Shackled minds - The Slap - Will Smith

in #pob3 years ago


I think most people know about "that slap"..

Predictive programing comes in many forms.
Having read all the arguments online about that slap at them awards that nobody cares about, that had the second lowest viewing figures ever, most are arguing it is a fake slap and to that end I agree, but why are we even talking about it is more to the point.
Sure people are shocked that two actors acted at an award ceremony for "actors"....
But why did they and for what purposes?.......

So what facts do we know.

  • 1 only 14 million people watched the self gratification ceremony out of a population of 7.5 billion.

  • 2 Knowing nobody cares about said event you need to make a way it stays relevant even though most people watch Netflix instead now, and that slap went viral in minutes.

  • 3 Every news-outlet in the world and social media platform were talking about it.

  • 4 The slap was with regards a joke about baldness or alopecia.


Reading between the lines.

  • FOLLOW the money.

Every lamestream outlet yesterday was talking about it, that slap and "alopecia" - a word most people had never even heard of, now everyone has.
A substantial amount of men suffer from baldness so one can imagine how much money is to be made from curing it or saying you can with a little white tablet, I think this we can all agree upon yes?

Now who sponsored the event that nobody watches apart from 14 million people with nothing better to do for 4 hours? Pfizer - bioNTech that is who.

Who Is in clinical trials with an alleged cure for alopecia? Pfizer, that is who.


Predictive programing.

I think we can agree most people are easy to program via advanced knowledge of a subject.
Now when Pfizer have bribed the CDC/FDA enough and any other agency to allow them to sell their new "wonder" drug it will be advertised all over TV. Now everybody knows the name "alopecia" but the word baldness would have been enough for me, but you can not say that word now in the west can you, political correctness and all, it might offend a bald man - sorry I meant "person", Doh silly me - non-binary entity, I must get up-to date with the words of the day, but at times I cannot.

I am sure this is all just a coincidence and I am just a lunatic con-sopiracy theorist who knows nothing about nothing except jigsaws and how to put them together, I also like the game join the dots, see that is how simple I am.

Nothing to see here except a slap, oh that limp wristed slap to a mans - sorry my bad -persons face who put his hands behind his back to graciously accept it.

If I may go off topic, please see below.

Speaking about predictive programing, this is what they now teach in the UK, we are all dead by 2050 unless we stop producing oil and freeze to death instead.

Worth a watch this one.

Have a superb day ahead, and always look for the why, not the event.

(Award for worst acting went to Will and Chris.)

No time to edit, mistakes stand.


What does pfizer get out of it? Anyone with alopecia probably knows about possible treatments and nobody else cares. Plus, in a few days everybody will have forgotten about this anyway. Alopecia is a disease that typically affects people starting at a relatively young age and is not related to male pattern baldness for instance. An alopecia drug would not be a generic cure for baldness but a treatment for that specific disease which is immune system related.

You would have to ask them what they get out of it, but it clearly was a publicity stunt at a ceremony nobody watches anymore.
Why would Pfizer even want to sponsor such a lame event is more the question.
Big pharma as we know are money whores, their trial is a one solution pill trial, their words not mine, so if you are correct and it requires different treatments for different diseases then send them an email and ask why they are making or trying to, an all in 1.

All they need now is FDA approval.


No, I'm saying Alopecia is a particular disease. This pill is for Alopecia. But baldness can be caused by many other things besides alopecia. If you have male pattern baldness, for example, this pill won't help you and Pfizer doesn't claim otherwise. I would assume (and maybe it is a bad assumption) that anyone who actually has alopecia and doctors that treat it would already know about available treatments. I don't understand how advertising drugs, whether through conventional means, publicity stunts or anything else, helps sell more of the drug. If you really need it, you are likely already getting it. If you don't need it, you don't care. Therefore, my assumption about all of this is that Will Smith has some emotional things going on, got pissed off, and had a bad reaction. It happens. The thing is, when it happens to famous people, it is all the media talks about. Then again, drug companies spend absurd amounts of money advertising so who knows...

It is a non de-script event that a minority watch compared to the world population.
Pfizer was a dirty word before the alleged rona plandemic, they sponsored said event and got loads of publicity, before the rona they held the record for the highest fine on record, I think Bayer Monsanto have surpassed it but unsure and no time to look.
If it looks staged - it is staged.

I wouldn't know if it looks staged, I didn't watch and don't care enough to :)

I feel you, it was boring and hardly worth watching.

I think hunter's laptop got entered into the congressional record that day.

Did you get them ada guys out of the shopping center?
Only incompetence at the top doesn't have them in a bunker with lots of disposable antennas.
In a populated area is batting for the wrong team, imo.

Are they pursuing Hunter via the courts? Ada guys?
See my latest article, death of the dollar.

Dollar is finally showing cracks in the dam.

Hunter is getting tossed under the bus by the media today, but c'mon man, he will never go to jail.
He is in the club.

Air defense artillery.
I'd think the border would have permanent installations.

The army were in a supermarket today buying food when I was, it is surreal to say the least, and they are camped out in town 3 min walk from me.

I doubt Hunter will get time, as you say, big club and we aint in it.

WARNING - The message you received from @thomaslknapp is a CONFIRMED SCAM!

DO NOT FOLLOW any instruction and DO NOT CLICK on any link in the comment!

Why does everyone keep messaging me this?

It is a phishing attack trying to get you to click and enter your keys!

And you can bet that the group, nation, syndicate who only steals kills and destroys for their income are behind it.

The one that did it yesterday I looked at his comments, every single one was the same as the above one, 100's of them.

I reported it to the fake hivewatchers they dont care.

This place is built to work out the bugs for the worldwide Social Credit CBDC rollout coming soon. Not created for any of the BS they told us.
Now its just games to distract the grown children.

They can stick it where the sun does not shine, not interested in any UBI, I see you have been paying attention. :-)

@hivewatchers you guys are a bunch of lazy FUCKS you only attack little people here. Hey gabe why do you stay here? @keysdefender another phisher

@drakos do you care anymore?

There is no need to report a phishing account that had been already blacklisted for phishing by the Hivewatchers 3 hours prior to your comment.
Please don't be lazy and check up on the list of blacklisted accounts before commenting.