There are very few issues you can point to where Donald Trump hasn’t been all over the board politically. This particular point however, his obvious hostility toward black and brown people, is one thing he has been consistent with his entire life.
This is genuinely who he is, and if you somehow think this is not who he is, you really need to rethink what you believe.
The most recent spewing of racist bile is not an isolated comment where he misspoke, or where he was quoted wrong, or where the liberal “fake news” media is out to get him. All you really need to do is consider the first thing he did when he began his campaign for president, where he called all Mexicans rapists and criminals. Source
There is a very predictable pattern of behavior that clearly describes Trump as a racist, and this is more than just my opinion, I argue this is an objective fact.
The Trump real estate business lost a civil rights suit brought by the Department of Justice because they would automatically reject black and other minority applications to lease their properties. Source
Trump has equated white supremacists to the people who were protesting them with the infamous “many sides” press conference. Source
Minority dealers in the now bankrupt Trump Casinos, sued and won over the unfair treatment they received. Source
He has referred to black athletes who take a knee in protest of police killing unarmed black men as “sons of bitches”. Source
He has argued with civil rights icon John Lewis, and congress women Frederica Wilson, for no reason other than their skin color. Source
Before even considering entering politics, Donald Trump advocated keeping the Central Park Five (black men) in jail even after they were exonerated of any crime. Source
Look for one place in his life where this man apologized, asked for repentance, requested absolution, or any action to make you think racist ideology is not at his core beliefs...
There’s not one that I can think of, and I’ve been looking.
Click Here If you want to read 17 more instances where Trump's racism is evident.
Now you can find occasions where Trump appears to say “the right things”, but only when he’s reading from a script, and none of these comments have even the slightest aura of his true feeling. When he is speaking unscripted and on the fly, his racist ideology tends to "slip", and whether it's accidental or intentional - who knows.
I know that basically anyone can read pretty much anything, and at least partially express the illusion that it’s what you believe. However when you are the President of the United States, every word is scrutinized, and every sentence you speak aloud is analyzed - so much so that eventually, everything you truly believe will manifest in your words, and become apparent to everyone...
Even those who are not even paying attention.
I think the real actions we as concerned Americans have to take, and I have said this a few times in the past - is we need to stop really looking at Trump (sadly we know what he’s all about), and start looking at all the people who are defending and supporting him. The people around Trump are constantly coming out after he says or does some ignorant, racist, unethical, criminal thing - saying it’s horrible, denouncing his actions, or whatever other non action.
Then they sit shoulder to shoulder with him after getting what they want, and say he’s the greatest.
This is sycophancy in it's purest form, and it literally means that all the people doing this are participating in the bigotry, part of the racism, complicit in the ignorance, and enabling this bigoted, racist, ignorant person, to continue believing it's all just ok to be a racist POS...
Thanks for reading...
You are a good sport man. Thanks for the funny conversation. I turned the bot off before it went crazy. I'm seriously thinking about cloning it 5 times and have each one mention the others names and see what happens. If I powered each up to a thousand and launched them it would be interesting to see what would happen once or twice per week. hahaha
I think you really hate Trump and I guess you are..
It's not necessarily that I hate him personally, although I do for a wide variety of reasons - it's more that I despise what he and his followers represent. My personal disgust with him is not just based in politics - but that was the last straw for me.
I sat directly across the table from him negotiating pricing for Trump Tower Ft. Lauderdale, and let me just say if you think he is a piece of shit based on what you see on the news, it will only become more pronounced when meeting him in person.
That particular project ended up bankrupting three businesses that I'm personally aware of , and the only reason I made it out alive (business wise) is specifically because I didn't believe anything he said, could tell he was obviously lying, and withdrew my bids. Others were too blinded by dollar signs to see what I was seeing, and it cost them everything.
After meeting with him and his scumbag son, one of his own people pulled me aside and warned me not to do business with him. At the time I just figured it was because I was one of the smaller businesses, but the last 15+ years have enlightened me a little.
I'm one of those horrible "brown"people Trump talks about - and proud of it...
Don't misunderstand me please, I agree with you. I don't have detailed information as much as you but his behaviours, speechs ,etc come to me repulsive.
I didn't mean to bark at you directly, but I guess it came off that way... I just wanted to give you (and anyone else reading) the reason for my disgust with the orange clown...
Sorry my friend & thank you very much for the comment(s)...
You are wellcome my friend. I can understand you because our old prime minister - he is president now- same as yours.. God help us :)
That information is all false
Another prog wasting my time reading this nonsense. Koolaide drinker! Sounds like someone has Trump derangement syndrome. This is the BEST President in my lifetime!
Cant come up with anything huh....
![skeleton waiting.gif](
Thought so...
I am not getting notifications see previous comment
Oh goody.. One of the diluted chosen...
Prove It...
Give me ANY EVIDENCE you can find to support that statement...
Change my mind...
Convince me...
Make me a believer...
And if you would be so kind as to make it more substantial than the Fox so called News talking points, that I just know your ready to rattle off...
I'll be waiting...
ok just for a taste: he repealed over 200 regs in 1st hundred days and there is so much more. unemployment way down, over 3% gdp growth and looking forward to 4% this quarter
Talk about Trump Derangement Syndrome. Sounds like you might be a chronic sufferer, possibly even terminal... But don't worry little fella, DrDave is here with the cure...
Lets take a peek at what's really going on - shall we...
I'll go slow so you can keep up...
Yes, I am being sarcastic and condescending, and maybe even a little bit rude, but you had it coming... If your gonna contest something, or argue a point - regardless of the topic, come prepared with more than insults and your own personal biases...
I sourced every point, every regulation, and every argument I'm trying to make - just in case you ARE more than just another Trumpanzee - and want to see for yourself what i'm referring to.
Doing your own research in search of the truth will go a long way to alleviating your Fox News Bubble Syndrome... (that's pretty good - officially coined) Or maybe you think the before mentioned are all good things, in which case you are terminal...
This must be a bot copy and pasting it's talking points; that are all false. This was mostly dealt with during the primary; for goodness sake
Oh I am very real, and you still have yet to counter ANY of the points I mention.
So if what your saying is none of the points I made even happened - well if that's the case, your delusional and an idiot...
What did you say to change my mind - nothing, not even "alternative facts" to back up your claim.
Not sure if your not capable or if you just refuse - Either way - I'm done with you...
And BTW - how is it that the orange clown signed all the before mentioned executive orders "during the primary"...
Looks like your loosing your grasp on reality - just like Trump...
This is #falenews go back to watching #mslsd
Really !!!
That's all you got..!!
That's the best you can do..!!
"Fake News - Go Away", is gonna be your reply...!!
Oh boy, you poor delusional little man...
I am a little bummed though - here I thought you were more than just another Trumpanzee. I guess that was just hope on my part, hope that you could articulate the "FACTS" as you see them, hope that you had more than what you hear on Fox so called News, and hope that you were basing your opinion on something more than ignorance - I guess not...
Once again I have to say...
Prove It...
If you want to have an adult conversation, you have to at least try to give and a substantive argument based on facts... But if you cant bother to counter my points with FACTS, I can't be bothered to waste any more time on you...