How To Enslave the World

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Imagine a fairly primitive tribe of people living on a big island somewhere, getting along with each other pretty well and managing to thrive and prosper. Then along comes an outsider—a nasty guy who is not big and strong, but who is very clever. He wants to be the boss so he can take whatever he wants and do whatever he wants, and basically control the rest of them. But how could he possibly do that? The people of the tribe hugely outnumber him, and they will probably naturally distrust him since he is a stranger. He can’t acquire power over them by brute force, and what possible reason would they have to willingly give him such power?

Fast forward on our hypothetical island a few years, and now the “outsider” is the king of the tribe. He gets whatever he wants. The biggest members of the tribe act as his guards and enforcers. His every whim is called “law,” and any who resist him are demonized and attacked, not just by his hired guards, but by most of the other people in the tribe. They fear him, some hate him, but nearly all obey him, and pay tribute to him.

If you think that that could never happen in real life … turn on CNN.

It already did.

The crooks in Washington, DC—the ones who call themselves “the United States government”—are vastly outnumbered and outgunned by the people they tax and regulate. The American people don’t trust politicians, or like them, and yet the people keep handing over ridiculous sums of money to them—trillions of dollars every year. And most people keep complying with all manner of stupid, destructive, unjustified laws and regulations. Worst of all, it is the people themselves who enforce the will of the politicians on each other. The guy who will wipe out your bank account if you don’t pay your “fair share” to the IRS, or the guy who will kidnap you at gunpoint if you possess a plant without the politicians’ permission, is not a president or a congressman; he is an average Joe. He is a fellow victim of the ruling class, who also does their bidding, forcibly punishing any fellow subject who disobeys the masters.

How could such a situation ever come into existence? Simple. “Politics.” The crooks in DC know what the “outsider” on the island knew: if you want to control people, and you can’t do it by brute force alone, then you need to scare them, divide them, manipulate and deceive them, and always tell them that the way for them to be safe, the way to have the innocent protected and the wicked defeated, the way to make the world what it should be, is to give YOU lots and lots of money and power—power over everything and everyone, including them. To make this scam work, you must constantly use divide-and-conquer tactics, pitting various groups against each other, so they all distrust and resent one another, and all clamor to be first in line to throw more power at you in the hopes that you will use that power to serve their interests and harm their enemies. Never let up on your message of fear-mongering, so that they are scared of all sorts of dangers—poverty, crime, invasion, disease, etc.—to the point where they will willingly, even eagerly, discard their own freedom in exchange for loyal subservience to you, in the hopes that you will save them. (It doesn’t particularly matter whether you scare them with threats that are real, exaggerated, or just plain made up, as long as they believe them.)

Every successful tyrant in history has convinced his subjects that they, the people, would be the ones to benefit from him having power—that all of his authoritarian control-freak plans were for “the people” and “the nation,” and that the oppression inflicted upon the public was “for their own good.” Become a master at telling that lie, and you will soon have large numbers of serfs who not only obey your every whim and throw massive amounts of money at you, but who will hate and attack anyone who doesn’t. Do it right, and your human livestock will be meek, obedient, and will be existentially terrified of the idea of life WITHOUT you "in charge."

If you doubt this—if you think people would never be that gullible, that foolish, that easy to manipulate—just browse through some of the comments under any voluntaryist article on Steemit, or video on YouTube, or article on Facebook, and you will find no shortage of people expressing existential terror—complete with dire predictions, emotional tantrums, and even insults and condemnations—at the mere suggestion that maybe we don’t need a political ruling class forcibly extorting and controlling the rest of us “for our own good.”


Daily, fresh Larken Rose pieces? Steemit is making my life complete :)

If you react emotionally to new ideas, without thinking them through, you may want to consider that the issues lie with you and not the ideas.

Easier said than done, much to my own dismay. It's a sign of emotional maturity to be able to take a step back and evaluate with a cool head. Unfortunately, several people never reach that point. Scaring people into forfeiture of resources is big business. I think we all know that it's not "too big to fail", though.

