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RE: How To Enslave the World

in #politics9 years ago (edited)

Statists irrational belief in "authority" demonstrates that they were manipulated at some point, if "authority" told them that they first needed permission and to spin in a circle 3 times before they use the bathroom for their own safety, then they would do it because "authority" told them so. All that the "authority" would have to do is constantly fear monger about the imaginary potential dangers of using the bathroom without taking those precautions. Great work Larken.


The same is true of religion, and even more obvious.

I don't agree. I joined my religion so that I could put my faith into practice. No one forced me to join, and I can quit at any time without fear of imprisonment or threat of violence. Christianity, anyway, is based upon free will. There is NOTHING coercive about it, that's the point.

So how are they the same?