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Constitutionalist is one who believes that anyone who tries to modify the constitution is considered an enemy to the freedom provided by the constitution, or someone who believes that the constitution is a supreme law of the land therefore should not be broken. Thanks for the video.
Constitutional government is defined by the existence of a constitution—which may be a legal instrument or merely a set of fixed norms or principles generally accepted as the fundamental law of the polity—that effectively controls the exercise of political power. The essence of constitutionalism is the control of power by its distribution among several state organs or offices in such a way that they are each subjected to reciprocal controls and forced to cooperate in formulating the will of the state.
I appreciate that you don't support this !
Freedom should be everywhere : ) @adamkokesh Sir,
Constitutionalism is nothing but that of a polity governed by or under a Constitution that ordains essentially limitedl government and rule of law as opposed to arbitrary authoritarian or totalitarian rule.
Constitutional government therefore should be democratic government. It checks powers on arbitrary executives. It checks accumulation of power in one hand. It restricts state powers.
At least that's how it works in Amerofantasy land.
i have heard many stories from people about you @adamkokesh and finally today i found you, i just read freedom through linkfreedom and you have brought me to find freedom of life. i am sure you are a person good and worthy of being a leader of the future. Today I am immersing myself with libertian, if you do not mind visiting my blog for my self-knowledge with libertian, how happy would be if you deepen about libertian for me @adamkokesh
me and the people of Indonesia who was tyrannized by his own leader in 1998.
I am sad that no one cares about my story and the terrible tragedy of Indonesian people in 1998 sir @adamkokesh
A constitutionalist is often known by other names such as a constitutional conservative or a strict constructionalist. While the latter term typically refers to judges and justices, it is also used to describe any person that believes in a strict reading of the US Constitution. This person typically favors limited government, as prescribed by the Constitution, and one that is small not only in size but also in scope and in power.
For your information state constitutions existed way before the federal constitution. Every state has it's own constitution, each constitution states the functions, structure, and role in state and local governments. State constitutions can continually change upon the will and vote of the population of that state. State constitutions affect people's lives on a daily basis whereas the federal constitution does not. It's the states and local government ordinances that determine the majority of the rules we live by with each state having varying rules. Even if the federal government would decide to make marijuana legal it does not mean that states have to legalize it, it would be up to the will of the voters to change state laws. I know that has to be hard for you to come to grips that each state already allows for citizens to participate in what their "communities" can and cannot do more so than the federal government, it sort of blows that forming communities instead of governments theory apart because it's already implemented within state and local governments.
The USA constitution is a document designed by geniuses to be eventually interpreted by idiots
Wow, I will love to hear your view about constitutionalist. Let me click on the video
when Your every video share with us then we are gain more valuable information.
His view about Constitutionalist is quite straight forward. Adam did a really good job.
thanks your post!
always my see you post
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thank you @adamkokesh.
A very good question Mr @adamkokesh. this reminds me of the father of our constitutionalist
John Locke, the father of Liberalism and modern Constitutionalism with the concept of "Trias Politica" which limits the power of a head of state
Dude don't X this out! This is hilarious.
That's dudette, for female. Now that I think about it I put it in the wrong place, I meant to put it under the guy who keeps posting the pic with Trump crossed out. Yes it is hilarious.
I am glad to hear your views on constitutionalist.
you are the best and every post you have, that would be meaningful to us I am always faithful with you @adamkokesh.
Up freedom! Up America!
Mr. @adamkokesh, you are our greatest in Indonesia, may you be the president of the world
Constitutionalist is a concept or idea that argues that the power of government needs to be limited, so that the administration of the state is not arbitrary or authoritarian.Sangat bagua @adamdokesh
They believe that the Democrats and Republicans have squandered the Founders' legacy of liberty and justice under the Constitution. Countless government officials in the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government ignore their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution.
Your post is always different i follow your blog everytime , your post is so helpful . I always inspire of your post on my steem work . Thank you for sharing @adamkokesh
Follow my blog @powerupme
Well said, however what are your thoughts and predictions in the future if changing the constitution helps?
me and the people of Indonesia who was tyrannized by his own leader in 1998.
I am sad that no one cares about my story and the terrible tragedy of Indonesian people in 1998 sir @adamkokesh
Constitutional government therefore should be democratic government. It checks powers on arbitrary executives. It checks accumulation of power in one hand. It restricts state powers.
@wa2qr - Comment plagiarism. This person has copy pasted the second half of your comment. He did the same to me and I had warned him today. But he keep on doing this!
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