And I see that terror every day, as you said, everywhere I read any comments against the notion that each man should be his own ruler and be free to defend himself when someone else decides to rule him too. More disheartening for me has been the vigor with which your average moralizer will pontificate about the virtues of love and self-sacrifice and helping your fellow man AND that the state must crush those who disagree and resist handing over their property. We fans of your work eagerly await "The Mirror" in the expectation that with it we can turn those vigorous moralizers into logically consistent ones, at least.

Keep up the great work, Larken!

I like to ask people people if they support slavery. They all respond with a "no", of course. I then ask "If slavery is forcibly taking 100% of a person's earnings, at what percentage is it not slavery?"

Slaves had no earnings. They were kidnapped from their families and given no choice in their daily activities. They could be killed on a whim, for fun, or as an example. Comparing taxes to slavery betrays your grave misunderstanding of the inequities of slavery.

Telos, exercise your natural right to provide for your needs (food sheltet, clothing) through goods or services without paying taxes, make sure the gov't is aware you are living free and see what happens. (spoiler will be caged, or if you resist being kidnapped for caging, killed.) and how many ARE killed just on a whim or as an example by the modern whip crackers (law enforcement officers)? WAKE UP MAN!

Try not paying taxes and see how "better" your government behaves towards you. Won't be much different than a slave master.
Governments kill their own citizens with impunity all the time.

Their would-be earnings are the product of their labor, which all go to their master. Their labor would produce earnings if they weren't slaves.

Earnings are almost never tied to labor unless you're the business owner. Earning are what you agree to receive when you accept a job offer. That step simply did not exist for slaves. They never had any choice, they were literally forced to work. By contrast you only pay taxes if you choose to work or choose to own property. Key word there being "choose."


So your first link is by a guy who also seems to think chemtrails are a problem. That doesn't inspire much faith in his numbers.

Meanwhile here's a graph showing measles cases were slowly lowering but had a sharp drop-off when the vaccine was introduced:

I'll also add this chart of deaths from measles that, if you drew a trend line would probably look more like your guy's graph: (page 85)

So here's my interpretation: Your guy used deaths from measles instead of actual incidents of measles, and there were fewer deaths because hygiene, medicine and other factors improved. In fact, here's a nice long blog post addressing exactly those points:

Now, as to your polio vaccine argument... it does appear that a virus in the vaccine could cause cancer. However they fixed that in 1961:

The presence of SV40 in monkey cell cultures used in the preparation of the polio vaccine from 1955 through 1961 -

How would you feel about a tax on having children?

Basically, humans need to work and own property to live. Therefore the choice is:
a) die
b) live as a slave.
Which is not much of a choice.

ran out of replies, i'll answer your false choice here.
i don't engage in activities that kill children, honestly, what kind of a question is that? though pro vaccinators statistically, demonstrably, provably do. here :

is an article that the pro vaccination people never talk about. it shows the decrease in infectious disease, due to improvements in hygiene and sanitation, took place BEFORE the introduction of vaccines. vaccines didn't save us. in fact with the statistically provable death and debilitation rates of the use of vaccines, i'd say that your opinions are more of a threat to children than mine. Again, though, this is not an issue of whether or not these demonstrable poisons are safe to inject into the veins of children at ever increasing rates to pad the bottom line of the pharmaceutical companies, it is about the rights of the individual to choose accurate data when deciding what to inject into THEIR children's bodies or not.
here is an additional article on the favorite fallback argument of pro vaccination advocates, polio :

i do admire your tenacity. i wish you would read the data and join the informed. we would love to have you as an ally.

telos already believes that the state owns your children and can do what it wants with them, and when confronted with the fact resorts to false choices and accusations that someone who believes in freedom wants to kill their and other people's children. see here:

You never did answer that question, and you're completely mischaracterizing what I said. I never even remotely stated that the state owns your children. I was pointing out that you would like to make a decision that could kill them. But hey, have fun stalking me to trash talk me!

