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RE: The Worst Cliche

in #poetry7 years ago

I think you penned a good one here friend. The new "norm" changes with each president, not by coincidence but by design. The people who actually run this country need to keep feeding the public full of distractions so that we might not figure out what the hell is really going on. The got their money's worth in Trump, they couldn't have selected a better person for the job of keeping the pot stirred up at this point in time.
He was selected and we were told well in advance, the Simpson's cartoon back about 15 or so years ago showed him winning the presidency. I think they refer to that as "hidden in plain sight". We just need to learn how to read the messages.
He won't be blowing up the world, the CFR doesn't want to have to rebuild the damn thing. There may be a couple countries that have to go, but that's only because they won't play ball in the central fiat banking systems.
That may not even happen though, the people who run this country and the other countries that have central banks have a bigger problem on their hands right now, that being crypto-currencies, decentralized crypto- currencies.
The crypto train has left the station, picking up passengers all around the world and the banks only option now is to try and keep the train from gaining more passengers. They will do everything the can to derail the crypto train and that includes buying the all the train cars and tracks if they have too.
Between Trump acting the fool and the banksters talking "crypto bubbles" and "ponze schemes" there are plenty of distractions to keep people busy.
You, Doug and the rest of the folks over at HFS need to keep your noses to the grindstone and get the project where it can be delivered to the masses. HFS could very well be the key to ridding the world of the corrupt banking cartel that enslaves most of the people on this planet.
I know that it is a big task, but the all mighty wouldn't have given ya'll the seeds to plant if he didn't think you could nurture the crop and bring it in for the harvest.
This "new Rome" may in fact burn and that might be a good thing, and if it does I'll bring the graham crackers & chocolate to go with your marsh mallows. Smores and crypto for everyone.
Until next time,


I agree that there's no stopping this revolution now. It's been interesting in this last year to see all of the different orchestrated tactics that have been used to try to derail it...they're experimenting and will continue to do so. At this point I think many of those same institutions who tried to destroy it through FUD are jumping on the bandwagon and making piles of cash. The HardFork team is SO excited to bring this to the masses in the proper way! We're working steadily towards making that happen. I leave this coming Sunday for two solid weeks of writing in NYC with the core team. Can't wait to share more! Thanks @sultnpapper!