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RE: Jealousy (Original Poem)

in #poetry8 years ago

Thanks, that means a lot. It wasn't until a few years ago that I started to save and share my work as I was always more than a bit self conscious. A variety of factors has led me to a much more relaxed and stoic attitude and now I enjoy the reactions my writing sometimes gets from others particularly family and friends. There will be more to come my friend!


Opening up and sharing your work, your inner feelings and emotions, can be difficult. I wrote a book a little while ago, fiction. 450,000 words all up and only one person has ever read it other than me. It's probably not that good butbI'm reluctant to share it. It just seems like too much of me is contained within. Not me as a character, but my efforts, my values and feelings.

I understand the feeling. Though I find we're often our own harshest critics and there are more people out there who can relate to us than we realize.