You are correct, it's not fair to compare outright slavery with citizenship. On a scale of 1 to 100 on the freedom scale, slave = 1, citizen = 2, so twice as good to be a citizen.. It's a very good trick, to give slaves a much larger area to roam, and call the plantation a nation. Look at how much better cows feel when you let them out of a cage and limit them to an acre.

So it's unfair to compare to slavery, and then you immediately compare to slavery again.

No, you're right. You're totally a slave. A man whips you and forces you to work, chooses what work you do, and fucks your wife every day then beats you up again for some fun. "The man" forces you to live in a tiny hut too, right? Oh but I guess you admit the hut he forces you to live in is a little larger now.

What? You choose where you live? You chose what to do for a living? No one whips you or fucks your wife? Wow, it's almost like you're totally not a slave.

Some slaves were allowed to leave the plantation to work for money. They had to give a percentage of their earnings to their master back at home.

And even slavery wasn't taking %100 of earnings, slaves were provided food, shelter, security, etc.

Larkin asked that people not upvote unless the article is worth someone elses time to read it. I haven't read anything yet from Larkin that isn't worth someone elses time to read. Upvoted.

Maybe I should post a really bad casserole recipe, just to make sure people are paying attention.

I love casserole! 😂

In a blender, mix half a dozen big macs and a large fry. Spread into a cake dish and bake at 500 degrees until black

LOL! Im paying attention Larkin!! Don't bring out the tuna casserole!!!

This post brings me images of your "how to be a crook" animation. Your way of eloquently explaining the basic principals we should hold true in this world have never run against my principals and likely never will. That is precisely why we deem a lot of attention seekers as gadfly. When you sum up exactly exactly what is wrong with society and include lines of reasoning that are so supportive, what else is there to say?
I agree with you have some free stock in the next social currency, thats about it. Im no better than the next man when I say your message has evolved to include a wider audience, and while these posts resonate with all of us who share a vision decentralized future, it might be good to post some more specific posts with less content in order to have an honest discussion here. I know I'm game, but it might be a good idea to do it before new users become successful and divert attention away from serious topics. Thank you for writing and all the work you have done and are doing to spread information.

This is basically the recipe mom made. We called it Tuna Slop and loved it

What he actually wrote was, "if they think it's something other people should read (and if they want me rewarded for posting it), THEN up-vote it and share it all over the place."
Personally, I think an article or comment is worthy of upvote if I like it, regardless whether I think others will.

Even the word "government" is an insult to our intelligence.. Government is for children and the mentally challenged.
The concept of controlling other people is corrupting us, following our psychopathic "leaders"/self-proclaimed owners bad example.


Government keeps us children. Becoming an adult means outgrowing the need to be taken care of and taking the necessary steps to reclaim responsibility for ones self and one's own actions.

So simple, but so many don't/won't see it.

You can tag in the body of your postings. #larkenrose and anything else. I'd also include #Steem, #Steemit, and #truth.

Another good one, Larken. I realy like your writing style. Keep up the great work. Now steemit is turning into a great source where to find articles coming from anarchist thinkers. And that's a good thing...

Yep. Lots of my favourite anarchists are here.

Hey Larken, have you seen School Sucks Podcast's video on the dangers of abandoning government? It's very tongue and cheek but it does an awesome job at making the point. Seems to have a lot of the same themes as you've described here. video

I clicked the link and watched the video and nearly died! It was hilarious! Which, of course, means that almost anyone that it was intended to reach simply won't understand 😕

I Know right! Unfortunately you are probably correct. If you don't already listen to it i'd suggest their podcast though. It is great

Yeah, it's awesome, but I think the sarcasm might fly right over the heads of a lot of indoctrinated statists.

Hey, Larken, you understand what's going on here, right? :)

That "money" has no LEGAL strings attached to won't be able to DECLARE it as Revenu/Gain, right? :D


I'm debating an ancom right now, it's almost easier to debate a statist

Great post! I would say that the root cause of many of these problems is statist education. The statist system indoctrinates the youth to create more statists who become trapped in the system.

