Why Should We Tolerate Heterophobia From The LGBT Community?

in #politics7 years ago


I am a very tolerant person. I was brought up to respect people and to make a decent contribution to my society. It therefore comes as no surprise that I am not homophobic in any way. In fact I have been fully supportive of LGBT rights and gay marriage here in Britain. However, despite my respect and tolerance of the LGBT community it seems that it is all getting thrown back in my face.

I walk into shops where gay shop assistants treat me like dirt because they suspect I'm heterosexual - and they would be right to suspect that. I have a coffee at Starbucks and gay servers are far too concerned with themselves to show me any attention and respect because they suspect I might be heterosexual. Even the receptionist at the dentist is so self important that should he get a hint that I may be straight then he feels he can talk to me like I'm nobody.

This is not the type of equality I was supporting. This is not the type of society I wish to be living in. In an age where we have far more equality than ever before why then is this hate allowed? Why is there so much more division? I have always denounced homophobia and now it seems that we must begin to tackle the issue of heterophobia.


In my opinion what you’ve encountered is a matter of personality, and not if the person is LBGD.

Unfortunately I thought someone may say something like this, and yes of course not all LGBT people are nice people, just as in the straight community. However, I'm afraid there is a distinct culture emerging within the LGBT community that thinks it's alright to discriminate and hate straight people.

"...gay shop assistants treat me like dirt because they suspect I'm heterosexual."

What in the absolute crazy cracker kinda crap is this? Let me tell you something buddy, anywhere you go and whatever you do (maybe except in a gay bar) the first assumption anyone will have is that you are straight, because that is the world we live in.

Heterophobia? I've yet to see in the news the story of a teenager committing suicide because they were bullied for being straight. I still haven't heard of a single straight couple being beat up on the street because they were holding hands for being straight. Please kind sir, what is the slur that the evil gays use to demean and morally beat down heterosexuals?

If everywhere you go people seem to be treating you badly, how in the world are you going to shove all LGBT people in a bag and say that they're being "heterophobic"? Buddy, consider this: the problem is you.

Whenever somebody says "I'm not homophobic but...", "I have nothing against the gays but...", "I'm actually a supporter of LGBT people but..." NO. Stop. Why don't you try replacing the keywords for "racist" or "Jews" or "black people"? How does it sound then?

Sure, the LGBT community has its issues. But if you're going to talk about "heterophobia" show me the oppression, show me the abused straights. There's what you think that's happening around you and then there's what's actually happening. Get a grip.

Right then, firstly it is not the case that anywhere you go and whatever you do the first assumption is that you are straight. There are many open flamboyant homosexual and bisexual people in all walks of life and of course public life as well.

Yes unfortunately some LGBT people have been targeted because of their sexual orientation and have suffered. However, the vast majority of people no longer care whether you are gay or straight. In Britain we live in a very tolerant society and LGBT people are mostly accepted, except for an exceptional minority of bigoted fools.

Despite this equal playing field the LGBT community still insists on embracing the victim culture all the time and making a social fight out of everything. Minorities still dominate the agenda and it should stop. That needs to stop right now. That is not the road to equality. It is the road to division.

It is patently obvious that many members of the LGBT community are obsessed with themselves and crave constant attention. That shit also has to stop. The problem is not me as you so eloquently put it. The problem is many member of the LGBT community. And people like you.

As regards your analogy to race and colour you clearly have no understanding of much in the way of contemporary social politics. You must look at all the facts before you make your judgement. Do not dismiss a perspective, constructed on facts, just because you don't like those facts. Heterophobia is an uncomfortable subject but we must start talking about it and bring it out into the open.

Perhaps you are comfortable living in your little bigoted Marxist world. But don't assume everyone is like you. Thankfully they are not.

I don't have problems with people's sexual orientation or choice either. We are all independent and fred to love whomever we desire as long as it's consensual.

Adam levin's points are actually important to note. May be we should be more compassionate. The case of sexual and emotional bullying is actually perpetuated now by everyone out of lack of respect and compassion.

Humanity is my watch. Let's revive the humanity in us!

Thank you @freedomexists. Freedom truly exists #Freedom #Humanity


wao! It is incredible to where the humanity arrives. They also taught me what respect is for all people without indicating race or belief, but what I am sure of is that in the eyes of God it is wrong; it is sin. We have reached a point where we see the consequences of ignoring the good will of God and it is necessary that we return to those commandments that he left us. In the Bible he tells us many stories that speak about the passions and sexual desires aberrados and the consequences that they had. One of those stories is "Sodom and Gomorrah". God made a man and a woman. Your biology is shaped perfectly to correspond to the opposite sex. Little time to the basic principles. Many times this happens when the little truths that end up becoming social storms are neglected in the lack of orientation.

