Even the worst of emotions still has a message for us, and sometimes we need to allow it in, feel it in full, and only then can it pass on by...

I’m a failure at life,
Failure at everything,
And everything I do
Is somehow, in some way
and somewhere, with someone,
absolutely, inherently,
utterly and despicably...
The depths of my disgrace
as a mere organism
(not to mention a mammal
or human being)
go beyond time
and distance
excelling past anything
you could ever imagine.
(I’m that much of a waste of life!)
And my failure is exponentially
and inversely proportional
to the extent at which I try -
I’m not going to lie -
I can’t even begin to explain.

I’m sure you would argue
And claim to understand -
"we all have those days," you’d say
And still I say, “nay.”
But of course, you’d be right
I couldn’t even achieve limits
on the lowest scale of things.
Can’t claim to be the worst -
for that would be something indeed.
And so I am stuck here
in this refuse pile of not enough
A lifetime’s accumulation
Of every thing I’ve dreamed
But could not bring to life.
And I’ve twisted back
the line of guilt
to feed straight into my heart.
For that’s what I deserve
For living in this world,
And half-assedly, pathetically
weakly, meekly, and ironically arrogantly...
just being me.

For posts on emotions, nature, poetry, and scotch,
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come follow my blog!
This is exactly what my depression tells me on a regular basis.
"And my failure is exponentially
and inversely proportional
to the extent at which I try -"
These lines hit me the hardest.
<3 Yeah...I shared this poem, despite the obvious vulnerability in doing so, because I thought it might resonate with some folks and maybe help. <3 Thanks for reading.
I so don't see you at all as a waste! Good writing but you are so much more I'm blesssed to knos you! Much love! Resteemed.
Thank you dear! The feelings come sometimes, but they don't usually linger. Glad to know such lovelies as yourself! <3
Im glad the feelings are transient. Much love!
I've felt that period. You are very poetic
Thank you! <3
Thanks for this, I needed it. I have half a post hanging in draft that says some similar stuff as your intro about "feeling it in full, in order to pass it on." I feel inhibited lately in sharing my pain. My horse died today and I feel twice his weight in shame. I trusted the wrong person to care for him.
Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry for your pain! What a heard thing to bear. Grief mixed with Shame is so painful. Grief is magical though, in its healing abilities. <3 Do you have support as you go through this?
Thank you so much for your compassion. I am so fortunate to have some pretty wonderful support, gotta resist isolating. I agree that these experiences can be transformative! Blessings to you.
Oh, btw, are you familiar with Karla Mclaren's work? She has some awesome essays on shame.
Haha!! I teach her work! And do a radioshow on it here at mspwaves.com! I'm glad you have support. Reach out if you need anything else. <3
Amazing! Thank you.
Have you been listening to me,myself,or I.
I thought they were confined to my head!
They remind me to breath and keep making me get back up,tho,so there is that.
Thank you.
hope you are having a great night and greater scotch!
Hey Jesse, thanks for stopping by! Cheers to you!
The emotions are pouring out, the level of aches and pains are insurmountable! Lovely poem!
Thank you!
That leaves me speechless.
Hey there, in moments where I find myself speechless, that's when I write poetry. ;) Thanks for reading. <3
I always follow you.
Because you are offering leaflets at the level