Ask A Libertarian: Adam Kokesh

in #politics6 years ago

Travis Hallman (lead-admin of Ask A Libertarian) met with Adam Kokesh to ask him questions about the overton window and agorism vs. partyarchy.

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I don’t understand why Kokesh thinks political participation is a means to “directly confront the evil of statism” and why the guns that would be pointed at agorists will magically disappear once these anti-government individuals get political. It makes no sense. The state is violent to opposition whether or not said opposition cloaks itself in the violence-based political mechanisms of said state.

It’s a strange, magical belief.

You putting a negative comment on most of Kokesh's posts is getting old. I understand your point of view and all. If instead of putting in your energy to take away energy from what Adam is doing, why not just save your energy and let him be? I don't understand. Is what Adam doing really going to negatively impact your life?

It seems that 3 other individuals who upvoted said comment disagree. My goal has never been to "take away energy" from anyone, my friend. And yes, it is clear that, as you yourself say, you do not understand.

Is what Adam doing really going to negatively impact your life?

Definitely. My life's mission is to spread the liberating and beautiful philosophy of Voluntaryism based on the objective reality of individual self-ownership. Adam's platform and call for Voluntaryists to "put down the ideology" is highly detrimental to the successful transmission of this true philosophy of freedom.


Well, I diagree. I don't understand why both cannot be espoused and grab the attention of as many ears as we can.

You haven't made any argument as to why you disagree in regard to the very specific points I have raised. I already knew you disagreed. One cannot espouse Voluntaryism and something opposed to Voluntaryism at the same time without engaging in contradiction. If you are comfortable with cognitive dissonance, and contradicting yourself, then yes, that is fine. Good luck.

I am not contradicting my self. All that I am saying is that there is nothing wrong with having different methods to reach different people. I think that there may need to be more than one way to reach people. Volunteerism is the ultimate goal, yes, but some people cannot understand how volunteerism would work, so you have to get to their level of thinking. For example, some think that the only way to change things is thru voting, so you need to speak their language to reach them. And so I just don't see how an alternative way to reach the people would be "highly detrimental to the successful transmission of this true philosophy of freedom". It's better that never talking about it to certain people at all. I have had conversations with people that I would never have had, had it not been for Ron Paul running for POTUS. Heck, I never would have fully woken up if it was not for that and 911 of course.
BTW, I was going to down vote your comment at first, but I though leaving a comment was more effective. Thanks for the dialog.

Kokesh is contradicting himself. Different methods are fine, if the purpose and principle are the same. Kokesh has called for the temporary abandonment of the primary purpose and principle, which results in a nullification of Voluntaryism itself. This is basic logic, and I don't have time to debate it with individuals unwilling to look at this and really get down to brass tacks. Ron Paul did not advocate centralized redistribution and fingerprinting homesteaders as far as I can tell. Nor did he accuse activists of being "cowards" or imply they were "state plants" as Kokesh has done. Cheers.

By the way, why would you want to downvote my comment? If you want to go down that road, instead of engaging in rational dialogue, be my guest.

"Ask a libertarian" should be on steemit, and eventually get rid of facebook