
Really !!!
That's all you got..!!
That's the best you can do..!!

"Fake News - Go Away", is gonna be your reply...!!

Oh boy, you poor delusional little man...

I am a little bummed though - here I thought you were more than just another Trumpanzee. I guess that was just hope on my part, hope that you could articulate the "FACTS" as you see them, hope that you had more than what you hear on Fox so called News, and hope that you were basing your opinion on something more than ignorance - I guess not...

Once again I have to say...

Prove It...

If you want to have an adult conversation, you have to at least try to give and a substantive argument based on facts... But if you cant bother to counter my points with FACTS, I can't be bothered to waste any more time on you...