This weekend, a town hall meeting took place in Goshen, Indiana, and a number of people came forward to express their support for a change in the freedom to access cannabis.
At the moment, there are a number of legislative initiatives under way that are seeking to establish some changes in the state, and this meeting offered the public a chance to air their concerns over the matter. To get engaged in the growing debate of whether or not the state should embrace legalization.
Just last week, it's said that the Attorney General in the state issued an editorial where he pressed for the need to retain the restrictions surrounding cannabis. But despite the unsurprising concerns, the public still came forward to express their support for seeing a new level of freedom surrounding this plant.

Speakers described how hard it was for them to watch someone they love suffer, without being able to help them, thinking that cannabis could possible provide a solution for them.
Let The People Decide For Themselves
Many people are interested in trying cannabis for one reason or another, with varying symptoms, illnesses, and concerns. But will they be afforded the freedom to consume what they want to put into their body anytime soon? Governments spend billions of dollars policing this plant in an effort to protect people from themselves. Meanwhile, there are many benefits that could be derived from this plant and it's past time for the many who've grown up indoctrinated with anti-cannabis propaganda, to come to terms with the potential that cannabis might be able to provide.
It wasn't that long ago that the first bill was passed in the state of Indiana that was in favor of medical cannabis, but it only allowed for access under very strict settings; only for certain types of epilepsy and only for cannabis-derived oil.
There are many who are currently suffering in Indiana who might be able to find some remedy from cannabis, it might be able to help them to improve their standard of living and bring them more enjoyment and peace in their life. And it is a violation to their natural rights to prevent access of cannabis to people who want to consume it or who could benefit from it.
and let's not forget the fun fact that a single death has never been attributed to a cannabis overdose.

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All material on this post is provided for information purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction, diagnosis, or treatment. If an individual has a medical concern, no action or inaction should be taken based on the information provided in this post. He or she should always consult with their own appropriately-licensed physician or other health care specialist.
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very true, people should have the right to decide what's good for them. thanks for sharing!
maybe they are free to do in some countries.
but in my country it's forbidden.
How long will it take for the US to legalize it in every state? It's always a long fight to establish something and advantagous for the people, but disadvantageous for governments and corporations.
maybe they are free to do in some countries.
but in my country it's forbidden.
I'm confused why they're doing this. Is it because of the possible decrease in revenue of hospitals or something from the past influenced by whoever was famous (such as in the case of Vitamin C capable of curing colds).
Restriction retained is access denied.
Exactly! I agree with you totally. If everything is made available free and
easily for the benefit of people's health and happiness , then who will become the boss of the world people to enjoy the status of superiority in this world??? So it's people's duty and responsibility to pull down those greedy people who cares more for money instead of real and actual betterment of people.
I live in Indiana. There are several reasons, not mutually exclusive, that it's being blocked.
Take your pick or mix & match.
maybe they are free to do in some countries.
but in my country it's forbidden.
Should be legalised everywhere especially if its for medicinal purposes
maybe they are free to do in some countries.
but in my country it's forbidden.
It is in mine too
I think it's forbidden in most of the countries
I think your right :)
thank you
where are you from?
UK You?
Always a good fight for what should be our birthright... freedom to ingest/smoke whatever the hell I wish.
@doitvoluntarily, Very interesting and informative post. Gotta read back again to grasp it more. Leaving this comment for easy reference.
That's a nice looking bud. How many people are rotting in jail for being caught with cannabis, just trying to relieve the pain of a loved one. Terrible
Puff puff pass ... motions to decriminalize it and I will advertise it.
free the weed!
For sure overdose of cannabis can't lead to death.
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
I suffer from a few issues where cannabis helps me., Its sad states block people from accessing a plant,. I wish you luck, and hope the state wises up. Keep showing support, and it will happen, when the goverment sees how much us people on the west coast are making from taxes ALONE! Good luck my friend!
not really in favor of them taking a piece of a voluntary tran$action and then funneling that money toward illegal wars and corrupt debt lol but yeah :)
Damn, you got a point bro!
click here!This post received a 36% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @doitvoluntarily! For more information,
Sad to see elected reps with comments like these - Attorney General Curtis Hill wrote medical marijuana is "just a timid way of tiptoeing into waters that conscientious lawmakers know in their hearts should be avoided."
They know it in their pocketbooks not in their hearts.
Sad to see people's freedom restricted because of the belief that a ruling class,= Curtis Hill & others etc, know what is best for us in our lives.
They don't.
Please read my article about investment opportunities in the marijuana business and maybe we can share thoughts about weed,
There are the usual players involved such as the alcohol industry & the pharmaceutical industry. Just imagine if people could access high quality cannabis 24/7 for pain issues or any other medical issue it helps.
And who wouldn't want to just smoke a bowl & watch a movie rather than going out & spending tons of money on alcohol, get a DUI, & ruin your life?!
maybe they are free to do in some countries.
but in my country it's forbidden.
click on.
Hi! Have you heard about @krwhale? It is similiar with @randowhale. For your information please