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RE: Why Should We Tolerate Heterophobia From The LGBT Community?

in #politics7 years ago

You're paranoid delusional then. 'Cause both were genuine. Which I now regret. You can tell yourself whatever you want about me, as many times as it takes for you to believe it. Doesn't change reality one bit.

The thing is, you're telling yourself something about me, while I would rather forget you exist.


Lol! I'm sure that means something to you. Anyway haven't you got more ignorance to spread?

Says the guy who doesn't seem to realize fascist leftist is an oxymoron. LOL this is hilarious.

Oh dear! This is getting worse. I suppose you actually believe that liberals can't be fascist, right?

Get back to me on that after you have your GED, okay?

Ignorance is your middle name. And as for your beautiful bullshit social status of anarcho-capitalist that makes you feel really important and special, just accept you're an ignorant leftist fascist.

It doesn't make me feel anything. Clearly you're pretty riled up though.

We could have spent less time debating "heterophobia" than you've spent insulting me and I've spent trolling you.

Honestly, I'm just gonna let you try to paint the Nazis as both a right-wing ideological group and a left-wing ideological group. Have fun.

Like, you said, "Go away," 20-odd comments ago, and away I went.

That was evidently unsatisfactory to you, though I can't imagine why.

That's right I did say go away and you didn't did you? You had to make another comment so you never went away.