the worst cliche,
the order of the day
home of the highest
incarceration rate...but,
yeah, no, everything’s great!
eyes filled with deceit
fat-fingering that button
ever ready to Tweet
wake of his shit storm,
illiteracy in the White House
is, for us, the new norm.
of this orange-headed beast,
nothing but a rich bully
who loves to prey on the meek
might be a lesson learned...
if not, bring the marshmallows
to roast while New Rome burns.
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*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.
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Trump will be really happy to read this hahah
Haha. This new norm sucks. But your poem is great!
Thanks, Doug! It's pretty sad when the highest expectation you have for your President is that he doesn't blow up the world. That's the point I see so many people at these days.
Thanks, @ericvancewalton for this light-hearted piece re: a heavy subject.
Re: "The only positive in this all/ might be a lesson learned..." I tend to agree.
When I despair, I tell myself that perhaps Chump will Make America Great, again, unwittingly, by bringing about a Reevaluation of Values.
The peaceful, powerful Women’s March on Washington, DC, dwarfing in number those who attended his inauguration and echoing throughout the US as well as the world, seems to suggest that it might be safe to hope for change, again. Heartening, too, to witness impassioned rallies in airports throughout the country welcoming immigrants and protesting Trump’s unconstitutional executive order or “Muslim Ban.”
Further, provoked by his administration’s disregard for science and denial of climate change, we saw the Scientists’ March. The list is long and it goes on. For our part, as writers, we do what we can to promote peace and offer up our form of literary activism.
In solidarity, Yahia
Well his followers are not coming around to reality and may never. At this point I think our only hope is to get the 80+ million of non registered voters to do that and get the disenfranchised registered voters to the polls. With the gerrymandering and voter suppression laws .. we simply have to over whelm the polls. I think our turn out numbers never hit more than like 40% even in a presidential election year. Sad
Thanks @yahialababidi! We're in total agreement about the positives that are coming about from his Presidency. I really hope it wakes people up here in the U.S. Hard to believe we have two more years. It feels like he's been in office for 10 years already.
Sigh Yes, Time crawls when we're not having fun! Hope we wake up, and soon...
Hello @ericvancewalton, I read this poem with great interest. And while aspects of it were rather straightforward and visceral. I was captivated by what was not said.
As a writer, you know that much of what is written is quite subjective, and it is not that the reader might not have his/her finger on the pulse. It might be a fact that the pulse is different and hence has a different beat. And therefore, my interpretation might be completely different from what you are trying to convey. But, nonetheless, I hope you will appreciate this if you take time to read this response.
As a non-American I, like much of the world outside of that land, continue to watch this DT phenomenon in disbelief and might I daresay concern.
Where did this new normal come from? Was it not already there? Did this new normal spring up from the dung heap of this crumbling New Rome?
DT did not get to the Oval Office by a coup. He was voted into office by millions of like-minded Americans. He did not fall from the sky. He was raised by American parents. Attended some of America's best institutions and was mentored by some of America's best minds.
As such, (and I assume your poem hints at this) did not this normal exist in some form, and Mr. Trump is merely that entity that has given a voice to this new normal in New Rome?
This made me laugh, not sure if I was supposed to feel otherwise, but laughing is good right now so...
Will I be in a horrible minority if I say the new norm is not exactly new (GWB) but it's only now with the very obvious man child at the 'helm' it's become so noticeable?
New Rome indeed.
The idea of Trump "fat-fingering" the twitter button got me to laugh...but then I remembered how awful it is and got sad :(.
I had that same range of emotions while writing this.
I can sense the pain and anger, in the poem although it's a bit direct the simple English applied makes it very beautiful to read, I also enjoy the world play and imageries.
It's a fantastic poem buddy
I'm glad you enjoyed it. This was just a total stream of consciousness poem. Thanks!
Nicely written poem, A manchild at the helm,
eyes filled with deceit
fat-fingering that button
always ready to Tweet loved this line the most lol, signed up for the newsletter. Cheers
Thanks for your support! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Oh, come on, tell us what you really think. 😜
I get more frustrated every day.
The best ‘sad’ thing I ever read today! I wish more people would be so open and to the point about this subject. Have a great day!
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed!
That gif makes me unconfortable xD
Yeah, me too. It's so ridiculous it's hard to stop watching it though.
Thanks for the moment of levity in an otherwise terrifying situation.
I think you penned a good one here friend. The new "norm" changes with each president, not by coincidence but by design. The people who actually run this country need to keep feeding the public full of distractions so that we might not figure out what the hell is really going on. The got their money's worth in Trump, they couldn't have selected a better person for the job of keeping the pot stirred up at this point in time.
