The gif must be a large file. It works on my laptop but my phone isn't fast enough for it to appear animated. Thanks, Barry. Life isn't perfect but I'm reaching some long sought after goals and am super grateful for that. Oh no, man! You need to get a good raincoat to keep you dry during your outings. If the weather has been as unpredictable there as It's been here it's difficult to know how to dress. Limping in the Summer Rain...hmmm, that kind of has a ring to it! ; )
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The weather has been stupid wet this last few weeks, it is friggin like living in Vancouver or Seattle, I've never seen a summer like this man. We have had more rain, honestly in the last 2 weeks, than most every summer, for a whole summer.
It is great sleeping in the rain in the hammock, I love it, but every day, on and off all day and all night?
Twice limping in the rain this week to get er done, this is enough already LOL
I am honestly so happy for you buddy. Tell the family the Canadastan Crypto Cartel says hi LOL
Thank you, Barry! Yes, man! A little of the gloominess goes a long way. I like it in smaller doses. : ) Always appreciate your comments!