People are jerks, or not, irrespective of their group affiliations.

The hypocrisy is stunning isn't it?

Yes it totally is and no one seems to want to talk about it.

It sucks if people are rude to you in general so I certainly don't wish that on you but I think you might not have the perspective that an LGBT person does. I have had my share of rude servers and salespeople, snotty gay people and straight alike; it may or may not have had anything to do with my orientation. But unless a shopkeep is yelling "fag" at you (or the straight equivalent...oh wait, there isn't one...) you definitely don't experience the level of homophobia that a queer person does. It's really not comparable. And I know that can be hard to see through privilege or when people are rude to you but, unfortunately, rudeness exists everywhere and it is NOT the same as discrimination.

What the OP is too chickenshit and/or dishonest to say is that any threat to his tribe's absolute unquestioned dominance is intolerable, and that his primitive tribalism can justify stooping to any depth far below those he's condemning as reprehensible when some "other" tribe does it.

And if he tries to respond to this to explain to me that I'm over-reacting, I'm gonna point directly at the broad generalizations he as an individual chose to use, and ask him to take a long hard look in his mirror to ask himself why he did so.

I have never read such an utterly clueless, ill informed and uneducated response that you provided in your first comment. Had you bothered to read the article you would realise that I was not saying that all LGBT people are hate filled people. I was saying that there is a significant culture emerging within the LGBT community that stipulates it is acceptable to hate straight people by virtue of them being straight. This is nothing whatsoever to do with securing the dominance of straight tribalism as you put it. Stop inventing things and start facing the reality that heterophobia exists in our society and it must be stamped out.

I will apologize again if my initial reaction was overly hostile or defensive. I hope you understand the reasons why though. I've been in enough life-and-death situations and spent enough time on operating tables that I don't have a dimmer switch when I sense danger. It's on or off.

However, heterophobia is not a thing, and cannot be a thing without the existence of group ideologies. If individual LGBT people are acting like that, you cannot claim "a significant culture ... that stipulates it is acceptable to hate straight people" without being just as deserving of condemnation as they are. I can assure you that no such culture exists, and I'm the front line calling them out on the carpet when I hear or see individual LGBT people lumping all straight people into "the other" like that.

'Heterophobia is not a thing' you state. You are an utterly ignorant person. Go away.

If you don't like someone observing your hypocrisy, the problem is your hypocrisy, not that it's observed.

But sure. Have fun with your echo chamber. I actually hoped for a rational debate.

I'm no psychologist, but from my experience I can understand what you're saying and I think this kind of behaviour stems from the individuals own personal life drama and their issues of self-acceptance.

You positioned this article to group these behaviours as something that happens with all the LGBT people that you encounter. And it also sounds like you feel this behaviour is directed towards straight people.

I see a lot of self-hatred in the gay community that is expressed outwards towards other people. I have struggled with being gay and I'm still not completely comfortable with it. I have a lot to work on with self-love and self-acceptance and see a lot of other people struggling with the same issues in my community. I've also seen some of my 'friends' hate on other people, but it's not just straight people... typically it's everyone.

Some of these people that I'm talking about look like they've got their lives together and are living a fabulous life but really deep down inside they are hurting so much. So please, next time you feel like they are hating you or the straight community... take a moment to understand that the issue is a lot more complex and probably has a lot more to do with themselves than with anyone else.

This does not make the behaviour right, or acceptable. And I can't be speaking on behalf of the whole community, but I do understand what you are saying and I'd love to see my community find a lot of healing and be able to fully love and accept others, just as they seek to be loved and accepted.

I appreciate your comment and I also appreciate that LGBT people have issues to deal with that straight people don't. But hating straight people to help LGBT people make themselves feel better and help process their issues isn't going to help anything.

I apologize if my initial reaction was overly hostile, but when I see someone painting entire groups with such a broad brush, it is red alert shields up arm photon torpedoes.

I am annoyed when the media tries to define "anarchy" as scruffy guys throwing pipe bombs.
I am annoyed when lies are repeated, the way CNN and Joseph Goebbels operate(d).

People are good or bad irrespective of whatever group ideology we try to shove them in because we are just as chickenshit and lazy as those we rightly condemn for doing the same thing. Almost nobody is that easily pinned-down. And we are doing ourselves as individuals and our species as a whole a huge disservice by allowing ourselves to be dumbed down to that extent.

If anyone hates straight people, as if there is a single group ideology of straight people, then you are absolutely right to call them out for it. But then you call out the individual who is doing that or you are just as deserving of condemnation as they are.