The government has forced my father to take the vaccine.
They won’t call it that, of course. If you fall under the vaccinate or test regime, they will say that you have a choice.
Get vaccinated for free, or get tested twice a week on your own dime.
My father can’t afford the financial hit. He can’t afford the loss of time for regular tests either. He is also worried that the government will further increase restrictions on the unvaccinated. Already the unvaccinated are forbidden from dining indoors and must produce a negative test result to attend indoor events.
This is the reality Singapore is now facing. Such a regime is immoral, illegal, and worst of all, useless.
Everybody has the right to bodily autonomy. No government has the right to compel people to take an experimental vaccine whose long term effects are not fully understood. Nor does any government have the right to discriminate against people based on vaccination status.
The Covid mortality rate in Singapore is 0.066%. Most of the fatalities have one or more comorbidities. The US CDC estimates that over 90% of Covid deaths have comorbidities, and the unofficial numbers I’ve seen for Singapore agrees with these figures. Such a low fatality rate does not justify such harsh discriminatory measures.
There are at least 32 people who have died after taking the vaccine in Singapore, and the true number could be 56 or more. The government refuses to acknowledge any of these deaths as caused by the vaccine, instead claiming that these deaths were coincidental or caused by other medical conditions. For comparison, 44 people have died of Covid in Singapore.
Not only that, data from the most vaccinated countries in the world tells us that the vaccinated will eventually lose protection. Israel, the UAE, the Seychelles, Chile and Bahrain are among the most vaccinated countries in the world. They were all hit by Covid surges earlier this year. Iceland has acknowledged that mass vaccination has not created herd immunity.
The vaccine cannot stop the spread of the virus. The US CDC admitted this on 6 August. Vaccinated and unvaccinated people alike are able to spread the virus. This means there is no public health reason to discriminate against the unvaccinated.
The best the vaccine can do is confer individual protection. It can reduce the chances of infection and developing severe symptoms, but only for a limited time. After that, the vaccinated will need booster shots to remain protected. Dr Kobi Haviv, medical director of Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem, claims that 95% of patients in an Israeli hospital with severe Covid symptoms were vaccinated. The official numbers from the Ministry of Health notes that 64% of hospitalised patients were fully vaccinated. Israel delivered the world’s fastest vaccination rollout program, with 48% of its population inoculated in the first five weeks of the program since its implementation in December 2020. Now health experts are calling for booster shots, and we have no data on the long term side effects of these booster shots either.
There will be no end to this. Give the government power and it will never relinquish it on their own.
New York City requires vaccine passports. New Zealand has imposed a national lockdown after reporting a single Covid case, and four more suspected cases. Singapore splits society between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Harvard-trained epidemiologist Dr Eric Feigl-Ding warns that even if Australia hits 90% vaccination, it will not be enough to prevent future lockdowns. Scotland now seeks to make pandemic emergency powers permanent, including the power to order school closures and lockdowns.
This is the future waiting for you. A future of vaccine passports, arbitrary lockdowns, endless booster shots, discrimination and division, in the name of ‘public health’.
The virus did not disrupt the economy. The virus did not impose lockdowns, mandatory tests and vaccines. The government did. After taking away your freedoms, the government can dangle the promise of greater privileges to those who conform, and retain the power to take away even more rights and freedoms at any time.
A government that can compel you to ‘voluntarily’ take the vaccine is a government that can force you to do anything. They can turn you against your friends and family, force you to obey ever-increasing restrictions, and steadily take away your ability to resist. Such a government does not see you as a citizen, but a subject, with only two options: comply or be destroyed.
How many more restrictions will you accept?
How much more power will you allow the government to take?
How far will you allow the government to erode your rights and freedoms?
If you do not speak up now, if you continue to choose convenience over freedom, you will awake one day to discover you have neither.
I'd have to disagree. The USA is a wonderful example of A/B testing when it comes to vaccination. Areas that have a higher vaccination rates are seeing less fatalities than address with lower over. The people in ICUs today are 90% or higher likely to be unvaccinated. As folks pointed out, Delta is mostly affecting unvaccinated including children.
Yes, it doesn't make you immune but most vaccines don't. It just means it doesn't fester in your system as long while infecting everyone around you like some sort of Johnny Appleplague. Even if it did, herd immunity for a high-r infections is going to require extended period of time with higher percentage of people vaccinated, and I don't many areas that are in the 87% vaccinated range.
Now, Singapore is country with a very high discipline that much of the test of the world can't match. Staying there might be fine, but what if you have to go into the rest of world that isn't? Are you going to trust your health against the constantly festering and evolving virus?
Related to the healthy bit. Our CEO is a health nut and spent eight months saying it was a hoax. Eight months of saying being healthy would make you immune. In December, his entire family of active, healthy people got sick and a few almost died. A similar story with my cousin who runs marathons.
My seven year old caught it. We had to take him to the hospital where they told us to go home and hope he didn't die overnight because they had no room for him.
Now, I caught it and it was three days of hell. My lungs are scarred and look like a Pollack painting on the x-ray. I got a hernia from struggling to cough and nine months later, I still can't fucking breathe for a mere four mile walk. If vaccines lowers someone's chance of getting it by ten percent, it's worth it. I may be a horror writer but I wouldn't wish my November hell on anyone.
When I got Covid the second time (also brought into our house by one of my children), I was vaccinated. It was a day of slight misery and then a few weeks. Still cants breathe but I didn't get worse.
