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RE: Abortion: Your body, your choice? Or is it the child's body that you are choosing for?

in #politics9 years ago

For me it's hard to comment on the subject without considering religion. I agree there are some cases where abortion may be okay like in the case of rape or if the pregnancy endangers both the child and the mother. But, life is life. We shouldn't end a life just because it is an inconvenience to us. Good article.


Aye, but everyone has a different religion.
When it comes to law, we need to consider logic, science and the idea of protecting the freedoms of the individual.

If your religion forbids abortion, then you need to follow your philosophies.
Let your beliefs guide your life. Not the lives of others.

The reason this argument doesnt work is because pro-life people believe the fetus is an entity of its own and that abortion is interferring with its life. To them, your argument supports the opposite conclusion to your own and demonstrates why abortion is wrong since its allowing one person to decide the life of another.

Do you think we should abolish laws against murder, rape, battety, etc? Afterall, our beliefs should guide our own lives, not the lives of others, right? Nobody actually believes we should mind our own business when someone defenseless is being harmed, so this argument is only valid if you dont think the fetus is an entity of its own, in which case it changes nothing since people who believe this are likely in favor of abortion already.

In my opinion, if we consider religion before anything we're already on the losing side.
I read about this woman in a muslim country who was forced to keep the rapist kid! Forced to marry the rapist!! And spent some time in jail for having sex with a man she was not married with [ the rapist].
That's religion for you...yeah, you can say that YOUR religion is better but you must agree that's a slippery slope of an argument.

I would say this would have been more of a cultural thing that Religion - 2 different things alltogether. Culture is often confused with the practice of the muslim relegion ( I am not muslim) the culture is all about shame being brought on to the family . I am not advocating this is right, but you have to understand its not the religion thats making her stay with a rapist, but the culture she would have been raised in.