Doomsday Clock was something that I was previously only mildly aware of, but the more that I learn about it, the more that I'm worried about the current state of things. I knew, of course, that in general, the world is in a bad place right now, but never in my wildest dreams did dare imagine it was just as bad as it was in the Cold War. After all, it was called the 'Cold War' for a reason.
Yet here we are.
Two minutes until midnight, the same place that we were in during the Cold War, and honestly, not enough people care. Scientists are basically telling us that we are ever so close to the end of our existence, and all it gets is a few online articles and some YouTubers talking about it. The fact of the matter is, this should be on the top of everyone's minds right now. There isn't an able minded person on this planet that shouldn't be thinking of some sort of solutions to the problem. Thusly, I made this video, of which is a few things I believe need to be implemented in order to calm the current atmosphere of the world and start to bring our Doomsday Clock downward by seconds at a time.
1.) Take away or police the American Presidents Twitter.
2.) Listen to what our highly paid and educated scientists are saying.
3.) Keep in mind that no matter what, nukes aren't an option - Not even theoretically.
Now I know, of course, that this won't actually go anywhere, that no one will actually start a true conversation because no one wants to face just how large a problem this is. The people who do are the very people who get ignored in favour of political machinations and potential monetary gain. Still, I dare to dream.
▶️ DTube
Lets all work to convert to solar! Yes, it might not solve everything, but it s a HUGE step in the right direction
I constantly daydream about setting up solar farms across the world to deliver power wherever it is needed. It is feasible with the proper finances. If I owned such farms, I would not like to charge to use the electricity generated by it, but I worry about how the maintenance would get done.
Solar is such good idea to help with the issue. A lot of people were I live use it to double down on their power. I'm sadly not among them, but once it becomes a viable option for me as far as money goes, it will be something I do.
It really fires those neurons to think that the current measuring stick used for determining how close we are to nuclear war is being pushed forward to the closest it has been because of Twitter shitposting from a meme candidate who barely won because the opposition weren't anywhere near substantive as he was when it came to mainstream perception.
I don't even blame Trump himself necessarily, I think he's a victim of the lack of the media honestly communicating about issues that actually matter. This is the man who said “I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris” when discussing the Paris climate accord which clearly demonstrates he has absolutely zero idea to what in the living fuck is going on around him. Despite all of his lofty aspirations of being the outsider shaking up the system, he's become the most complacent yes man who just listens to the spin being told to him. He was a huge proponent of single payer health care for decades, why hasn't he implemented it? It's because of all the people in his office whispering half truths in his ear because he doesn't know any better.
That said though, I think restricting his Twitter usage would be kind of a moot point. Not only would that rile up those 'free speech' (yet also somehow "100% free and open market") advocates to put another layer of aluminum foil sheet on their head, but Trump doesn't seem like the kind of guy to be quite just because one medium of communication has been taken away. The man has enough money he could find a way to communicate anything he wants.
What I believe needs to be done is some kind of change in how the media reports on political topics. Despite being heavily left-wing myself, the majority of left-wing media annoys the shit out of me just for how irrelevant their content truly is. Australia recently just had a plebiscite on same sex marriage where there was an obnoxiously large campaign for the yes vote. For fucks sake, I got text messages at 11pm at night just telling me to vote yes in something I already had voted in a week prior. There was so much virtue signalling from media telling people to vote in this half billion dollar opinion poll just because same sex marriage is currently marketable yet when there was the chance to elect a government that a) not only would have enacted the same sex marriage change without going through all the hoops, but more importantly b) actually has an economic policy that makes some sense, everyone who works in media doesn't "want to seem biased" and instead talked about unimportant shit like "Should we become a republic? We asked some tradies outside our office for their thoughts".
The worst part of the media's negligence to actually inform people of the issues is that people who actually want to be informed have to find their own sources. Somehow for a lot of people that meant online communities like /pol/, reddit and YouTube where people misquote people misquoting someone misrepresenting a statistic that wasn't even gathered correctly in the first place. This is the current environment people are getting their information from and I believe Trump is no exception from this. He watches InfoWars people. Now THAT is truly terrifying. This is why anti-vaxxers are making a resurgence. This is why flat earthers are making a resurgence. This is (partially) why white nationalism is seeing an uptick. People are having to find their own news and most people don't want to be challenged in their viewpoint.
Let's be real though, if we are to have nuclear war, having it be instigated through Twitter shitposting from a real estate tycoon and a leader who has his captors so badly under Stockholm syndrome that they think he is a literal God would make for a funny chapter in a world history textbook. "Why did the reality TV star get a hold of the nukes anyway teacher?" "Because the opposition said 'Pokemon Go to the polls".
