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RE: Resonate Together, Day 89 of the 100 Days of Poetry

in #poetry6 years ago

How attractively the swirling message of your "Resonate Together" poem doth echo with its having anticipated some thoughts of mine own, because to this poet’s mind, the relationship between free verse and accentual-syllabic verse (which is one kind of metrical poetry) is not oppositional; rather, I interpret free verse as being like an unfurling field that may flower into the forest of accentual-syllabic verse—with each stage being a sacred part of Poetry as a whole.

I don't really empathize with why so many literary journals have an "either/or" outlook, whereby they only publish free verse poetry or only metrical poetry. Isn't being poetic synonymous with being holistic?

Several of mine own accentual-syllabic verse poems began life as free verse poems. I have only ever seen the two as being mysteriously intertwined and karmically connected—which is part of the reason as to why the symbol of a ribbon in your poem’s opening line so very much does something for me. I see free verse and accentual-syllabic verse as lovers, or as friends rather than enemies; kind of like the way that the Taoist relationship is between Yin and Yang, I suppose.

If anything be the enemy of poetry, my guess would be prose; and in having said that, I feel I must apologize for this reply which is itself in prose. I ask that you will let me make it up to you, by means of your visiting my “Trembling Streams” sonnet which I did recently post on my blog at Steemit, along with its literary video that I made and which features a recording of myself on acoustic guitar whilst singing its first nine lines.