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RE: The Bridge Between Worlds (Original Poetry)

in #poetry3 months ago

If this is the last publication of this year, it is the right time to thank you for all the support you have given me this year. You don't know how inspiring you have been to me, with your words, your posts, with #memoirmonday. This year has been hard for me, but among the nice things I am thankful to have had this year is your presence through this screen. I wish that everything beautiful that exists in the universe is waiting for you from day one. A thousand blessings to you and your family, Eric. I love you very much. Hugs


You're very welcome Nancy! I'm so glad to hear that you've found inspiration in my writing and the Memoir Monday initiative. Hearing that is like the icing on the cake. After being on this platform for so long I sometimes wonder if people are still enjoying what I do. It's been so much fun sponsoring Memoir Monday. It's kind of hard to believe we just have just a few prompts left! I appreciate that very much and echo those wishes back to you. Much love to you and your family and here's to making 2025 the best year yet.