Can't quantify how many times I've heard friends and online talking heads that it's "the left" the ones who hate freedom of speech. I've always pushed back, asking for clarification, nuance. Inviting the idea that the rot encompasses the whole boat, but got always swatted down like a pesky fly.
Well, I wonder what my friends will think now. Here's a list of the words nobody can use. Yes, they are banning words, no context necessary.
The party of freedoms forgot to be more specific with their slogans. Yes, they used the word freedom, but we got it wrong:
It was freedom from choice, not freedom of choice.
We don't have to worry about making decisions, thus we are free. The decisions are already made for us, thus we are free. We can't use any words we want, there's a list, thus we are free. We can't protest or risk being deported, thus we are free.
It makes sense if you don't think about it.
Learn more and more about our new freedoms, and bask in our new found unity.
Ever since the dynamic duo of Rush and Newt, the rightwing has sucessfully changed the narrative. From that moment, anything not hardright became "liberal" and any organization aside from Rush's own radio filth and Fox News became "the liberal media". And it worked! By repeating the lie loudly and often enough, they very successfully made it truth.
In recent years, it seems like they are trying the same reframing with the very idea of freedom itself. Instead of the freedom to do what you want, it has become the freedom to do as you are told. Doing what you want is no longer viewed as a good thing. They may still put the veneer of JESUS over it and say these things are sinful so that is why you no longer have the freedom to do them, but lately that is disappearing as Trump becomes their savior.
(To digress a moment: I read a piece a few weeks ago where a preacher in the south knew we were in trouble when people at his church kept telling him to stop "preaching liberal shit". When he protested and said he was only repeating the words of Jesus, the reply was almost inevitably "That worked then, but it doesn't work now. It's too weak.")
The far right would crucify Jesus these days. It's deeply sad
Their targeting of trans people is ominous. The racism and sexism are pretty blatant. Okay, so I'm a straight white male (atheist not Christian), but I can care about the rights of others.
I saw someone on mastodon say someone they knew was finding that a lot of D&D communities had some nasty people. They suggested they try some that advertised as LGBT friendly and that worked out even though they were straight. Tolerance is good.
This may be able keeping the 'Christians' on side.
The climate stuff is about satisfying the fossil fuel lobby, but some must feel confused about Ms Musk building EVs.
Fuck 'em I say!
There's a rabbit hole here too... look up the numbers. Do EVs truly help the carbon emissions.
That's debatable. We actually need less cars generally, but burning oil is not great and with more energy coming from renewables the emissions go down. The US relationship with cars is unhealthy. I saw all the huge pickup trucks over there.
Our EV is partly powered by the sun :)
We're only seven weeks into this regime and I expect there is worse to come. Let's see if they really go after their 'enemies'.
UPDATE: I saw a post you shared about EVs and I disagree with a lot of it, but not sure I can be bothered to debate it. Some fights are not worth the effort and some will post just to provoke a response. I don't have to be 'triggered' every time.
I reblogged it not because I know everything on there to be fact, but because some of the points there have been proven to be true.
The exploitation of the rare minerals of mines, for example, has been well documented. It's slavery in modern times.
Also, the US does rely heavily on coal for energy, which defeats the purpose.
Listen, I'm not saying EV is not the way to go, it seems obvious we need to stop relying on non renewables. But, as things are now, the process of creating the car, the usability of the car (planned obsolescence) and the continuing attacks of the government towards greener solutions, suggests they are not interested in fixing a damn thing.
The UK stopped generating electricity with coal last year. Commercial interests will keep the old ways going in many cases, but governments can make them less viable.
Coal mining is wrecking landscapes.
Solar is massively increasing around the world as it gets cheaper. Charging car batteries is a great use of it, but brings challenges. Put panels over parking spaces to keep the cars cooler and charged up whilst people are at work. Even better is to have a good (electric) bus service to get them there. It doesn't all have to be either/or. We need a mix of options.
BTW I travel to work by electric train. I've hardly ever driven to this job over 8 years.
when slaves call themselves libertarians it gets confusing for ppl
This is next level irony Meno. The so called "free speech" crowd banning words 👀👀 they tell you censorship is actually freedom and want you to stop questioning it. Guess Orwell was an optimist lol
Think about it bro. You are free to not think. It's the best
hahahaha it truly is the best 😂