There were many attempts by MSM to claim that Tea Party was violent. But they could never find any proof. TEA party was motivated to try to reduce taxes and starve government. Violence was never part of the TEA PARTY mantra or make up. Tea Party was soccer moms and blue collar folks who were tired of getting screwed over by high taxes.
The radical violent right has nothing to do with Tea Party. KKK, Nazis, and similar violent alt right groups were around long before TEA Party.
If you really believe that the Tea Party was what radicalized the far right, you don't have an understanding of history before the Tea Party, and you dont understand the Tea Party.
No way to have a useful conversation when you don't have same understanding of the facts.
I will continue to blame the growth of antifa and BLM violence on the left, if the left doesn't step up and speak out against that violence.
Dave, dave, dave. You are missing the point. The Tea Party never started violent. They never wanted to be violent. They simply became paranoid. After they got paranoid, fringe right joined the Tea Party as a petty attempt to punch the Overton Window towards the right which is why AntiFa grew in US to counter it.
Stop blaming MSM and stop getting your info from unverifiable (by years of constitutional law) sources. Internet media, like the internet itself, is in far too much of an infancy to even remotely be warrantable to be the "high ground" and if you really wanted to stick it to MSM, you would be trying to reform it through demanding higher standards.
You know, like not havign a monopoly controlled by the Sinclair group?
Squirrel - look over there. Let's talk about monopolies. Your attention span is not real long.
Let's try to focus. On monopolies. They are bad. One legitimate role of government is to shut down or break up monopolies whereever they can.
We agree !!! YEAH !!!
Now let's see if you can focus for three questions:
Simple questions. Should be easy to answer