envisioned by enthusiastic eugenicist Alduous Huxley in Brave New World, we have our elite "old souls" being bred "conciously" by programs at Findhorn - an NGO deeply tied to the United Nations.
This is an "Alpha" type program as per Alduous Huxley's vision in Brave New World.
In contrast, Teens and Toddlers - created by Huxley's widow and Findhorn Trustee Lady Diana Whitmore, - is designed to discourage 'undesirables' from reproducing. The aim of the program is to reduce (poor inner city) teen pregnancy by introducing teens to toddlers and the grim realities of child rearing. (Not much like the glowing shmarm of the conscious conception video, I guess these kids don't birth the leaders of tomorrow)
Laura Huxley and Diana Whitmore also started a program called Our Children Our Investment which appeared to encourage pedophilia with its "project caressing," specifically designed to facilitate elderly people "caress" unrelated babies and infants.
Laura Huxley:
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"The inaugural conference for Children: Our Ultimate Investment was held in Los Angeles in April, 1978. One of the objectives of C:OUI was to develop Project Caress. That summer, Mrs. Huxley opened a center as a pilot project of C: OUI. At the center, mothers left their children for a few hours a day in the care of seniors and staff members. Seniors over age sixty would hold, caress, and rock the infants. The media responded with great interest, and a K.C.E.T. videotape is available for viewing (VHS - 30 min.).
Program Details
"A Caressing Room is where Senior Citizens regularly gather to hold, soothe, rock and interact with infants. A Caressing Room is mutually beneficial to the elderly who by giving love realize they are needed and useful, to infants who are enriched by love and attention and to parents who are given a few hours of freedom.
A Caressing Room is directed by a coordinator, preferable a Parent Education Specialist or a person experience with babies and senior citizens. The Project Coordinator is responsible for the establishment and maintenance of the Caressing Room.
The Caressing Room may be in a variety of locations: senior citizen centers or residential hotels, shopping centers, child care centers or a private home. It is important that the Caressing Room be conveniently located for parents and seniors..."
GEN also has an international office with Findhorn here.
Great info
Thank you. i worked on it for months. The person that posted it certainly didn't.
I seem to recognise A LOT of the info here.
Is that because you stole it from M Y blogs
I wouldn't have minded had you even bothered to let me know. BUT YOU DIDNT
Cause that would have meant you couldnt pretend you did the work. WELL DONE on removing every single link to
You managed that alright but what? lost you ability to type when it came to AT LEAST having the decency to inform me
& if you don't believe i will or if you believe i can't do anything about it.. TRY ME
This is my work. I first wrote on Findhorn in December of 2016, after which you blogged about it. I did not take information from you. I worked very hard on this myself. Here is the post five months ago by my voat account which includes information on findhorn. - note the date.
You then included this information on your blog, under the 'Ra anon comes forward' series, and then wrote on Findhorn, which I did not complain about at the time or since. This argument that I stole from you when I wrote about it before you did, is ridiculous and I am sorry that a fine researcher such as yourself would act this way.
You do not own a topic, and you did not bring this up. I did. Again, I'm sorry you feel this way.
I have never slandered you work, as you so casually have decided to disparage mine. Even after you have attacked my credibility and my word, I have not attacked you. I still respect your good work as a researcher into this subject. However I stand by the fact that I did not plagiarize from you, I did not use your material, and at no time did I misappropriate your research. That you would accuse me of this is unwarranted and baseless. From the response you gave, you know that. At no time have you stated one fact, one instance that I copied/took from you.
If anyone has a legitimate complaint about having their work taken and reposted for clicks, it is you who have reposted my material onto your blog repeatedly. Even on pages like CIFAL my work appears on your blog posts. Did I ever complain about that once? Never. Did not occur to me to. Yet you find it appropriate to comment on my post of material that I researched, wrote, and originally posted before you did the hard work of copy/paste onto your blog - and have the gall to call ME the one plagiarizing.
I expect you to retract this. Both because it is simply untrue, and because you know this. Even though your pride means you will blow it off. The subject warrants truth. And you are slandering good work because you feel like it. This is petty and not good enough from someone like you who is perfectly capable of producing good material without needing to attack me to do it.
Great find on the Crotona connection. From my own research into this subject area, I have found a number of "occult colonies" set up by the Secret Society and linked to theosophy or anthrosophy. Esalen and Findhorn both fit the pattern.
One of the earlier ones was Monte Verita in Ascona, Switzerland - tied at least peripherally to the development of LSD. An even more significant one was called Krotona. It began in Beechwood Canyon, and gave birth to Hollywood. Aldous Huxley, Gerard Heard, and Christopher Isherwood all lived in this area for many years. Later the Krotona colony relocated to Ojai, where it was involved in the first music festivals (prototypes for the Summer of Love, Monterey Pop, Woodstock, and Grateful Dead scene - Phil Lesh was involved)
I look forward to checking out more of your research. Stuff about Findhorn has been on the Web for decades but there is not much about Crotona
Allen Ginsberg was talking about the Maitreya at the Human Be-In . He spent most of his career surrounded by MKULTRA people and other spooks - many of the "usual suspects" who are named in this article.