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RE: First They Make You Take the Vaccine

in #politics4 years ago

I'd have to disagree. The USA is a wonderful example of A/B testing when it comes to vaccination. Areas that have a higher vaccination rates are seeing less fatalities than address with lower over. The people in ICUs today are 90% or higher likely to be unvaccinated. As folks pointed out, Delta is mostly affecting unvaccinated including children.

Yes, it doesn't make you immune but most vaccines don't. It just means it doesn't fester in your system as long while infecting everyone around you like some sort of Johnny Appleplague. Even if it did, herd immunity for a high-r infections is going to require extended period of time with higher percentage of people vaccinated, and I don't many areas that are in the 87% vaccinated range.

Now, Singapore is country with a very high discipline that much of the test of the world can't match. Staying there might be fine, but what if you have to go into the rest of world that isn't? Are you going to trust your health against the constantly festering and evolving virus?

Related to the healthy bit. Our CEO is a health nut and spent eight months saying it was a hoax. Eight months of saying being healthy would make you immune. In December, his entire family of active, healthy people got sick and a few almost died. A similar story with my cousin who runs marathons.

My seven year old caught it. We had to take him to the hospital where they told us to go home and hope he didn't die overnight because they had no room for him.

Now, I caught it and it was three days of hell. My lungs are scarred and look like a Pollack painting on the x-ray. I got a hernia from struggling to cough and nine months later, I still can't fucking breathe for a mere four mile walk. If vaccines lowers someone's chance of getting it by ten percent, it's worth it. I may be a horror writer but I wouldn't wish my November hell on anyone.

When I got Covid the second time (also brought into our house by one of my children), I was vaccinated. It was a day of slight misery and then a few weeks. Still cants breathe but I didn't get worse.

Also, mRNA research had been going on for decades. It isn't "untested". It was rapidly tested with established technologies, we just haven't had a rollout this famous before. However, they have been using the same technologies on other medicines before this. The source code, for all practical purposes, of the Moderns vaccine is available and reviewable. The way they constructed it is amazing.

After growing up with a grand parent with Polio scars, a cousin who almost died of adult chickenpox, and then seeing my children not have to worry about either, I'm pretty firmly in the vaccination crowd. I also think people who choose (not the ones who can't) not the be vaccinated are selfish and have little regard for the greater good. I happen to trust the technology of the Covid vaccinations, feel there is more than enough data coming out of John Hopkins, WHO, and the CDC to say it works and it helps.