I love everything you write, larken. You are the one totally consistent anarchist that I know of. (not like some other Anarchist supporting Trump or self conflicting anarcho-communists)

One must abolish government violence in their own head before they can end it on the streets.

Great work as always @larkenrose !

This is, as expected, an awesome post. It can't be said enough that what we need in order for voluntaryism to succeed is a significant culture shift. Once people stop desiring a tyrant to destroy their enemies, they will cease to tolerate one.

With every day that passes, their abuse becomes less and less concealed. I wonder how long it might be until the islanders tell the outsider-king to fuck off.

Great work! very interesting article, a bit scary as well!! haha thank you! you might be interested in my latest post about reaching wider following! :)

Another awesome article! These concepts seem so self-evident to me now that I've "woken up" but I need to remember that my mind was once enslaved too. It took Larken and his logic to drag me kicking and screaming through all my mental roadblocks before I settled on the obvious truth that no man can possibly the right to be lord over another.

Statists irrational belief in "authority" demonstrates that they were manipulated at some point, if "authority" told them that they first needed permission and to spin in a circle 3 times before they use the bathroom for their own safety, then they would do it because "authority" told them so. All that the "authority" would have to do is constantly fear monger about the imaginary potential dangers of using the bathroom without taking those precautions. Great work Larken.

The same is true of religion, and even more obvious.

I don't agree. I joined my religion so that I could put my faith into practice. No one forced me to join, and I can quit at any time without fear of imprisonment or threat of violence. Christianity, anyway, is based upon free will. There is NOTHING coercive about it, that's the point.

So how are they the same?

Getting people to abandon their statist beliefs requires one to completely flip their fundamental understanding of what freedom is. It's no shock how much they bend a stretch that "understanding" when confronted with a definition not given to them by their masters.

Perfecto Larken. I have a question for You. Are You familiar about the Ubuntu movement by Michael Tellinger? I think it may be one way to get rid of money=oneye if people will see it working. But, after all it is statism. Just another political party that people vote for. What would You have to say about it, if anything? Thanks Larken!

I'm only vaguely familiar with it (and was familiar with the word before it was a "movement"--heck, I was in a band that had a song called "Ubuntu"). My short, blunt answer is, ANY idea, however good and wise it is, when you combine it with a centralized authoritarian master plan, turns to crap.

Wow, must hear the song. Thanks Larken. :D

I love where Michael Tellinger is going, where his heart is. I am concerned, however, how it will be implemented. He might say it won't be implemented, but be a natural growth out of our hearts and disillusionment of our government. But he is playing the central politics game at the moment. We should get him over here so he can experience Steemit. I think we have a better chance of making the government irrelevant than trying to change it.

Obviating the need for government and relegating it to the trash heap of history is the only way to make a lasting change. Otherwise, we'll just have more pathological altruists and sociopaths finding new and inventive ways to play on people's fears to manipulate them.

Abusive spouse: You need me, who else would love you and take care of you? Now get back here and serve me, and remember that if you don't do a good job the punishment was your fault.

...and even as depressingly transparent as that is, it keeps on working daily.

I often use the phrase "battered citizenry syndrome," because the way "citizens" view "government" is so painfully similar to the dynamics of "battered spouse syndrome," as you just demonstrated.

You paint a very compelling picture, and one I am not unfamiliar with. So admitting that most, if not all, of the above is true, do you see any way out? Human nature is not likely to change, and history has proven that even if you oust a tyrant, at most you can expect a couple three centuries of liberty, gradually decreasing, till you're back at the same point. Now, seeing as we don't live anywhere near 2 or 3 centuries, those nearest the beginning of Liberty stand the most to gain, though you can argue they were probably instrumental in gaining it, and a lot of them may have lost life or limb during the process. Then later generations allow their liberties to be slowly eroded, mainly, I suspect, because they didn't have to do anything in order to gain them. Then fast forward to today, with everything ultra-regulated, very few real liberties left, and in dire need of another revolution. How would you break that cycle?

