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RE: Who This Anarchist Will Vote For In 2020 (and why an anarchist will vote)

in #politics7 years ago

Actually there will be a third podium by 2020 on the main stage. Supreme Court found In LP’s favor in the suit. If Kokesh doesn’t mke it at least that far, it’s not the two party system’s fault - it’s ours.


that would be cool, I have not heard of the case, do you know what it was called?

I’ll look up the info when I get to my desktop and get back to you.

thank you that could be a game changer, how shocking the mainstream media does not seem to have given it much coverage

OK, I only upvoted 2 people and my vote power was already dropping so please accept a tiny vote and a tip! and thank you for your willingness to look into this. It really is a great time to get behind Adam.

I was mistaken, it was not supreme court, its in district court.

Level The Playing Field v. Federal Election Commission