Thank you very much! It has just been determined that you have 48 true followers, and you've been rewarded in POCKET accordingly.
Thank you very much! It has just been determined that you have 48 true followers, and you've been rewarded in POCKET accordingly.
Successful Send of 10480
Sending Account: pocket-x
Receiving Account: pocket-pi
New sending account balance: 41742
New receiving account balance: 141656
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: f0d756cf41a3b256403bc343d763f8b55c355ed1
Thanks for using POCKET! I am a confirmer bot for fun, view my source confirmer code here. Don't know what a POCKET Token is? Here is a link to the official announcement post.
This is a very funny series of pocket-related bots talking to each other.
But am I really a bot @improv?
That's a question we all must ask ourselves every day.
But could a human scour the web for pocket commands and confirm them? I just don't know.