The primary problem is not human nature; it is authoritarian indoctrination. Yes, if today Washington, DC fell into the ocean, and took all the political crooks with it, the people--BECAUSE they believe in "authority" and "government"--would, one way or another, erect a new ruling class. Because they think that is necessary, and legitimate. However, when people outgrow or escape the belief in "authority," they have no reason to want or appoint a new "king of the island," and no reason to recognize anyone as having the right to be that. That's why my focus is never about one particular regime, but about the BELIEF in "authority." That is what has to go. (That's what my book, "The Most Dangerous Superstition," is all about.)

I see what you're saying, but are you sure that "authoritarian indoctrination" is not part of human nature? I am going to check out your book, if it's anywhere as well thought out as your posts, it will be a fascinating read regardless of whether or not I fully agree with your premises and conclusions. But humor me, is there anywhere in the world that's the size of a country, where you see this "authoritarian indoctrination" not happening and things ending with a different result to what we are seeing here in the USA today?

Oh, Andy! How exciting for you! I remember when I first started questioning authority. I warn you, this rabbit hole is deep, my friend. Truly free-thinking will lose you many friends, especially when you start questioning authority, and fully understanding the mechanisms of indoctrination, but if you make it through - you will have a loving community awaiting you on the other side!

LOL I first started questioning authority when I was 5. That ship sailed a long time ago, my friend. The lost friends have been lost, and new ones found. On the bright side, this is starting to look like a community I want to be in.

terror, war, tired already, enough. It is better to watch the Olympics!

Yeah go support the international bread and circuses that rallies nationalistic feelings, and also led the host country to displace thousands of their citizens only to later arrest and kill said refugees for finding other places to be!

Well, that's true for this topic as for any other... but yes, people seem to be incapable of having normal arguments, which really pains me, everyday.
I see what you wrote more as an exercise than an exact description of the world, although agreeing with a lot of what you say, both factually and figuratively. Although in the US politicians have to raise money, and that's something that doesn't occur in most countries.

Politicians having to raise money to participate in the game show we call democracy just leaves them indebted to their financiers, and thus instead of mob rule we have puppet masters that hide behind the figureheads, and own stock in any politician with a real chance of winning any given race. And the men behind the curtain answer to noone, and are insulated from repercussions from their schemes, leaving them in a position to just buy the replacements of any of their puppets to be ousted. This leaves the illusion of freedoms and government serving the public intact for the sleeping masses!

They have to raise money to stay in congress... it's a stupid system. Although it doesn't work that way here. What happens instead is that they make favours to big companies benefitting them or allowing them to earn a public contest for a big construction or whatever, and then when they get out of politics they are compensated with a nice job as consultant or ceo in a big company... not that everyone is like that. I refuse to believe that. But there are so many examples everywhere, frequently very well known by the public...

Oh and democracy is different than republic... we have republics =)

This was so good but scary! You are a brilliant man!

Today I made a post about how to NOT fall into that fear mongering divide-and-conquer tricks of power hungry politicians. If anyone is interested in reading it.

To see the farm is to leave it.

I'm just here for the comments... @larkenrose, you bring out the best of the best.

Government = Mafia _ Period

Learn more about "Larken Rose's Island Analogy" on youtube. Good stuff.

