The FEDs vs The State Police: the "You Can Have the Weed and We Take Your Guns" Controversy

in #police7 years ago

When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. The question is, do we have the guts and endurance to resist such a formidable foe as those who believe in the legitimacy of immoral "authority?"

Enjoy the video!

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I recently read that Jeff Sessions (Attorney General) is planning to go on the offensive against the statues that keep the feds from going after pot users/growers/etc. As it stands, even though certain states have legalized marijuana use, it's still a banned substance. Whether or not Sessions acts has yet to be seen. There have been lots of instances since he was appointed that he has simply recused himself.

I seriously hope he doesn't go through with it. We've come so far just to stop because the man has corporate interest in mind. I personally see nothing wrong with marijuana, and think it's safer than all the other prescriptions our doctors feed us.

I don't have a medical weed card but if they come to take my guns, I'll give them my bullets first.

So you say. But I highly doubt that. Most people are all talk.

Kind of a joke but kinda not. If it devolves to this what is left?

Before long they will take drivers licenses from dope smokers, and then require them to check in.

Nice post! I think the feud between Federal and State police cannot be solved by physical confrontation rather I will suggest that the relevant existing laws has to be reviewed to spelt out the the powers and responsibilities of each tiers of Government, thereafter, the law will be strictly enforced. I follow and upvote you.

How government works , issue people a number extort them through that number .

God bless you

they are going to keep coming after pot smokers any way they can for as long as they can. There is wayyy to much money in prohibition for them to leave it alone.

Wow – hopefully i can help with understanding, sorry comprehending this great video.

  1. A licence cannot be granted to do something which is against the law. So if a licence can be granted, then whatever the licence is for, must therefore be lawful. If it is lawful, then why do you need a licence?
  2. Citizens are legally classed as government property, so all statutes apply and must be followed.
  3. Statutes are not laws, and require your consent to be given the force of law, unless you are a citizen.
  4. Guns, you have the right to bear arms. You do not need the second amendment for this right, it is recognised as “pre-existing” in common law. In the video, a police authority claim having guns is unlawful, for someone under the colour of law to make this claim that a statute is in fact a law is actually gross negligence and a fraud.
  5. If you register your firearm, then you give up ownership of that firearm to whomever you register it with. This is true for all things registered.
  6. Chances are you live in a common law country. The King James Bible is the common law of the land and has been since 1614. If it’s not in the good book, then it’s not a law.
  7. There is no reference to Hemp being unlawful, and now that marijuana is legal, government can tell citizens what requirement need to be met if they wish to partake.
    To conclude, don’t be government property. Learn the law. Don’t support government. You should be telling your public servants what YOU want and not bowing to what they want. They work for you, not the other way around. Love and peace @realtreebivvy.

Indeed it is a catch 22 and can only be resolved by federal legalization, call your congressman.

Resistance is always needed to ensure law enforcement.

when injustice become law than resistance become duty this post is suberb

Very interesting post friend I think although I agree with the law totally that varies and depends for example horita in my country there are many laws embodied in the magna carta are untouchable but they are not met and that leads you to take justice by your hands as a means of defense when for example time that the one that has to apply the law does not matter to you at all or also because it is corrupt and this has unfortunately led to the country that looks like a jungle or one of those times where everything was taken on behalf of everyone regards

You agree with the law totally? Please explain.

With the laws I agree what happens that I went giving as an example the law in my country and talking about it greetings friend

authority is everythinggreat pot @highimpactflix

"Authority is everything?" Please explain.

Problem is the ones making the decision will never be the ones knocking on the door saying we are here for your guns...

poste intéressant merci de partager

Great video! Well said. Couldn't agree more with the hypocrisy. Very enlightening angle on why they are allowing it to happen and leaving it scheduled. Voluntary registration for stripping rights & tax money... whoa.

Watched this last night before bed, and I gotta say it really jostled my sheets lol

I live in PA so this directly affects me, buttttt I don't think I'll be applying for a medical card. This is obviously another attempt to disarm as many people as they can for control. Pennsylvania, albeit a beautiful land, is definitely controlled by no good corrupt-as-hell politicians that raise taxes every year!!!! With less to offer. I dont f*ckin get it. Well, I do get it, I understand the corruption that exists in all branches of "gobberment".

Governor Tom Wolf is a sham.

How the majority of American's want the plant legal, and yet the people WE elect to set the bar straight, callously disregard their constituents demands! I cannot wait for the day of justice.


Hey Brian, great as usual. I’m a current Oregon Medical Marijuana patient and licensed grower. I finally broke down and let them sell my rights back to me. We rock several of your shirts regularly and with pride. You reach such a wide audience, your making a major impact. I really hope to see some action on the Marijuana Justice Act of 2017. You should do a show on this:

It's amazing how hypocritical the government is. My interest in anarchist governance grows every time I watch a HIF video. On your next post, could include the link to your page. I was only able to find two of your designs.

Good post

Please explain!

This should bite them in the a**, as it exposes the blatant stupidity of the entire situation. (Like all those hunting and other tragic gun accidents caused by weed-smokers - oh they were drunk on alcohol? Lol.) But although I keep assuming the obvious will prevail, decades of fact hasn't mattered, not to the drug war profiteers (pharma, deep state, every "testing" company cashing in.. just to name a few) - or the cops and judges (power freaks/profiteers/life ruiners) who won't stand down (stand up!) and do the right thing. Back to the up-side, something has to give. When it does the drug war will fall like an avalanche. It must end, yet another liefascinating that the NRA has no comment. Haha.) literally designed to take away freedom, this one has taken our freedom to the point that slavery is back in America. (Legal by the 13th amendment - if you think prisoners should labor, ok, but let's make sure they are actually criminals first!) Thanks @highimpactflix for covering this, I also saw it covered by Holly Seeliger Zoon Politikon on YT, who is working to get over here on Steemit too. (OH - and it's

I’ll go the fuck back to natural law ❗️And many of us will soon ❗️Then what the fuck ya gonna do USA corporation ⁉️🤬🖕

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