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in #poetry7 years ago

I agree wholeheartedly - and as a singer/songwriters too, not as a poet, as I have no skill with that form. I'm decent at melding words, melody and rhythm though. Doesn't make me a poet, so I won't post my lyrics as poetry.
I've had similar arguments on many occasions with friends, and even, once or twice, with my daughter. I object, powerfully, to the kind of cultural relativism that says it's OK to write rubbish, 'cos it's your rubbish and it's just as valuable as any other writings. It's not, unless it's good. And yes, there is a degree of subjectivity to whether something is good or not. But quality is judged collectively, and while one person hating your work is their problem, not yours, everyone hating it suggests that maybe you should do something else with your free time. Yes, anyone has the write to publish. But if it's bad, expect people to say so. I posted a recording of me singing recently, having not done so for a long time, and appreciated the lack of barbed comments. But I've been doing music for long enough, and had enough constructive criticism to know that what I posting was decent, though not the best I'm capable of producing. We seem to have reached a point where it's unacceptable to criticise in any meaningful way, which worries me greatly. In fact, it's the start of mass censorship. If I cannot criticise your ideas, or your art, then how can I adequately express my own ideas or art..?
So thanks for posting, I agree and will be resteeming immediately!


Such a great comment, and it's so encouraging to see that there are many who understand and share my plight! As I've said a few times, it's not even about trying to find the absolute gold, but just trying to flickers of authentic art and real artistic potential. There is a degree of subjectivity, but we really are losing our ability and opportunity to speak to what is bad. And, as I've also said, it is a disservice to artists to not give them a standard to strive for; we deprive people of the chance to become good.

I loved loved loved this comment. Thank you for expressing some things I had missed out on!

Would have been even better if I'd spotted the typos... oops ;)

In fact, it goes right to the heart of teaching in any form. If you cannot tell a child that they're wrong, how will they ever learn to be right..?

Yes. Yes. Yes. I think what we miss is that it is actually an injustice to even the person creating poor quality to not give them the opportunity to become better and to create meaningful work.