Ever since the dynamic duo of Rush and Newt, the rightwing has sucessfully changed the narrative. From that moment, anything not hardright became "liberal" and any organization aside from Rush's own radio filth and Fox News became "the liberal media". And it worked! By repeating the lie loudly and often enough, they very successfully made it truth.
In recent years, it seems like they are trying the same reframing with the very idea of freedom itself. Instead of the freedom to do what you want, it has become the freedom to do as you are told. Doing what you want is no longer viewed as a good thing. They may still put the veneer of JESUS over it and say these things are sinful so that is why you no longer have the freedom to do them, but lately that is disappearing as Trump becomes their savior.
(To digress a moment: I read a piece a few weeks ago where a preacher in the south knew we were in trouble when people at his church kept telling him to stop "preaching liberal shit". When he protested and said he was only repeating the words of Jesus, the reply was almost inevitably "That worked then, but it doesn't work now. It's too weak.")
The far right would crucify Jesus these days. It's deeply sad