Taking away his twitter is point less if he really wants to make a statement he doesn't really need twitter. Also launching nukes isn't as simple as just pushing a button there are checks and balances put in places. Not to mention there is no actual physical button in the nuclear football or on his desk. And the launch must be legal under many laws and not just ones in the united states.
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It's true that taking away his twitter wouldn't stop him from speaking, but it would certainly make him think more. People actually look over and help him write his speeches and things that he makes a true statement on, I do believe that his twitter is a whole different beast. Just look at the covfefe incident.
For your other point, yes the button talk is all metaphorical, but there are fewer checks and balances in play than you would believe. I double checked this before I decided to reply to this comment, but from what I can tell it's every bit as precarious as fear mongers would have you believe. Grant you, from what I can tell that only refers to the US law, but I think we all know at this point how Donald Trump feels about listening to the things the world wants. After all, he did blow off that conference in regards to how to deal with climate change and dangerous things we were doing to our planet. He didn't change his mind when faced with angry people from all over the world - I doubt he would if faced with similar critisisms again.
http://time.com/5085723/nuke-button-donald-trump-nuclear-weapons-north-korea/ https://www.cnn.com/2018/01/03/politics/trump-nuclear-football-explainer/index.html https://www.cnbc.com/2017/11/14/could-anyone-stop-trump-from-launching-nukes-the-answer-no.html