He was selected and we were told well in advance, the Simpson's cartoon back about 15 or so years ago showed him winning the presidency. I think they refer to that as "hidden in plain sight". We just need to learn how to read the messages.
He won't be blowing up the world, the CFR doesn't want to have to rebuild the damn thing. There may be a couple countries that have to go, but that's only because they won't play ball in the central fiat banking systems.
That may not even happen though, the people who run this country and the other countries that have central banks have a bigger problem on their hands right now, that being crypto-currencies, decentralized crypto- currencies.
The crypto train has left the station, picking up passengers all around the world and the banks only option now is to try and keep the train from gaining more passengers. They will do everything the can to derail the crypto train and that includes buying the all the train cars and tracks if they have too.
Between Trump acting the fool and the banksters talking "crypto bubbles" and "ponze schemes" there are plenty of distractions to keep people busy.
You, Doug and the rest of the folks over at HFS need to keep your noses to the grindstone and get the project where it can be delivered to the masses. HFS could very well be the key to ridding the world of the corrupt banking cartel that enslaves most of the people on this planet.
I know that it is a big task, but the all mighty wouldn't have given ya'll the seeds to plant if he didn't think you could nurture the crop and bring it in for the harvest.
This "new Rome" may in fact burn and that might be a good thing, and if it does I'll bring the graham crackers & chocolate to go with your marsh mallows. Smores and crypto for everyone.
Until next time,
I agree that there's no stopping this revolution now. It's been interesting in this last year to see all of the different orchestrated tactics that have been used to try to derail it...they're experimenting and will continue to do so. At this point I think many of those same institutions who tried to destroy it through FUD are jumping on the bandwagon and making piles of cash. The HardFork team is SO excited to bring this to the masses in the proper way! We're working steadily towards making that happen. I leave this coming Sunday for two solid weeks of writing in NYC with the core team. Can't wait to share more! Thanks @sultnpapper!
That’s a good one!All on point, plus the gifs you chose they just dance a tango together with your awesome poem😊
Thanks, @damira! Haha, that last gif is kind of like a train wreck, it's hard to look away.
One of the best poems ...you nailed it with your work
Very clever. It really does bring home the point that we aren't safe in our own country when we appoint someone that isn't safe to run it.
unfortunately these characters come to power because people choose them, the worst of all may not be enough once, many times people do not learn and vualvena to vote.
I hope this is a great lesson for the people
I wish you a great dayexcellent poem dear friend @ericvancewalton,
Excellent poems and just fit Trump with his affection for Twitter . Thank you @ericvancewalton
True words and above all the dance is great ;)
Nice poem and funny gif pics
I suppose the actual murdering and warmongering (not to mention fraud and treason) of Clinton would have been preferable over the hyper masculinity of trump (who's crime is simply being offensive to the alt-left).
I suppose it depends on who you ask, for me...no. I didn’t care for her as a candidate either.
I feel she would have been much much worse than Trump. What's scary though is that most Americans seem to be happy to look the other way when it comes to her obvious real crimes while condemning Trump for the crime of bad taste.
Perhaps Bernie should have been given a chance. I wonder sometimes who the powers that be would hate more to stand in opposition to them; Trump or Bernie. Perhaps Bernie will run again next time. He might just win.
Personally I'm more a Ron Paul guy.
BTW I generally love all your poems and stories. You can't win 'em all I suppose. Keep it up! :)
Thank you so much, @freeinthought. I was rooting for Bernie this time around but Ron Paul has some great ideas.
Hahah A Very beautiful piece, creative and lovely.
Sad poem, but its all true!
i read the post.i like 100%.
thanks for shearing.
i follow you.
great story
Nice and funny
Exellent poetry with deep sense for real life.
Great poem sir. Lovely piece it is
excellent funny poetry friend @ericvancewalton
its wonderful haha i love reading this
trump in between hahah what a great poem this is
Donald Trump
Each time I think of him
I just feel like taking a dump
His immaturity over brightens a beam
And hits me like a car bump
Well not much to say
His attitude to the world
As gotten in the way
Of progress and peace
For many their friendship would cease
the poem is amazing. but you are correct in the hopes he dose not get us all blown to bits... still in shock at what he has done to America Shameful.
Trust me i feel you from 10.000 km's away. I also see his hair shining. Or is it the sun. Not sure. If it is, i prefer darkness. And first picture is really creepy.
Good poem tho.