
Crazy Republicans here in Texas will figure out a way to pass a law making it illegal in Texas to buy rolling papers or other cannabis related products when the Federal government finally comes to it's senses and makes it legal.

Preaching to the choir here, bud. I’m born and raised in Texas. One day, I hope, this state will be less regressive and make it into the 21st century 😬🤷‍♂️

Possibly, if we can manage to get some good progressives into the House and Senate as well. But if it's another politician in the pocket of big pharma then I'm not enthusiastic.

Very true

Big Pharma has a tight grip on both the Republican and Democratic Parties. First, we need to take money out of politics and vote out the old guard who continue to push the negative stereotype of Cannabis.

I think the tides are turning even with some of the “old guard” still in there