WE have moved on to solutions now Larken so time to catch up:
To bad it does not tell people HOW? Anyway it is as simple as ...when asked your NAME...."IAM the Witness"
to YOU aiding and abetting identity theft, fraud, and extortion upon ME A TRESPASS OF MEGA PROPORTIONS......and all of the ignorant minions (MEANING PUBLIC SERVICES STAFF) WORKING FOR Rome will IMMEDIATELY CEASE AND DESIST!
Trespass is an area of criminal law or tort law broadly divided into three groups: trespass to the person, trespass to chattels and trespass to land.
Trespass to the person historically involved six separate trespasses: threats, assault, battery, wounding, mayhem, and maiming.[1] Through the evolution of the common law in various jurisdictions, and the codification of common law torts, most jurisdictions now broadly recognize three trespasses to the person: assault, which is "any act of such a nature as to excite an apprehension of battery";[2] battery, "any intentional and unpermitted contact with the plaintiff's person or anything attached to it and practically identified with it";[2] and false imprisonment, the "unlaw[ful] obstruct[ion] or depriv[ation] of freedom from restraint of movement".[3]
Trespass to chattels, also known as trespass to goods or trespass to personal property, is defined as "an intentional interference with the possession of personal property … proximately caus[ing] injury".[4] Trespass to chattel does not require a showing of damages. Simply the "intermeddling with or use of … the personal property" of another gives cause of action for trespass.[5][6] Since CompuServe Inc. v. Cyber Promotions,[7] various courts have applied the principles of trespass to chattel to resolve cases involving unsolicited bulk e-mail and unauthorized server usage.[8][9][10][11]
Trespass to land is today the tort most commonly associated with the term trespass; it takes the form of "wrongful interference with one's possessory rights in [real] property".[12] Generally, it is not necessary to prove harm to a possessor's legally protected interest; liability for unintentional trespass varies by jurisdiction. "[A]t common law, every unauthorized entry upon the soil of another was a trespasser"; however, under the tort scheme established by the Restatement of Torts, liability for unintentional intrusions arises only under circumstances evincing negligence or where the intrusion involved a highly dangerous activity.[13]

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Judge Anna von Reitz When I was a little girl I lived on an old homestead farm that was bisected pretty much down the middle by US Highway 12. Back in the days before the Interstate Highway Syst…

The Big Switch – An Open Accusation of Worldwide Fraud
Judge Anna von Reitz When I was a little girl I lived on an old homestead farm that was bisected pretty much down the middle by US Highway 12. Back in the days before the Interstate Highway Syst…

thankfully we're moving farther and farther away from this type of system every day....

Larkenrose just keeps getting better

I facepalmed after reading the post and looking at the name of the author. No wonder it sounded just like Larken Rose. So what is your solution Larken. I am sure you have examples but I have not seen it or at least don't remember it. I am against the government and a lot of horrible things imposed by the govenrment and other groups. But what is your solution for society to transition from the current system to a different system that you think is better? Any links? Are you working on solutions and perfecting them so that it can be transitioned into? Just curious.

Larken - Your cancer is bad for you. You should have it removed.
You - But what would I replace it with?

You are assuming that I have no ideas or solutions or that I just want to leave the system in place for whatever reason you assume. I don't want to keep the current system in place and I already have ideas and solutions already in place 'partially' to remove the current system / cancer. My ideas and solutions are similar to anarchist ideas and solutions. This is why I am asking Larken to elaborate and provide examples since I know that he is a long time 'anarchist'.

The alternative to having a violent ruling class is ... NOT having a violent ruling class. But people are so accustomed to hearing politicians and their BS centralized master plans, that the idea of actual freedom, where there ISN'T a master plan, where there are billions of individuals each figuring out and choosing their own lives, is unknown and scary to the. The "solution" is the exact OPPOSITE of any authoritarian "solution." It is getting mankind to understand and respect the concepts of non-aggression and self-ownership.

Mr. Rose you are truly a gem of the Freedom movement, I have watched almost all your videos, and have been greatly inspired by them to spread freedom to my peers, and make the world a better place!

Larken, you are correct in describing statists and their fervent belief in authority as a religion. In my mind, I prefer to call it the Cult of Dominion. This cultish belief in a dominating force that governs the masses and is not just necessary but desirable, is practically universal.

While the island makes a good story to illustrate your point, sadly, this very scenario has played itself out throughout history. Native cultures unfamiliar with the Cult of Dominion had to be forcefully "converted" to the "civilized" world view of the cultists. Native cultures proved to be resistant to the deception.

