Resonate Together, Day 89 of the 100 Days of Poetry

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

Resonate Together

Metal-Mystical-Fantasy-Panorama-Surreal-Band-2955354 (1).jpg

a divine ribbon
pulsating sanguine
waves and particles
bent and twisted
by an aged father
in response to the whims
of an ageless
ever-evolving mother

she will not die
she will not be bound
she will not stay the same

the father weaves on
out of everything, or nothing
he creates some thing

he strums a fibrous tattoo
syncopated and a beat behind
     sounds waves travel and decay
upon the collision of being heard

she dances
always her mind ahead of the tune
still he composes and frets on
just for her

if he can overcome the constant
the demands of an illuminated meter
she will slow and he can catch-up
they will resonate together

Love-Happy-Woman-Human-Romance-Pair-Man-777044 (1).jpg


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A Thank you to @d-pend for curating the challenge


You leave me totally speechless with your weaving of words.

Thank you, Denise:) I feel fortunate that this one spoke through me:)

I enjoyed this piece a lot. 😎

Thank you, Steve:)

Hmmm Im not good in Poetry but my mom is! reading your post makes me think of her. . . thanks for the smile! @prydefoltz

Following you :-)


Thank you, Hallie:)

"she will slow and he can catch-up
they will resonate together"
dancing with infinite, to the songs of eternity,
they will resonate together, how can they not?

SideNote: Hey I want to use The Dead Poems Society Concept, to have some fun with on 6th for 24hr Imaginarium, the idea came to me in the comments of The Dead Poems. If you wouldn't mind teaming up to have some wild creative fun =D

Thank you, Daniel. What did you have in mind?

here's what came to me in the comments:

something like The Dead Spoken Word Society, perhaps anyone interested can dust off some of their old poems, recite them, and send me the audio file and I can mix them into a video edit, or even mix them into the live stream on June 6th. Also too encourage steem poetry community to be creative and have fun on June 6th, spoken word or not.

So it's something like A Dead Poems Society Production along with Infinite Imaginarium brings you a special Dead Poem Game of Creativity, Collaboration and Community Building. Thoughts? it all just came to me earlier, I been playing with the idea, seeing how it might work out


Like a poetry podcast?

well I think later it can evolve to that, But i do video/sound editing, so I did this with @momzillanc "listen up". I have other 'dead' poems from other collaboration with imaginarium friends, that I can string together, but thought it would be more fun to get steem poets in on the fun

That is really cool, Daniel:)

Ok I flesh out the first Idea more: The Dead Spoken Word Society

so it's really kind two parts The Dead Spoken Word part which I will do, but for those shy, maybe just a standard poetry exchange and/or dead poem production for june 6th, only if you want to, do a special 24hr Imaginarium Poetry 'Game' (Contest), really it just an idea, I thought if you think its interesting run wild with it.

Really the most fun I have had on steemit is with friday poetry exchange and dead poem, I just think it would be cool and fun to team up and combine that energy and see what starts to evolve

What an amazing poem! Sounded lovely in the show! Upvoted :)

Thanks so much for listening in and taking the time to visit. Much appreciated, Crystal:)

Like the poem .. it's all waves of various frequencies .. light, sound, energy, matter, etc, all with their resonating frequencies :)

Thank you, Jack:)

she will not die
she will not be bound
she will not stay the same
the father weaves on
out of everything, or nothing
he creates some thing
he strums a fibrous tattoo

A wonderful metaphor for creation... of thought... of spirit or the creative spark. Love it!

Thank you, Raj:)

Sangat menarik kawan ku.

How attractively the swirling message of your "Resonate Together" poem doth echo with its having anticipated some thoughts of mine own, because to this poet’s mind, the relationship between free verse and accentual-syllabic verse (which is one kind of metrical poetry) is not oppositional; rather, I interpret free verse as being like an unfurling field that may flower into the forest of accentual-syllabic verse—with each stage being a sacred part of Poetry as a whole.

I don't really empathize with why so many literary journals have an "either/or" outlook, whereby they only publish free verse poetry or only metrical poetry. Isn't being poetic synonymous with being holistic?

Several of mine own accentual-syllabic verse poems began life as free verse poems. I have only ever seen the two as being mysteriously intertwined and karmically connected—which is part of the reason as to why the symbol of a ribbon in your poem’s opening line so very much does something for me. I see free verse and accentual-syllabic verse as lovers, or as friends rather than enemies; kind of like the way that the Taoist relationship is between Yin and Yang, I suppose.

If anything be the enemy of poetry, my guess would be prose; and in having said that, I feel I must apologize for this reply which is itself in prose. I ask that you will let me make it up to you, by means of your visiting my “Trembling Streams” sonnet which I did recently post on my blog at Steemit, along with its literary video that I made and which features a recording of myself on acoustic guitar whilst singing its first nine lines.