It's time to scream from the mountain top again...
I'm no stranger to writing these posts. When the Turnbull government announced additional powers for the military on domestic soil I wrote about it. When The Turnbull government announced the new super ministry that amalgamates previously separated federal law enforcement and intelligence bodies, I jumped on Steemit to voice my concerns. I don't like having to write about these things as I feel they simply shouldn't be happening. Given that that are happening however, I feel that it's very important to communicate what's happening in this country as I see and hear zero discussion about it, let alone backlash.
Today's announcements...
So I'm happily working away today while listening to ABC Classic FM on the computer. I find it provides a relaxing background for when I'm working at the computer. Soon enough, the news is presented on the hour and my ears prick up as I hear...
Turnbull federal government pushing to double "pre-charge" detention period
Yes, that's right. Not only is it currently the law that people can be arrested and detained in this country without charge if there is a suspicion of terrorism involvement (and let's be clear, this is deliberately a vague and flexible definition) but now the federal government is looking to extend the period of time that people can be detained by the state without charge.
This really is a Tom Cruise pre-crime Minority Report situation.
Currently, the maximum detention periods vary across the states. In some states it's 7 days but in New South Wales it's 14 days. Turnbull wants to impose a national law that imposes the maximum of 14 days detention without charge. To add insult to injury, we're told (get this) that the changes are being proposed simply for "consistency". Oh how fluffy and warm sounding! In the same way that an OCD sufferer would line all the pens up on a desk, we're told that a law that will mean people can be now detained for twice the amount of time that they currently can be without charge (depending on state) is being imposed just to make things all neat and tidy. Give me a break! Could it at all have anything to do with wanting more control over the public and introducing ever more draconian laws to keep people under control? Food for thought.
As I'm digesting that news, the same news bulletin came up with the second of today's face punches...
Possession of "terrorism instructions" to be made illegal
Come again? This is a dangerous and slippery slope as it has to do with controlling access to information and knowledge. So how on earth is "terrorism instructions" to be defined? I'm sure the black and white cases will be paraded in front of the cameras and sold as something that no sensible citizen could argue against. Surely someone in possession of bomb building instructions should be arrested and held for at least 14 days without charge, right?
No. They. Shouldn't.
I have an interest in mechanical things. As a former Army officer, I have an interest in firearms. I may very well google or via other means seek out information on how firearms work, watch videos on the mechanics etc. I have no interest in obtaining a firearm in order to conduct an egregious act of violence on other people but under this new banning, I could be deemed to "be in possession of terrorism instructions". The examples are endless and ultimately it has to do with the prohibition of information as decided by the government. Terrorism is such a broad term it really is something that we should push back against.
If you've not watched Orwell's 1984, I highly recommend it. It's where Australia (and the west) is heading and fast. There are scenes in that movie where information, news, history is erased or modified to comply with the State's interest. Control of information is a very dangerous area for the State to get involved with.
Wow, all of this naferious stuff made me a bit unsettled so I went out to the tea room for a coffee break and what do I see on the TV?
Terrorism Laws: NSW proposes detaining radicalised inmates post-sentence
Now at this point, I had to take a photo because there was so much bad news that I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to remember it all to post about. To be frank, I don't know anything about this terrorism law announcement beyond the title. I haven't even had a chance to research all of these announcements, it's that hard to keep up with it all!
My only comments on this would be that if it's "post-sentence" then surely someone convicted of a crime who has served their sentence is entitled to release, not further detainment. Secondly, again, who defines "radicalised"? I mean that could mean anything so we again have a situation where someone can be presumably detained by the state based on someone's loose terms and definitions. How are people not up in arms about this?
After my lunch I headed out for a walk and once back in the office I resumed my work and my radio listening. Sure enough, there was more in store for me. One of the afternoon news bulletins contained these two further gems...
Australia must not be complacent about gun laws
Yep, there it was. The recent Vegas horror has made it into the political scene in this country already. After the Port Arthur massacre in Tasmainia decades ago now, Australia implemented and retained some of the world's toughest gun laws. Many see this country as the model to follow. After all, a disarmed citizenry makes for little opposition in the face of government tyranny, foreign or domestic. The bulletin caught me unaware as I wasn't expecting to have to make more notes on the this topic so I sadly wasn't quick enough to the pen and post-it notes to catch who made this statement. The statement however was that Australia should look to the recent mass killing in the US as motivation to retain its indescribably strict gun laws.
