Ethan, what a beautiful poem and the beautiful beach cove you were talking about. Sometimes memories can be very hard but sometimes you have to try to face them when you are ready and then move on. Don't let your painful memory stop you from going to the beach. My father always told me that the ocean was healing because nature will embrace you in its natural splendor and help to ease your pain. I go to the beach to heal physically and emotionally. The cool breezes will touch your face and help you have a moment of peace. And the waves will talk to you of flowing movement to remind you that life is not stagnant. Embrace nature and she will give you new positive energy to heal and grow. I highly recommend that you look up a fellow Steemit contributor, @ericvancewalton, who wrote a book called the Perfect Pause. I bought his book from Amazon and after reading it, it really gave me inspiration. He has had a challenging life but was able to find his way to where he is today. He found insight from his struggles and eventually worked his way to meditation. He has shared some snippets of his book in Steemit so look him up. He also is the one I mentioned if you need advise about writing a book. I know he would like to help others. You have so much potential. I know you are probably getting tired of me always saying the same thing. I can't help it because I really speak from the heart!
Also I would like to ask if you don't mind reading my new post called Down Memory Lane #1: Remembering The Old Times. I just need some initial support to build up my steemit. Sorry to ask this. It is deeply appreciated!