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RE: AOC is self destructing

in #politics6 years ago

If you are responding positively with a post that is proven false, it makes you look silly.

You also said nothing of substance in your post, just conspiratorial vague nothings about feelings and emotions.

I'd love to debate on why you think dismantling concentration camps is a bad thing, or why healthcare for all people is a bad thing, or why saving the planet via green energy is a bad thing.

Feel free to tell me, it's not about convincing me, it's about expressing yourself coherently enough to have a chance.


Okay @cyberdemon531 ...

"If you are responding positively with a post that is proven false, it makes you look silly."

... I'll take another minute or two to make my point more clearly for you. I could hardly care any less about whether or not what is stated here in this post about AOC was staged or authentic.

In browsing through my feed this afternoon, I saw this post, read through it and deemed it worth a minute or two to make a much broader point about what I perceive to be the decline of our representative Republic.

"You also said nothing of substance in your post, just conspiratorial vague nothings about feelings and emotions."

Statements like this lack the civility and respect I would insist upon if we were to truly engage in any sort of "debate."

That said, I think your comment is well worded enough to provide you an upvote. The same as I do day in and day out for all those with whom I "engage" here on our Steem blockchain.

Have a good evening!

But you made no broader points? I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but when you lie or defend lies, it makes it hard to take you seriously.

You made literal substanceless statements.

I resigned my position over my perception of what was coming.

huh? What was coming? What came?

people willing to accept the stewardship responsibility for the work needed to maintain the freedoms of our Republic ...

huh? what does this mean? What work is needed and how aren't people doing it?

"We the people" are reduced to this. Both on the "left" and the "right" ...

"This", this what?

This is what I'm referring to.

Okay @cyberdemon531, before calling it a day, back to responding to your last message.

Historical Context:

  • Precincts represent the most basic component of the political “map” in our country.
  • I was a District Leader for 6 years in the late 1980s, early 1990s. Responsible for 45 precincts in Washington state.
  • I resigned my position upon the election of Bill Clinton in 1992. Far more than just his election, it was the election results that year all the way down to our local state representative, which led to my decision. Too many details of the corruption, etc. experienced during that year to go into now …
  • While I and a fellow District Leader, with whom I worked very closely, won a number of accolades for our efforts over those 6 years, there was endless frustration with the unwillingness of far too many people to do much of anything, except vote. If that …
  • Overall, my perception was the American people were “progressively” voting into power a ruling class; elitists who think they are superior to the people they were elected to represent. And once in power, there is a great deal of corruption and propaganda which goes into keeping them in power. Both on the “left,” as well as the “right.” The result? Our legacy of liberty was / is “progressively” being lost …

Meno’s Post Context:

  • AOC’s election to me represents an acceleration in the decline of the American electorate. His post provided me an opportunity to make that point.
  • Beyond the narrower point of what happened during her border visit was his reference to “trying to win the popularity contest,” which I cited in my response.

My Response:

  • Civic responsibility and even what it means (with all due respect, your response supports this …) has largely been lost. Think of precincts as neighborhoods and / or communities. There are critical roles and responsibilities associated with the “healthy” functioning of our political system at this level.
    The last time I was actively involved, the vacancy rate was +50%. Note I did not say the incompetence / “slackadaisical” rate was +50%. Far too often, there is no one volunteering to fill these roles any more …
  • Our representative republic is being lost with this failure to accept our civic responsibilities.
  • We are left with what is referenced in Meno’s post. An endless parade of sound bites / photo ops, etc. where little of any real substance is actually transferred to “we the people” to make well informed decisions, when we turn out to vote. If we turn out at all …

That’s enough out of me. Hopefully this provides you with what you perceived to be the “missing pieces” in my original response to this post.

I 100% agree with you about local level politics, I am an activist and working on expanding my reaches in my own areas.

The thing about where you're wrong is that you seem to not be familiar with AOC, or any of her freshmen colleagues. They talk policy SUBSTANCE all day long on twitter, facebook, the hill, instagram, and elsewhere, bringing those great and progressive ideas to an entire new generation of new voters. The phasing out of The Third Way politics of wall street and big business is over.

Look at Bernie Sanders' "Anti-Endorsement" list, as an example

Going AFTER big business, going AFTER wall street, going AFTER the people that you hint at to be the culprits in a crumbling democracy.

Things are changing, stop being so cynical. Headlines aren't everything. Go deeper.

Providing you the courtesy of a quick response @cyberdemon531, my wife has just arrived home unexpectedly with our grandchildren.

I am not sure when I will have a follow-up reply, as "real life" always takes priority for me. Hopefully, you'll understand ...

Fair enough. Take your time.