But the news wasn't done with me yet. The next report was another "Turnbull special"...
Australian federal government to require states to provide drivers' licence photographs of all drivers to federal agencies
Yep, more information collation. Currently federal agencies have access to passport photographs given that passports are issued at the federal level. Driver licencing in Australia however is in the state domain and is managed in a distributed fashion. I kid you not, Malcolm Turnbull was on the radio trying to sell the idea that this move will, you guessed it, combat terrorism. I'ts amazing what can be passed off as combating terrorism. You can read one article on this latest move here.
You may think "what's the big deal, they have our passport photos already". I say that it is a big deal for a number of reasons. Firstly, it sets a trend whereby the federal government can increasingly solicit data on the citizenry that is currently in the custody of either different levels of government or, ultimately, NGOs.
Additionally, the one passport photo is one thing, but drivers' licences will provide more photographic imagery (they are different photos) along with all the associated DMV data that goes with the photo. Of course there's also the argument that it's much, much easier to do without a passport (although I never would) than it is to do with out a drivers' licence. The latter is hardly optional these days. The licence is more than just being about driving, it's a fundamental part of identification these days.
Requiring data to be handed over to the federal government sourced from an issued licence that is hard to live without is a different proposition to holding data on a somewhat more optional document such as a passport.
There was so much Orwellian news happening today I found myself scribbling notes down onto post-it notes at work as I heard the radio news bulletins so that I could write the post.
Where to from here
I honestly don't know but things are getting desperate here. I think we need to start waking up people to the hazards of this path. Please spread this information as far and wide as possible. Awareness is the precursor to action. As to what action that should be, I open the floor. Part of me thinks that voting with my actions is a good approach.... translation leave. Problem is that this is a high cost option and I can't really see many alternatives for the better. This is a somewhat global trend.
Do we start refusing to renew drivers' licences? The penalties are heavy if caught driving without one. Suspension, court, fines and ultimately more serious. Is that where we hold the line? This is not something that we should roll over on but I'm not sure really what can be done to meaningfully protest without risking the ability to transport ourselves and hence livelihood.
Where do you see our efforts best directed? This is a question for you whether you reside in Australia or not. Although Australia seems to be one of the world leaders in the introduction of draconian, Orwellian legislation, the rest of the world wont be far behind.
I hope this post hasn't appeared to be overly negative or biased. I simply tell the tale of the emotion of my day in the context of a bigger and more disturbing trend. Please discuss and thank you for your readership!
It is really rampimg up quick and will be no turning back if people do not speak up, the laws are so vague that one would just have to voice a disagreement with governemnt to be labled a is very worrying and is happening all over the west..resteemed
... and gunned down pre-emptively, for being 'radicalised' and 'planning an attack', none of which can be proved or needs to be at trial, cause there's no trial, just a funeral.
Yep. "Pre-charge" detention... short trip from there to "pre-charge sentencing"!
It's okay though. The state would only ever use these sweeping new powers against criminals.
Since everything I've ever done and everything I'll ever do is strictly in accordance with all current and future legislation; I'm sure I'll be fine.
Yes. The classic "if you've done nothing wrong you've got nothing to worry about" argument. Fine until they change what "wrong" is and backdate it as you say!
Thanks greatly for the resteem @wakeupworldnews. It's so supportive to hear that others feel the same way and see the same consequences. It can feel like an echo chamber at times. Keep up the good fight!
If I have a chance I'll write a summary later today, but the lady talks about how Hitler took over there country and it wasn't with force or violence. The country actually welcomed Hitler with open arms. Hitler than slowly took away all there freedoms and they became defenseless to his tyrany.
I wish I could say it's a symbol of freedom over here in the states, but slowly we're falling prey of the government and slowly on a daily basis handing over our freedoms to the government.
The Nazi regime is a textbook example of how these things happen. I think one difference today is governments no longer need the support of the people. The masses are now asleep and self medicating on fast food and soap operas. It's like candy from a baby.
Couldn't agree more. They either don't care or are just too tired of all the non sense to care. Either way it's a win for the folks in politics.
