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RE: Moja banieczka AI / My AI bubble [POL/ENG]

in #polish2 years ago

You see, 72 is not a random number placed in my nickname. I grew up in the 70s and 80s, I'm part of Generation X. I grew up reading Ray Bradbury, Asimov, Orwell. And I fell into a world where those fantasies seem so 'real'. I am afraid of the mismanagement of technology, of an overcoming of 'organic' limits, of a creation of future generations seen only as consumers and consumables, and not part of the creative process. I fear a cultural impoverishment where everything that AI writes or creates can be used for propaganda and demagogic purposes, without distinction between the real and the virtual. Just to list some of my fears. You will tell me: what is the difference between yesterday without AI and today with AI? This has always existed. Maybe yes, but perhaps we have created a new 'species' and we cannot fully predict how it will evolve. Forgive my English if anything is unclear.


It's all clear, your English is very good.. Thank you for lenghty answer. I'm 32, but I share many of your concerns. Actually the most of these. I read Orwell too, Stanislaw Lem and P.K. Dick on top, and these authors could picture these threats long before these came true. Even if my post might seem to be optimistic in general, that's more because of my attitude than unilateral AI-enthusiasm. I mentioned these dystopian espects here, and I'm overwhelmed by the pace of changes in this space... Society will be transformed, this comes without a doubt. But what I can see is also a big divergance among people and some will be more vulnarable than others. As long as we have tools (i.e. Hive) to preserve our rights I feel relatively secure, also because I believe there are enough wise, loving and caring people who will not get fooled by predatorous use and superficial products of AI based tools. I believe though, there are applications where these tools might be used for good. I see AI as a great amplifier of both the best and the worst people do.

Let me tell you something else about me. I am a chemist, specializing in neuroscience, and I currently work at a company that operates in the field of genetic testing. From prenatal tests to oncogenetics. Artificial intelligence is a powerful, very powerful tool. It will open many doors, help us acquire new skills, open new horizons. Just as many will close, many jobs will no longer exist. We will have to evolve and we will have to do it quickly. And you are right that a large part of the population is more vulnerable. It is a problem of access to resources, monetary or cultural. And you're right to remain optimistic. Optimism is the first resource that pushes you to search, inform yourself, study, find new paths. And yes, Hive is a fairly meritocratic, fairly democratic and easily accessible microcosm that can create great value where capitalism creates chasms of inequality. I hug you. Stay true to yourself 💛