There is a Cult and its belief in authority is the most powerful and destructive belief in the world. There are intelligent, good people who can get as afar as accepting the immorality of Dominion but falter when pondering a world without it. Such is the power of the illusion.

Frankly, I have been explaining anarchy since the sixties and I am tired. I am very grateful for Larken and the growing numbers of voices taking up the sane choice of self ownership and voluntarism in the face of the powerful Cult of Dominion.

While i am tired, I have not given up. I am currently researching when the Cult began. We all know how the story has grown into the insanity we witness daily but its true origin is not known.

As we said in the sixties, "Free your mind and your ass will follow."

Hey Larken: I tried Facebook Messenger-ing you but haven't gotten a reply, so I thought I'd try here.

After a short debate with an Anti-Feminist-but-statist YouTuber about the joys of Voluntaryism, I offered to buy him a copy of TMDS if he promised to read it. Shock of shocks, he did! I had him put a copy of the book on his Amazon Wish List, and when I went to pay for it, I discovered that it was only offered through third-parties, and the cheapest one was $85!

I found a .pdf version and emailed it to the YouTuber, but I also want to make good on my offer. Do YOU have any copies you can sell to me? Ideally, I'd pay, and you'd ship to the kid (I would have him email his address to you).

If I have to pay $85, I'd rather it go to you than some schlub on Amazon. Thanks.

Sure. The answer is to abandon democracy and to submit ourselves to power by wealth alone. Let the Rothschilds rule without check by the will of the people. If you dont like them, you can always earn more money than them and depose them. LOL.

You and all your followers will not understand this, but you will always be dominated by someone else. There will always be the powerful and the weak. The only question is how that power operates. Is it through Politics? Money? or Religion?
Right this moment, all over America, people are in a place they do not want to be, doing something that they do not want to do, with everything they do from when they can eat to when they can go to the bathroom circumscribed by their masters. When you include commute time, this control over their lives extends for 10 hours each day, and if you include lunch hour at a cafeteria, 11 hours. You sleep 8, so that leaves 5 hours for you.
And you worry about the government? The government interferes in your life almost not at all, except to insure that their is a floor on your income, and that you can retire at 67 from that madness. They ensure that the place where you are enslaved is safe, and they put various other conditions on your slavers. And all the slaves can think about is how awful it would be if they were freed from slavery by cutting their chains and having the slaves allowed access to the vaults of the slavers. Because the slavers threaten them, the slaves decry all the "job-killing regulations" that put safety guards around sharp blades, require dangerous chemical spills to be cleaned up, and so on.

There are many forms of power. Government is the one you get a vote on, and the more you use it to your advantage, the better it will get. The more you shrink it, the more we re-enter a feudal society where inheritance determines your station in life and the 90% are serfs.

Good luck with that.

Thank God religion is now an option and we can ignore that once awful source of power.

The government is my single biggest expense. The federal government alone takes 12.4% of my income for social security, 2.9% for medicare and about 20% for income tax. That's 35% of my income.

Yes, I get some return for that, but I would much rather invest in retirement and medical insurance myself, or decide not to, and pay for everything I want now covered by that 20% as fee-for-service. The fees would be lower and the service would be better. And I'd rather have no part in funding the American government's wars of conquest.

And nobody would tell me I couldn't smoke or drink or inject whatever I want, take whatever medicine I decide benefits me, or demand that I ask permission to carry whatever tools I think are necessary to defend myself.

I get to vote on government? What are you smoking? Yes, I get to vote, but my vote decides nothing. So I deregistered about eight years ago, and refuse to participate in a sham that supports a system that does everything by violence. What do you think a "law" is? It's a license for a cop to forcefully kidnap people and cage them like animals. No thank you.

Q: How many voters does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. Voting changes nothing.

God I love this piece. Great work indeed!

even the most primitive tribes, with no contact to civilisation has a chief and an elderly counsil, and they have wars with their neighbours.