Really good to see fellow Aussies who actually care! Most seem to prefer living life with their heads firmly planted in the sand. But I've come across a few really good posts from Aussies since I've been here on Steemit, refreshing to see. This is a really well written post and brings up some great points. I don't know that I have anything to add personally, the West is declining rapidly and seemingly uncontrollably but that doesn't mean we should go down without a fight (hopefully that doesn't get interpreted as radicalism haha). The vague wording of these recent laws really is frightening, it's like the "likely to offend" in 18C...Who decides that shit? Heavens knows if our courts are anything like those in the US they'll end up full of Marxist SJWs who can't drink milk without being offended...I don't know that I have any answers to this article but I do have a pretty picture I just made...So you can have that :)
Spot on! Freedom of speech is being taken away from us. Soon you won't be able to tell the truth about Islam and the violent killing instructs the Koran advocates. Our country is going to hell!
In a speech to the UN, former UK PM, David Cameron, equated scepticism about the official narrative of 9/11 with radical ISIS jihadis. The vague wording is intentional and the laws will be designed to snare anyone who commits a thoughtcrime.
It starts with these sorts of vaguely worded laws...Progresses on to laws like these .....Only God knows where it ends.
"likely to offend". Keep up the great work.What a wonderful reply, thank you @falsefreedom. Indeed you nailed it with
Thank you man! These are the conversations that need to be had.
Thank you! I do try. I appreciate your support.
You're fighting it just by posting here. Decentralisation, blockchain tech.
Be your own bank, transact and relate without permission.
The more draconian the state becomes, the more people will come looking for solutions.
Thanks @mattclarke! I hope it's all not just preaching to the choir however and some new minds get awoken.
David Icke calls it TipToeTotalitarianism , I totally agree with you about Orwell 1984 but i also see elements of Brave new world coming to fruition too. Its very scarey how accurately these two books portray the direction in which our governments are going, you'd almost think Orwell and Huxley had read the agenda.
David Icke is observant. That's a particularly relevant term. Thanks for your reply @geordiesilver!
I agree. We are definetly heading fast towards a dystopic blend of 1984 and Brave New World. I have recently reread both as textbooks for the coming age. Given Huxley and Orwell both had strong ties to the elite institutions "guiding" society, it's easy to see how they were able to so accurately predict the future of western society.
It seems funny now that when I studied these texts in school, it was through the prism of "this is Soviet/Russian society".
Your posts inspire me a lot. As a newbie I've many things to learn. Keep posting staffs like this
Always great to inspire others @max1994 thanks for letting me know. Welcome to the community and I look forward to seeing you around!
Great post. I know the angst you're feeling. This is happening in all of the Anglo-American empire. The reason is this: The government thinks of the citizens as their property, something they can manipulate at will. Read my post, Welcome to Freeworld Farms and you'll understand much better. All you can do is spread the word (which you are already doing) and stop cooperating.
totally agree and finding it interesting to read the word "angst" in your comment... another German word used in English... as for the governments thinking and treating citizens as their property I find it worthwhile to look into the difference of person and human... so much to be found out and so difficult to understand as it is so far away from everything we are taught in school... but this is what schooling is about - just like in a tree school - cut the branches out that are in "the way".... Cheers from the seven mountains in Germany
Hi @citizenzero thanks for your reply. The stop cooperating bit needs consideration as the consequences need to be understood fully. I'm all for it in principle but we need to be smart about how to do that in the least destructive way to ourselves and our lives. Easier said than done!
Not impossible though. One has to quit playing the game by their rules. Better to give lip service to cooperation and then work in the shadows to weaken the power structure. There's no way to fight them and win, that's for sure.
"It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. "
Samuel Adams
I'm starting to see myself as one of those irate tireless minorities. Will you join me?
Already there. Have been for a very long time.
Wake up, sheeple!
An interesting read. I'm curious to know what path you would like to see occur with our gun laws.
When I was younger I agreed with them, now I'm the opposite. An armed citizenry is a balancing force to keep stakeholders from obtaining too much power... one way or the other.
I agree because in Australia are losing our freedom bit by bit till they are gone for good.
It's horrible for the awake to observe and a difficult thing to integrate into life. Thanks @g0t4y!
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