Oh god, I'm not sure if it's going to be funny in our history books or just plain sad. Guess I won't know until the rest of his presidency shakes out, but damn I hope that he doesn't pull more stupid shit. The amount of salt I will feel if I get blow shy high over twitter beef would be insurmountable.
There's a good point to be made that it's all the medias fault. Whether left or right leaning, none of them did any favours and honestly, even after a year, I'm still over here wishing that Bernie Sanders ran independently. I imagine that we would him as president right now had he done so. If he was running, the media would have naturally put him in a good light, because they would have been throwing so much dirt toward Trump and Hillary that none of them would have expected they were making Bernie come out looking like gold. Ahhh, what a good dream that is.
I totally agree with your statement about being mostly left wing, yet being annoyed with the content that they put out. Earlier today I was writing out a script for another video and I was thinking about doing something on Arya Mosallah but decided to check BuzzFeed first, hoping for something even more ridiculous and non-YouTube related to talk about. Instead, I ended up scripting a whole video about how stupid their news section was. It's a mess of biased and unrelated issues. Hell, I looked at their section for world news and found two articles mostly about the US. Throughout the whole thing, there were tons of LGBT+ articles breaking the stream of the few bits of actual news they had posted. Never mind the gossip rag that they called the health section.
Of course, that's just the most stupid example of left-wing media that can be found, but I'm still nursing a headache over the short look at the website.
I used to actually hold a minor bit of hope for the Trump presidency, as stupid as that seems now. When he started I actually gave a little bit of credit to the idea that he might shake things up. Instead, like you said, he lets his office members tell him what to do, and unless they directly go against his image, he doesn't do anything to put reasonable people at his side. I more pity him at this point than anything else. My last and greatest hope for the Trump presidency now is that he doesn't start the end of the world while in the oval office.
I think the case of "everyone for himself" has always existed in silence. Its just how the world works right now, a lot of events have diverted out minds away from our personal matters because for real thus would be one toughest regime ever experienced. Its best convert to Solar
Holy shit i need a girlfriend.
Don't know how you got that from my post, but hey, thanks for leaving a comment anyway.
I keep up with Trump's stupidity by-- oh wait, I don't. But I do have solar panels -- let's save this planet
Trump's stupidity is worth keeping up with, usually just to laugh at how moronic he usually is. Solar power all the way! I'm of the belief that the government should supply those instead of wasting the money they get with stupid shit, but hey, what do I know?
Haha yeah, purely to laugh it. I catch wind of his tweets after so much of the world groans that it actually hits my feeds. And haha, instead of the government supplying them, they're actually taxing imports of them now.
Oh god taxing imports of them, I swear everytime I hear something new that the government has done, it's something that's worsening the state of Earth. Someone needs to take a mallet to their heads and beat some sense into them. Either that, or we need smarter people voting so we don't get idiots in office.
Taking away his twitter is point less if he really wants to make a statement he doesn't really need twitter. Also launching nukes isn't as simple as just pushing a button there are checks and balances put in places. Not to mention there is no actual physical button in the nuclear football or on his desk. And the launch must be legal under many laws and not just ones in the united states.
It's true that taking away his twitter wouldn't stop him from speaking, but it would certainly make him think more. People actually look over and help him write his speeches and things that he makes a true statement on, I do believe that his twitter is a whole different beast. Just look at the covfefe incident.
For your other point, yes the button talk is all metaphorical, but there are fewer checks and balances in play than you would believe. I double checked this before I decided to reply to this comment, but from what I can tell it's every bit as precarious as fear mongers would have you believe. Grant you, from what I can tell that only refers to the US law, but I think we all know at this point how Donald Trump feels about listening to the things the world wants. After all, he did blow off that conference in regards to how to deal with climate change and dangerous things we were doing to our planet. He didn't change his mind when faced with angry people from all over the world - I doubt he would if faced with similar critisisms again.
The clock is dumb, just fear-mongering. Anything that is big enough to set the clock forward is probably already something you're already aware of. Maybe it's good for getting people to discuss the inevitable decline, but really its just a vague subjective measure of the state of the world. It's been at 2 minutes before, back in the cold war, and again here we are at 2 minutes. What's the point of the time analogy if they just set it back when they realize things weren't as bad as they though.
True usually when something large enough happens people already know about it. Yet when I'm thinking about the fact that right now is just as dangerous as the Cold War, well, it really makes you stop and think. No one is really acting as though there is such a present threat, almost taking it all with a grain of salt. Yet, the Doomsday Clock really confirms it - There is a real danger here, our scientists and specialists say so, so please PLEASE actually pay attention and work to solve this.
Also, my understanding is that they don't just set it back when they realize things weren't as bad as they thought. It is more like, things were as bad as they thought, but people actually worked to set them straight and fix the problem. The clock went back in time a lot once treaties were signed between North America and Russia, once that nuclear threat wasn't there anymore.