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RE: The FEDs vs The State Police: the "You Can Have the Weed and We Take Your Guns" Controversy

in #police7 years ago (edited)

Watched this last night before bed, and I gotta say it really jostled my sheets lol

I live in PA so this directly affects me, buttttt I don't think I'll be applying for a medical card. This is obviously another attempt to disarm as many people as they can for control. Pennsylvania, albeit a beautiful land, is definitely controlled by no good corrupt-as-hell politicians that raise taxes every year!!!! With less to offer. I dont f*ckin get it. Well, I do get it, I understand the corruption that exists in all branches of "gobberment".

Governor Tom Wolf is a sham.

How the majority of American's want the plant legal, and yet the people WE elect to set the bar straight, callously disregard their constituents demands! I cannot wait for the day of justice.
