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RE: Why Should We Tolerate Heterophobia From The LGBT Community?

in #politics7 years ago

I'm no psychologist, but from my experience I can understand what you're saying and I think this kind of behaviour stems from the individuals own personal life drama and their issues of self-acceptance.

You positioned this article to group these behaviours as something that happens with all the LGBT people that you encounter. And it also sounds like you feel this behaviour is directed towards straight people.

I see a lot of self-hatred in the gay community that is expressed outwards towards other people. I have struggled with being gay and I'm still not completely comfortable with it. I have a lot to work on with self-love and self-acceptance and see a lot of other people struggling with the same issues in my community. I've also seen some of my 'friends' hate on other people, but it's not just straight people... typically it's everyone.

Some of these people that I'm talking about look like they've got their lives together and are living a fabulous life but really deep down inside they are hurting so much. So please, next time you feel like they are hating you or the straight community... take a moment to understand that the issue is a lot more complex and probably has a lot more to do with themselves than with anyone else.

This does not make the behaviour right, or acceptable. And I can't be speaking on behalf of the whole community, but I do understand what you are saying and I'd love to see my community find a lot of healing and be able to fully love and accept others, just as they seek to be loved and accepted.


I appreciate your comment and I also appreciate that LGBT people have issues to deal with that straight people don't. But hating straight people to help LGBT people make themselves feel better and help process their issues isn't going to help anything.

I apologize if my initial reaction was overly hostile, but when I see someone painting entire groups with such a broad brush, it is red alert shields up arm photon torpedoes.

I am annoyed when the media tries to define "anarchy" as scruffy guys throwing pipe bombs.
I am annoyed when lies are repeated, the way CNN and Joseph Goebbels operate(d).

People are good or bad irrespective of whatever group ideology we try to shove them in because we are just as chickenshit and lazy as those we rightly condemn for doing the same thing. Almost nobody is that easily pinned-down. And we are doing ourselves as individuals and our species as a whole a huge disservice by allowing ourselves to be dumbed down to that extent.

If anyone hates straight people, as if there is a single group ideology of straight people, then you are absolutely right to call them out for it. But then you call out the individual who is doing that or you are just as deserving of condemnation as they are.