Talk about Trump Derangement Syndrome. Sounds like you might be a chronic sufferer, possibly even terminal... But don't worry little fella, DrDave is here with the cure...
Lets take a peek at what's really going on - shall we...
I'll go slow so you can keep up...
- Revoked a rule that expanded the number of people who could earn overtime pay.
- Reversal of a rule that would mandate that oil and gas companies report payments to foreign governments. The Securities and Exchange Commission will no longer receive this information.
- Ended a rule that barred employers from taking some or all of the tips given to service employees.
- Canceled a rule mandating that financial advisers act in the best interests of their clients.
- Ended a rule that allowed consumers to file class-action suits against financial companies.
- Ended a rule banning dumping waste from mining into streams.
- Delayed and potentially rolled back automotive fuel efficiency standards.
- Repealed the Waters of the United States rule. This rule expanded the definition of water bodies that were protected by the Environmental Protection Agency.
- Began repeal of a rule that would weaken emissions standards for some truck components.
- Repealed a rule mandating that Internet service providers seek permission before selling personal information.
Yes, I am being sarcastic and condescending, and maybe even a little bit rude, but you had it coming... If your gonna contest something, or argue a point - regardless of the topic, come prepared with more than insults and your own personal biases...
I sourced every point, every regulation, and every argument I'm trying to make - just in case you ARE more than just another Trumpanzee - and want to see for yourself what i'm referring to.
Doing your own research in search of the truth will go a long way to alleviating your Fox News Bubble Syndrome... (that's pretty good - officially coined) Or maybe you think the before mentioned are all good things, in which case you are terminal...
This must be a bot copy and pasting it's talking points; that are all false. This was mostly dealt with during the primary; for goodness sake
Oh I am very real, and you still have yet to counter ANY of the points I mention.
So if what your saying is none of the points I made even happened - well if that's the case, your delusional and an idiot...
What did you say to change my mind - nothing, not even "alternative facts" to back up your claim.
Not sure if your not capable or if you just refuse - Either way - I'm done with you...
And BTW - how is it that the orange clown signed all the before mentioned executive orders "during the primary"...
Looks like your loosing your grasp on reality - just like Trump...