
Is there such a thing as "Bad Poetry"?

Yes. There are objective measurements for good and bad writing.

Never said writing, poetry comes from your heart not from grammatical errors.

I agree with kayclarity. It is not as subjective as you might think. Read Bourdieu's "Distinction - a social critique of the judgement of taste". Matters for any kind of art.

Great read btw. Most definitely you can agree, again its my own opinion. Different people like different poetry. What one person might hate, another person might love.

I understand that spam can come into play here in any blog, however, write a piece of poetry about death and see how many people love it, so it's very subjective.

Only Sith Lords deal in absolutes, lol

If all you do is talk about judging poetry, but can you write a piece of art yourself. Some people will read about how to write poetry because they took some college class, but they have never experienced themselves.

Ultimately, bashing other steemit users is not going to get you anywhere in this environment. But, some people thrive off negativity. ;)


You are right with the sith...a social theory like Bourdieus is of course just based on an average evaluation. So I cannot give an example on poem or writing amd my english is not the best, but I try to show my point of view somehow. I am a musician. And as such, you are focussing similar issues. F.ex. if you play Cohens Hallelujah on the piano you got millions of clicks on youtube and the girls like it (I alos do so sometimes, because I know). But the skills that you need to do so are 1% of what you need to play lets say a fugue of Bach. But reputation is the other way around. This absolutely has nothing to do with any individual point of view . It's exactly the distinction that Bourdieu is talking about (but here to the disadvantage of the one who played Bach). Shows where the most people are at, almost like a revelation. Problem is, that culture can not grow if people with influence support this "Cohen gets all, Bach almost nothing" -thing. Becoming a highest and best self (like classical humanists and today some post-modern philosophers want you to and I agree on them) is totally corrupted if there is no change in supporting real quality, real skills, real art and real individualism. This is not for trashing anyone, but supporting those, that want to go forward. Cohens Hallelujah played on a wedding since everyone saw the priest singing it on Youtube? Sucks! It's second verse is about divorce! But doesn't matter for anyone because it is such a lovely "romantic" piece of music. Sucks even if those people don't want to die Wagners Liebestod. Or like we have got here in germany, we've got a clothes company called outfittery. They advertise clothes in main TV channels and they tell you that they are gathering together clothes individually for you (and you buy it and get a nice parcel)... But if you put them clothes on you go outside and you are looking like any other person. And people are satisfied with that. The ones that are ahead should not be those who sell the hot clothes from three years ago to cohen-minded people and make huge profits to dress them all the same by let them believe that's individual and a must have. Its not! Its shit! Playing Yiruma "River flows in you" or Cohens Hallelujah... it's shit, skills of three weeks piano playing needed. Instead of making profit out of such trend the people that are ahead should tell the others: Thats even not 1% of potential you can get from art. Listen to Bach, not to Cohen.

LOL, nice, would love to hear your music. BTW, I saw your comment about Sheldon on the Big Bang theory, so funny I thought the same.
Cheers mate.

I've got some steemed here, no Bach yet;) Feel free to check it out! Cheers

Will do. Followed ya.

There is definitely such a thing as bad poetry. Definitely. Just because we live in a world that has become accustomed to poor quality art doesn't mean it isn't poor quality. It just means lot of people like poor quality. Just because lots of people eat McDonald's doesn't make it good food.

Are you really asking? I'm assuming you mostly just want to prove a point and get people to check out your work? But I'll answer, although my goal isn't particular critique, but rather a more evaluative culture on here where we take time to actually think about the quality of the things we support with a view to the culture we desire to create.

In honesty: your poem is okay. It's not the worst, and there are some good elements to it, but I think you could grow as a writer and do a lot better. I say that with honesty and without any venom.

Glad you responded. As a community steemit is learning and this blog presents a great opportunity for to teach the ways of the force when it comes to creating the perfect poem. I think it would be wonderful to take the pain and anguish that you have towards these poems you dislike and create a tutorial on how to create the perfect poem. You should add an example of your own literary masterpiece using your own rules and creativity.
What do you think? Anyways, I hope your endeavors on steemit are met well beyond your expectations.


Thanks for your gracious response--this is what I love about Steemit: that conversations like this are possible without devolving into name-calling and dramarama. I don't necessarily believe someone has to be able to produce a masterpiece in order to critique, but in time I will be definitely sharing some more of my work, as well as offering some basic needs for a good poem in the form of writing tips.

Thanks for the idea - hope I get to actually doing that at some point.

Take care. Xx, Kay

No problem. You have a great weekend and take care also.

On a re-read, there are aspects of it I appreciate more fully now--some interesting word ideas and pairings. I think you've got a good instinct as a writer and will only get better if you work at it. That's what I'm doing, too.

It'll just be a lot stronger and more fully communicate what you want to say if you avoid some of the cliches.