Poem / You and Me - pt 1

in #poetry8 years ago (edited)

You and Me - pt 1

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I beg your pardon kind sir
Would you step aside
So that I may pass by
I am in a hurry
And you're stopping my scurry

Excuse me Little one
Why the rush when the sun is nearing gone?

I am on the way to my place of refuge
I wish to retire after my long day
I have been at work and would like to be on my way

I apologize for the inconvenience
But you don't seem the kind
To work at such a time

Yes Indeed I may not look it
But I am older than what you think
Now may I request again
To go humbly on my way?

Yes, yes. Let me not hold you up

Thank you

Excuse me again
you seem to be blocking my way
Are you the one from yesterday?

Yes I am

Why is it you stand here
Looking devoid of cheer

I stand here
because I can
I stand here
because I am no longer a man

How so?
Your eyes have lost their glow...

This was the place
Where I first saw her face

And now?
She's become a sow

I question whether I should ask
It's fine it's in the past

The way you stare into the distance
It must've been recent

You have no shame
To ask the contents of my brain
I want to know
Why so much emotion you show?

I must go
I have to get home

Farewell little one

And with that the sun was gone...

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By Ethan

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed! If you did and want to hear more you can follow me here (^~^) <(^~^<)


wow... nice poem i read today. i think i feel enjoy with your poem.

upvoted and resteemed your post @ xxsenpaixsamaxx

upvoted master you done it again..nice poem indeed ...the flow was right..kindly see my poem also..https://steemit.com/poetry/@mrblu/the-blupost-poem-look-unto-my-eyes

Thank you will do :D

Crafted excellence! This one deserves to be resteemed :)

Would you look at my post and help him ..?
Your poetry is good and interesting, I love this poety

Good poetry .. Motivated once

This poetry is very beautiful, and I like it a lot! keep up the great work!

Wonderful I hope to be in touch

good poem

Wow xxsenpaixsamaxx This is a good post, I really like poetry 👍.I have followed you and upvoted..kindly hoping for your encouragement as well (Blessings❤)

Thank you :D leave me a link and I'll always check it out

You are good,i like your blog. Thank you for sharing @xxsenpaixamaxx

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AWESOME !!! , great post buddy,, keep it @sxxsenpaixsamaxx https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@wahyue/what-is-cryptocurrency-everything-you-need-to-know-ultimate-guide

I love it . Thank you for sharing . The picture helps imagine the poem

I take a lot of time finding the right poctures to accompany the poems

interesting, I love it

You are a very sensitive person, it feels like you are writing poems from your soul.

A soul encompasses your entire body, the poems come from the mind wich is part of the soul... these are experiences I wish to have, in essence they are my desires straight from my soul.

You're a poet!

Excelente poema lo traducirse al español y se lo enviaré a alguien especial

Magnifico! Bravo!! Excellente!!! ^^

Ethan, this was a very nice poem and I liked the interchange between the young person and the older man. It is a nice take on life . Your poems are evolving and becoming even more reflective. I love the change! :D

I loved the eb and flow of this and how you conveyed the slow unmoving contrasted with the fast hurrying. I don't understand the line about the sow. Maybe I read it too quickly I'll give it another go.

A sow is a female pig that has had piglets

I know what a sow is. I just don't understand that particular line. I'd like to understand it though. Could you open my eyes?

I was inferring that she went away and got married to another man and had childrens

Gotcha! Well, again. Well done. Really liked your poem :)

Oh this is so beautiful. I love it

Very touching to make me touched

You did it again @xxsenpaixsamaxx. ^^ This is a very nice poem! How I love the way the story flows within it. Very nicee I super like it. I would love to read more of your works! Yosh! ^^~

Domo arigato I will continue to share :D

Looking forward to it! Gambatte Kudasai! ^^

Great post
Keep it up
I love it.