Also, mRNA research had been going on for decades. It isn't "untested". It was rapidly tested with established technologies, we just haven't had a rollout this famous before. However, they have been using the same technologies on other medicines before this. The source code, for all practical purposes, of the Moderns vaccine is available and reviewable. The way they constructed it is amazing.
After growing up with a grand parent with Polio scars, a cousin who almost died of adult chickenpox, and then seeing my children not have to worry about either, I'm pretty firmly in the vaccination crowd. I also think people who choose (not the ones who can't) not the be vaccinated are selfish and have little regard for the greater good. I happen to trust the technology of the Covid vaccinations, feel there is more than enough data coming out of John Hopkins, WHO, and the CDC to say it works and it helps.
I think all these numbers are kind of meaningless without knowing which vaccine we are talking about. For instance, while most of the hospitalizations in Israel may be among those that are already vaccinated, that has not been the case in the U.S. thus far. Quite the opposite. Well over 90% of recent hospitalizations have been among the unvaccinated. While official numbers can be B.S., anecdotal information from a couple of people that I know who work in hospitals would seem to back that up. Why the disparity? Is it the particular vaccine being used or something else?
Also, when talking about comorbitities, what percent of the population has one? Being overweight is a comorbitity and that covers at least 40% of the U.S. right there. How about high cholesterol, high blood pressure, asthma, etc.? I think once you look at everything that is considered a comorbitity you've probably covered well over half the population.
I don't believe anyone should be forcibly vaccinated. However, I have seen those on both sides of the argument use the statistics that seem to support their argument while pretending any that don't do not exist.
The media says that as vaccination numbers increase, the number of Covid patients who are fully or partially vaccinated will also increase.
The media has not asked why the number of vaccinated patients in countries with high vaccination rates are disproportionately high relative to local demographics.
Likewise, the government isn't releasing information on the efficacy of vaccine and vaccine doses, except to push the vaccine narrative.
Considering comorbidities, we see that deaths could be prevented by encouraging healthy lifestyles. Losing weight, addressing medical conditions, a healthy diet. Instead, the government forbids people from leaving the house, and junk food companies offer free food to people who get vaccinated.
What we see today is that the government hides answers that are politically inconvenient, and push for solutions that drive people towards poorer overall health instead. With so much deception from the government, Big Pharma and the media, one must assume the worst.
"The media says that as vaccination numbers increase, the number of Covid patients who are fully or partially vaccinated will also increase."
Statistically that makes sense. If 90% of people are vaccinated you will have more vaccinated patients than if 50% of people are vaccinated. That will be true unless the vaccine is 100% effective.
"The media has not asked why the number of vaccinated patients in countries with high vaccination rates are disproportionately high relative to local demographics."
This is what I was alluding to somewhat with the fact that this does not seem to be true in the U.S. (and presumably at least some other countries as well). I don't think this statement is true unless you put "some" in front of "countries" which changes the implications a little.
First, what is a "high" vaccination rate? In Florida, which is considered "bad", the rate is approaching 60% and the hospitalization rates for COVID seem to be hovering around 90% unvaccinated which by my math would seem to indicate that the vaccine helps. Other than possibly the vaccine type, what is different in some of these other countries where the numbers seem to show something different? Different comorbitites, genetic makeup, something else? Also, I don't see what vaccination rate has to do with whether or not there are proportionally more vaccinated patients. If it is going to be disproportionate I would expect it to be so at any vaccination rate.
As far as comorbitities, my point was that a statistic saying that most people who are hospitalized or die because of covid have them isn't very meaningful when most people have them. Add to that, correlation does not equal causation. Nearly 100% of covid patients have arms. However, I agree that in general a healthier lifestyle makes sickness and death less likely. But you are not going to lose that extra 30 pounds overnight either.
I don't know anyone personally who has had serious issues with COVID. I do know a few people indirectly that have dealt with it though. The husband of one of my wife's friends died because of complications due to COVID (pneumonia in both lungs...pretty sure this is what kills most patients). He was in his late 30s and had no known health issues other than being slightly overweight. Another facebook friend of mine is in his late 50s but very healthy. He was sick for weeks with COVID and had some complications even after recovering but he was never hospitalized. I don't believe either was vaccinated (in the latter case, he is a healthcare worker so had a lot of exposure but the vaccine was not available yet at the time). The former case was just a couple of weeks ago. On the other side of the coin, both my parents and my sister have been vaccinated. All have comorbitites (father has heart condition, mother has high blood pressure, sister in very good shape but a cancer survivor). No significant issues from the vaccine. My son has also been vaccinated (had to if he wanted to continue participation in sports). No known comorbitities and also no significant issues (though he was pretty sick for about a week after the first dose). These are all anecdotal of course but when everyone seems to be twisting every statistic they can to suit their own narrative, I tend to put more weight on my personal observations.
Government isn't some monolithic entity with a single will. Politicians make the decisions they make for political reasons (to keep their job primarily), appealing to one base or the other (or trying to). They will try to hide or deflect anything that makes whatever decision they made look bad. There may be a few exception to this, but very few. Take governor DeSantis in Florida. He has banned schools from enforcing mask wearing. Now in this case it's a good decision because the best science says masks don't work (unless it's an N95 or similar) but his decision has nothing to do with science. It has to do with politics and what he thinks will get him the most support...and attention since he will likely run for president at some point. Regardless of the science, he wants the attention a one on one argument with Biden will get him.
Unfortunately, most individuals seem to be the same way. They will pick a side and stick with it no matter what, being unwilling to admit to being wrong on even one minor point. Likewise, if they see that you are wrong on even one minor point, they take it as proof your entire argument is invalid.