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RE: Abortion: Your body, your choice? Or is it the child's body that you are choosing for?

in #politics9 years ago (edited)

In my opinion, if we consider religion before anything we're already on the losing side.
I read about this woman in a muslim country who was forced to keep the rapist kid! Forced to marry the rapist!! And spent some time in jail for having sex with a man she was not married with [ the rapist].
That's religion for you...yeah, you can say that YOUR religion is better but you must agree that's a slippery slope of an argument.


I would say this would have been more of a cultural thing that Religion - 2 different things alltogether. Culture is often confused with the practice of the muslim relegion ( I am not muslim) the culture is all about shame being brought on to the family . I am not advocating this is right, but you have to understand its not the religion thats making her stay with a rapist, but the culture she would have been raised in.