We are at a new stage, an evolutionary stage of 9/11 research, activism and strategy

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

''We are at a new stage, an evolutionary stage of 9/11 research activism and Strategy''- Les Jamieson

For those who are telling others to stop going back to 9/11 ''9/11 was 15 years ago'', ''Get over it'' ''Stop revisiting the past'' ''Give it a break'' in social networking sites such as Facebook: Consider the bigger picture for a moment of what has happened since in those fifteen years, we have seen constant war after war as the US government has sytematically seized hold of all oil in the Middle east- 9/11 started this chain of events throughout the last 15 years to create chaos globally to implement regime change and grab resources, perpetrators of crimes against humanity.


It's important because over 5 million people have died and millions have been made refugees as a consequence and as a result of this big lie and the war on terror lie, one of the biggest deceptions carried out by the cabal criminals against humanity and it has been the root excuse for the USA to reign terror and kill millions in other countries in the Middle east, bomb, rape and pillage innocent people and natural resources in the name of terrorism; to make the elite richer and control the world's oil pipelines, which further promotes more ecocide and genocide, those that trade in oil and gold do extremely well every time there is a war in the Middle east, Afghanistan had been bombed for ten years before 9/11 by the US and the UK, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen all those countries are in a state of chaos and extremists have been funneled billions by the perpetrators that executed 9/11.

The most significant point about this 9/11 anniversary, is that there was a New York event arranged today by AE911Truth, the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, and others who took part in a landmark symposium on the pursuit of 9/11 Justice fifteen years after the fateful events of September 11, 2001.

The 9/11 consensus panel and an international inquiry is being pushed by 12 lawyers and other professionals who have organized ''Justice in Focus''to keep pressure on the goverment players behind terrorism and behind the 9/11 orchestration who have been busy legislating away people's rights since it happened.

Keep your eyes and ears on the work these activists are doing in ''Justice in Focus'' as they are pushing for this Inquiry to the US government to be held in an international court system and they have overwhelming evidence to prosecute some of those behind the black curtain. It's the first time in history so many lawyers, whistelblowers, engineers and scientists are involved in fighting for justice, this is a huge movement to expose the corruption in government, so for those of you telling others to pipe down, continue to enjoy your servitude and complicit silence to the vile cabal, while the rest of us try to support those activists who are lawyers, whistleblowers, engineers and scientists involved in Architects and Engineers for 9/11 justice and the Truth Action Project and JUSTICE IN FOCUS getting the closest we have ever been to bringing these criminal perpertrators to justice in an INTERNATIONAL COURT

by Carlita Shaw

Further reading and links
15 years later on the physics of high rise building collapses

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Justice

Banksy image and video for public domain


I like the work of Dr Judy Woods but it will be interesting to watch all this unfold... we´ll all be dead before anything happens through any court system but it is fun to watch trying

Yes I agree with you there, I don't think we will see anything change in our lifetime for sure, I have a great deal of respect for those persevering though, its historic activism, any attempt to bring the Goliath corruption down is worth supporting.

Your Video was Changed to Private

sorry Youtube censored the video unfortunately.

I really think you have a real strong picture in your post.
Really beautiful and it u it's the content!!!