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RE: Australian Government's War On Privacy & Liberty Goes CRITICAL: The Next Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030 Steps Were Announced Today. Ideas On How We Fight Back.

in #politics7 years ago

Great post. I know the angst you're feeling. This is happening in all of the Anglo-American empire. The reason is this: The government thinks of the citizens as their property, something they can manipulate at will. Read my post, Welcome to Freeworld Farms and you'll understand much better. All you can do is spread the word (which you are already doing) and stop cooperating.


totally agree and finding it interesting to read the word "angst" in your comment... another German word used in English... as for the governments thinking and treating citizens as their property I find it worthwhile to look into the difference of person and human... so much to be found out and so difficult to understand as it is so far away from everything we are taught in school... but this is what schooling is about - just like in a tree school - cut the branches out that are in "the way".... Cheers from the seven mountains in Germany

Hi @citizenzero thanks for your reply. The stop cooperating bit needs consideration as the consequences need to be understood fully. I'm all for it in principle but we need to be smart about how to do that in the least destructive way to ourselves and our lives. Easier said than done!

Not impossible though. One has to quit playing the game by their rules. Better to give lip service to cooperation and then work in the shadows to weaken the power structure. There's no way to fight them and win, that's for sure.

"It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. "

Samuel Adams

I'm starting to see myself as one of those irate tireless minorities. Will you join me?

Already there. Have been for a very long time.