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RE: Ask A Libertarian: Adam Kokesh

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Kokesh is contradicting himself. Different methods are fine, if the purpose and principle are the same. Kokesh has called for the temporary abandonment of the primary purpose and principle, which results in a nullification of Voluntaryism itself. This is basic logic, and I don't have time to debate it with individuals unwilling to look at this and really get down to brass tacks. Ron Paul did not advocate centralized redistribution and fingerprinting homesteaders as far as I can tell. Nor did he accuse activists of being "cowards" or imply they were "state plants" as Kokesh has done. Cheers.

By the way, why would you want to downvote my comment? If you want to go down that road, instead of engaging in rational dialogue, be my guest.